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Family | Name | No | Record date | Recorder(s) | Coll. | Det. | Conf. | Herbaria | Habitat | Location | Loc code(s) | Outing code | Planted code | Country | QDS | Grid ref. | FZ Div | Alt. (m) | Notes | Lat | Long | Loc Acc Code |
Malvaceae subfamily Malvoideae | Abutilon angulatum var. angulatum | 20069 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Woodland at base of rocky hill | Maleme Dam camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH566281 | W | 1260 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Fabaceae subfamily Mimosoideae | Acacia karroo | 76937 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In open rocky mixed deciduous woodland. | Near "Mother-and-Child"balancing rocks, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1225 | -20.563300 | 28.432700 | 7 | ||||||
Euphorbiaceae | Acalypha petiolaris | 20040 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Roadside woodland | Maleme Dam, nr main rd | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572273 | W | 1300 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Passifloraceae | Adenia digitata | 20073 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Woodland at base of rocky hill | Maleme Dam camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH566281 | W | 1260 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Adiantaceae | Adiantum incisum | 41626 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten P Ballings 1306 | P Ballings | BR | Among rocks, dappled shade in rocky woodland | Maleme dam, Matobo N.P. | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH566281 | W | 1260 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 6 | |||
Lamiaceae | Aeollanthus neglectus | 53080 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In sheltered shallow soil depression in rock | Maleme Camp, Matobo National Park. | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028d1 | PH570272 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 6 | |||||
Amaranthaceae | Aerva leucura | 20052 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Weedy grassland in camp site | Maleme Dam camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH565281 | W | 1260 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Rubiaceae | Agathisanthemum bojeri | 76959 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In mixed woodland | Along Impala Loop, Whove Gamp Park, Matobo National Park | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1244 | -20.571010 | 28.439710 | 7 | ||||||
Rubiaceae | Agathisanthemum bojeri | 76987 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Open grassland on gravelly soils. | Along road near turn-off to Rhodes's Grave, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1383 | -20.503450 | 28.520440 | 7 | ||||||
Loranthaceae | Agelanthus pungu | 62309 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In Dichrostachys at margin of rocky woodland | Mshelele Dam | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1200 | Growing on Dichrostachys cinerea | -20.587105 | 28.609701 | 7 | |||||
Fabaceae subfamily Mimosoideae | Albizia versicolor | 20038 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Roadside woodland | Maleme Dam, nr main rd | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572273 | W | 1300 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Sapindaceae | Allophylus africanus | 62304 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Margin of rocky woodland | Mshelele Dam | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1200 | -20.587105 | 28.609701 | 7 | ||||||
Asphodelaceae | Aloe excelsa var. excelsa | 19967 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571271 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Asteraceae | Ambrosia maritima | 20074 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Weedy grassland in camp site | Maleme Dam camp site, Matobo National Park | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH565281 | W | 1260 | New record for the W Division | -20.542480 | 28.500840 | 6 | |||||
Metteniusaceae | Apodytes dimidiata var. dimidiata | 20091 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Dense woodland, almost forest, by steep road down to dam | Maleme Dam, by road to camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH569276 | W | 1270 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Poaceae | Aristida adscensionis | 53754 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten P Ballings PB1296 | MSM Sosef | BR | Full sun, among rocks & short grass in disturbed rocky woodland | Maleme Dam Rest Camp, Matobo National Park | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1310 | -20.549980 | 28.506740 | 7 | ||||
Poaceae | Aristida congesta | 53753 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten P Ballings PB1304 | MA Hyde | MSM Sosef | BR | Open rocky grass area, full sun among grass & weeds, vlei area in disturbed rocky woodland | Maleme Rest Camp, Matobo National Park. | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1300 | -20.550550 | 28.507630 | 7 | |||
Aristolochiaceae | Aristolochia albida | 76946 | 12 Feb 2017 | B Orford | B Orford | BT Wursten | Rocky woodland. | Along Maleme River,downstream from Maleme Dam,Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1185 | A new record for the western division. | -20.607361 | 28.525523 | 7 | ||||
Aristolochiaceae | Aristolochia littoralis | 26134 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam near entrance | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571271 | W | 1310 | Leaves cordate, alternate with stipules at the base. | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | |||||
Aspleniaceae | Asplenium cordatum | 35378 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten P Ballings 1307 | P Ballings | BR | Rocky woodland, bottom of rock, shade, sandy soil | Maleme dam, Matobo N.P. | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH566281 | W | 1260 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 6 | |||
Acanthaceae | Barleria affinis subsp. affinis | 24663 | 23 Aug 2005 | BT Wursten | I Darbyshire | Rocky deciduous woodland | Along Arboretum walk, Maleme area, Matobo National Park | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1305 | -20.539558 | 28.497796 | 6 | ||||||
Acanthaceae | Barleria albostellata | 20094 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Dense woodland, almost forest, by steep road down to dam | Maleme Dam, by road to camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH570275 | W | 1280 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Acanthaceae | Barleria albostellata | 57329 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In mixed woodland | Along Impala Loop, Whove Gamp Park, Matobo National Park | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1244 | -20.571010 | 28.439710 | 7 | ||||||
Acanthaceae | Barleria macrostegia | 66329 | 2 Apr 2014 | R Burrett | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Open sandy soils in open woodland. | Rowallan Park, Matopos | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028B3 | W | 1365 | -20.425800 | 28.523500 | 6 | ||||||
Asteraceae | Berkheya radula | 20054 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Weedy grassland in camp site | Maleme Dam camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH565281 | W | 1260 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Asteraceae | Berkheya radula | 20080 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Grassland | Maleme Dam, near camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH568276 | W | 1260 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Asteraceae | Bidens bipinnata | 20092 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Dense woodland, almost forest, by steep road down to dam | Maleme Dam, by road to camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH569276 | W | 1270 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Asteraceae | Bidens bipinnata | 76955 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In rocky deciduous woodland. | Near "Mother-and-Child" balancing rocks, Impala loop, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1240 | -20.565620 | 28.431910 | 7 | ||||||
Asteraceae | Bidens biternata | 19980 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571271 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Asteraceae | Bidens pilosa | 20070 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Woodland at base of rocky hill | Maleme Dam camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH566281 | W | 1260 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Bolusanthus speciosus | 19960 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH570271 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Poaceae | Brachiaria xantholeuca | 53759 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten P Ballings PB1303 | MSM Sosef | BR | Open rocky grass area, full sun among grass & weeds, vlei area in disturbed rocky woodland | Maleme Dam Rest Camp, Matobo National Park | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1300 | -20.550550 | 28.507630 | 7 | ||||
Asteraceae | Brachylaena discolor var. rotundata | 76910 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Rocky deciduous woodland | Entrance parking White Rhino Cave, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028B3 | W | 1349 | -20.475860 | 28.523830 | 7 | ||||||
Asteraceae | Brachylaena discolor var. rotundata | 76936 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In open rocky mixed deciduous woodland. | Near "Mother-and-Child"balancing rocks, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1225 | -20.563300 | 28.432700 | 7 | ||||||
Phyllanthaceae | Bridelia mollis | 19947 | 22 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571272 | W | 1320 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Phyllanthaceae | Bridelia mollis | 20048 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam nr entrance | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572271 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Phyllanthaceae | Bridelia mollis | 21692 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland. | Maleme Dam nr entrance. | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572271 | W | 1310 | -20.551450 | 28.507640 | 6 | ||||||
Phyllanthaceae | Bridelia mollis | 76903 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Rocky deciduous woodland | Entrance parking White Rhino Cave, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028B3 | W | 1349 | -20.475860 | 28.523830 | 7 | ||||||
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Burkea africana | 20039 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Roadside woodland | Maleme Dam, nr main rd | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572273 | W | 1300 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Myrtaceae | Callistemon viminalis | 76981 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In riverine vegetation | Along Maleme River by bridge in northern Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028A4 | W | 1308 | Abundantly invading riverbanks. | -20.420510 | 28.486630 | 7 | |||||
Rutaceae | Calodendrum capense | 19983 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571271 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Rutaceae | Calodendrum capense | 20064 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Woodland at base of rocky hill | Maleme Dam camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH566281 | W | 1260 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Rutaceae | Calodendrum capense | 20088 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Dense woodland, almost forest, by steep road down to dam | Maleme Dam, by road to camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH568276 | W | 1260 | In flower | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | |||||
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Cassia abbreviata | 19946 | 22 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571272 | W | 1320 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Cassia abbreviata | 62307 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Margin of rocky woodland | Mshelele Dam | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1200 | -20.587105 | 28.609701 | 7 | ||||||
Cannabaceae | Celtis africana | 20079 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Woodland | Maleme Dam, near camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH568276 | W | 1260 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Chamaecrista absus | 20043 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Roadside woodland | Maleme Dam, nr main rd | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572273 | W | 1300 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Chamaecrista absus | 76962 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In mixed woodland | Along Impala Loop, Whove Gamp Park, Matobo National Park | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1244 | -20.571010 | 28.439710 | 7 | ||||||
Sinopteridaceae | Cheilanthes hirta | 19975 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten P Ballings | P Ballings | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571271 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | |||||
Sinopteridaceae | Cheilanthes viridis var. glauca | 76951 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In rocky deciduous woodland. | Near "Mother-and-Child" balancing rocks, Impala loop, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1240 | -20.565620 | 28.431910 | 7 | ||||||
Poaceae | Chloris pycnothrix | 19943 | 22 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Disturbed ground amongst chalets | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571272 | W | 1320 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Poaceae | Chloris virgata | 20020 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | On roadside | Maleme Dam area | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572272 | W | 1300 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Vitaceae | Cissus cornifolia | 62313 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Margin of rocky woodland | Mshelele Dam | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1200 | -20.587105 | 28.609701 | 7 | ||||||
Capparaceae | Cleome hirta | 76945 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In open rocky mixed deciduous woodland. | Near "Mother-and-Child"balancing rocks, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1225 | -20.563300 | 28.432700 | 7 | ||||||
Capparaceae | Cleome monophylla | 20008 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | In a (weedy) vlei outside main entrance to Maleme | Maleme Dam area | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572272 | W | 1300 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Capparaceae | Cleome oxyphylla var. oxyphylla | 22373 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Open grassy area near woodland edge | Maleme Dam, near camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH568275 | W | 1250 | Shrub; pinkish flowers; sessile leaves in 3s; long-stalked leaves in 5s; strongly foetid; up to c.1 m. | -20.547870 | 28.503770 | 6 | |||||
Lamiaceae | Clerodendrum ternatum | 76913 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Rocky deciduous woodland | Entrance parking White Rhino Cave, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028B3 | W | 1349 | -20.475860 | 28.523830 | 7 | ||||||
Lamiaceae | Clerodendrum ternatum | 76918 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In deciduous woodland. | Along main drive between "Mother and Child" and Chitampa Dam, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1220 | -20.561020 | 28.431680 | 7 | ||||||
Cucurbitaceae | Coccinia adoensis | 40570 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | BT Wursten | Roadside in woodland | Near main road, Maleme Dam, Matobo National Park. | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572273 | W | 1290 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 6 | |||||
Cucurbitaceae | Coccinia adoensis | 76911 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Rocky deciduous woodland | Entrance parking White Rhino Cave, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028B3 | W | 1349 | -20.475860 | 28.523830 | 7 | ||||||
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Colophospermum mopane | 76919 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In deciduous woodland. | Along main drive between "Mother and Child" and Chitampa Dam, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1220 | -20.561020 | 28.431680 | 7 | ||||||
Combretaceae | Combretum apiculatum subsp. apiculatum | 76899 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Rocky deciduous woodland | Entrance parking White Rhino Cave, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028B3 | W | 1349 | In fruit | -20.475860 | 28.523830 | 7 | |||||
Combretaceae | Combretum apiculatum subsp. apiculatum | 76949 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In rocky deciduous woodland. | Near "Mother-and-Child" balancing rocks, Impala loop, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1240 | -20.565620 | 28.431910 | 7 | ||||||
Combretaceae | Combretum erythrophyllum | 20081 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Riverine forest nearer to Dam wall | Maleme Dam, near camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH568276 | W | 1260 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Combretaceae | Combretum hereroense subsp. hereroense | 62322 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In gravelly soil in mixed woodland | Mshelele Dam | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1198 | -20.579220 | 28.597220 | 7 | ||||||
Combretaceae | Combretum molle | 19969 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571271 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Combretaceae | Combretum molle | 76948 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In rocky deciduous woodland. | Near "Mother-and-Child" balancing rocks, Impala loop, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1240 | -20.565620 | 28.431910 | 7 | ||||||
Burseraceae | Commiphora marlothii | 7724 | 23 Aug 2005 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Rocky kopje | Maleme, Matobo National Park | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1320 | -20.537960 | 28.494260 | 6 | ||||||
Burseraceae | Commiphora marlothii | 19926 | 22 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Rest Camp, Matobo National Park | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571272 | W | 1320 | -20.550560 | 28.506670 | 6 | ||||||
Burseraceae | Commiphora marlothii | 20093 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Dense woodland, almost forest, by steep road down to dam | Maleme Dam, by road to camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH569276 | W | 1270 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Burseraceae | Commiphora mollis | 19931 | 22 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten P Ballings | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Rest Camp, Matobo National Park | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571272 | W | 1320 | -20.550560 | 28.506670 | 6 | ||||||
Burseraceae | Commiphora mollis | 19963 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH570271 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Burseraceae | Commiphora mollis | 76904 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Rocky deciduous woodland | Entrance parking White Rhino Cave, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028B3 | W | 1349 | -20.475860 | 28.523830 | 7 | ||||||
Malvaceae subfamily Grewioideae | Corchorus asplenifolius | 76932 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In deciduous woodland. | Along main drive between "Mother and Child" and Chitampa Dam, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1220 | -20.561020 | 28.431680 | 7 | ||||||
Malvaceae subfamily Grewioideae | Corchorus kirkii | 76907 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Rocky deciduous woodland | Entrance parking White Rhino Cave, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028B3 | W | 1349 | -20.475860 | 28.523830 | 7 | ||||||
Boraginaceae | Cordia grandicalyx | 67617 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Rocky deciduous woodland | Entrance parking White Rhino Cave, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028B3 | W | 1349 | In fruit | -20.475860 | 28.523830 | 7 | |||||
Rubiaceae | Cordylostigma virgatum | 118824 | 4 Jan 2015 | BT Wursten P Ballings C Stockil L Barrie T Mutombeni DL Muzengi B Madden C Reimer | BT Wursten P Ballings PB2398 | BT Wursten | BR | Wooded grassland and mopane scrub. | Road Northwest of Tembwahata, Gonarezhou National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2132A4 | S | 191 | iNaturalist record | -21.289390 | 32.327730 | 7 | |||
Linderniaceae | Craterostigma plantagineum | 20000 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572271 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Euphorbiaceae | Croton gratissimus var. gratissimus | 19989 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH570272 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Commelinaceae | Cyanotis lanata | 20005 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572271 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Poaceae | Cynodon dactylon | 53756 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten P Ballings PB1299 | MSM Sosef | BR | Full sun among short grass in disturbed rocky woodland | Maleme Dam Rest Camp, Matobo National Park | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1310 | -20.549980 | 28.506740 | 7 | ||||
Solanaceae | Datura ferox | 19938 | 22 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571272 | W | 1320 | Flowers white; fruits present | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | |||||
Solanaceae | Datura ferox | 20053 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Weedy grassland in camp site | Maleme Dam camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH565281 | W | 1260 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Solanaceae | Datura stramonium | 19976 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571271 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Pedaliaceae | Dicerocaryum senecioides | 20030 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | In woodland | Maleme Dam, nr main rd | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572273 | W | 1290 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Pedaliaceae | Dicerocaryum senecioides | 76982 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Open grassland on gravelly soils. | Along road near turn-off to Rhodes's Grave, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1383 | iNaturalist record | -20.503450 | 28.520440 | 7 | |||||
Convolvulaceae | Dichondra micrantha | 20049 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Weedy grassland in camp site | Maleme Dam camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH565281 | W | 1260 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Fabaceae subfamily Mimosoideae | Dichrostachys cinerea | 62308 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Margin of rocky woodland | Mshelele Dam | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1200 | -20.587105 | 28.609701 | 7 | ||||||
Sinopteridaceae | Doryopteris concolor | 19973 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten P Ballings PB1292 | P Ballings | BR | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland, in shade | Maleme Dam camp, around chalet 17 | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571271 | W | 1310 | -20.549980 | 28.506740 | 7 | |||
Salicaceae | Dovyalis zeyheri | 20089 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Dense woodland, almost forest, by steep road down to dam | Maleme Dam, by road to camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH568276 | W | 1260 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Asteraceae | Eclipta prostrata | 62300 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In moist areas close to receding waterlevel of the dam | Mshelele Dam | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1200 | -20.587105 | 28.609701 | 7 | ||||||
Celastraceae | Elaeodendron matabelicum | 117329 | 14 Sep 2022 | R Burrett | R Burrett | MA Hyde | Rowallan Park, Matobo National Park | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028B3 | W | 1360 | -20.426389 | 28.523611 | 7 | ||||||
Meliaceae | Entandrophragma caudatum | 19920 | 22 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571272 | W | 1320 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Poaceae | Enteropogon macrostachyus | 19925 | 22 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571272 | W | 1320 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Poaceae | Enteropogon macrostachyus | 53755 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten P Ballings PB1298 | MA Hyde | MSM Sosef | BR | Full sun among short grass in disturbed rocky woodland | Maleme Dam Rest Camp, Matobo National Park | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1310 | -20.549980 | 28.506740 | 7 | |||
Poaceae | Eragrostis aethiopica | 53758 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten P Ballings PB1302 | MSM Sosef | BR | Open rocky grass area, full sun among grass & weeds, vlei area in disturbed rocky woodland | Maleme Dam Rest Camp, Matobo National Park | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1300 | -20.550550 | 28.507630 | 7 | ||||
Poaceae | Eragrostis superba | 20036 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Sandy soils on roadside verge | Maleme Dam, nr main rd | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572273 | W | 1300 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Poaceae | Eragrostis viscosa | 53757 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten P Ballings PB1300 | MSM Sosef | BR | Full sun among short grass in disturbed rocky woodland | Maleme Dam Rest Camp, Matobo National Park | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1310 | -20.549980 | 28.506740 | 7 | ||||
Asteraceae | Erigeron bonariensis | 20012 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | In a (weedy) vlei outside main entrance to Maleme | Maleme Dam area | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572272 | W | 1300 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Eriosema psoraleoides | 76984 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Open grassland on gravelly soils. | Along road near turn-off to Rhodes's Grave, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1383 | -20.503450 | 28.520440 | 7 | ||||||
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Erythrina latissima | 20101 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571271 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Euphorbiaceae | Erythrococca trichogyne var. trichogyne | 20026 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | In woodland | Maleme Dam, nr main rd | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572273 | W | 1290 | With orange fruits | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | |||||
Ebenaceae | Euclea natalensis subsp. acutifolia | 19961 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH570271 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Ebenaceae | Euclea undulata | 113340 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten P Ballings PB2144 | BT Wursten | BR | Rocky deciduous woodland | Whove Game park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1220 | Leaves very small and undulate. | -20.561020 | 28.431680 | 6 | |||
Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbia cooperi var. cooperi | 19955 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH569272 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbia heterophylla | 76896 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In seasonally wet depression in rocky woodland | Along path to White Rhino Cave, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028B3 | W | 1352 | -20.475890 | 28.524170 | 7 | ||||||
Convolvulaceae | Evolvulus alsinoides var. alsinoides | 20024 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | In woodland | Maleme Dam, nr main rd | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572273 | W | 1290 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Asteraceae | Felicia muricata subsp. muricata | 20044 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Roadside verge | Maleme Dam, nr main rd | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH573273 | W | 1300 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Asteraceae | Felicia muricata subsp. muricata | 76920 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In deciduous woodland. | Along main drive between "Mother and Child" and Chitampa Dam, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1220 | -20.561020 | 28.431680 | 7 | ||||||
Moraceae | Ficus abutilifolia | 19968 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571271 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Moraceae | Ficus abutilifolia | 62314 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In crevice on large granite rock | Mshelele Dam | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1200 | Small specimen as a rock splitter | -20.587105 | 28.609701 | 7 | |||||
Moraceae | Ficus glumosa | 19953 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH569272 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Moraceae | Ficus sur | 20046 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam nr entrance | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572271 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Moraceae | Ficus sur | 113334 | 29 Jan 2006 | R Burrett | R Burrett | Along path to Nanke Cave, Matopos. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1321 | Ripe fruit | -20.543070 | 28.624950 | 7 | ||||||
Moraceae | Ficus tettensis | 19991 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH570272 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Phyllanthaceae | Flueggea virosa subsp. virosa | 19924 | 22 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571272 | W | 1320 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Phyllanthaceae | Flueggea virosa subsp. virosa | 62306 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Margin of rocky woodland | Mshelele Dam | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1200 | -20.587105 | 28.609701 | 7 | ||||||
Phyllanthaceae | Flueggea virosa subsp. virosa | 76897 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Rocky deciduous woodland | Entrance parking White Rhino Cave, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028B3 | W | 1349 | -20.475860 | 28.523830 | 7 | ||||||
Phyllanthaceae | Flueggea virosa subsp. virosa | 76941 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In open rocky mixed deciduous woodland. | Near "Mother-and-Child"balancing rocks, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1225 | -20.563300 | 28.432700 | 7 | ||||||
Phyllanthaceae | Flueggea virosa subsp. virosa | 76960 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In mixed woodland | Along Impala Loop, Whove Gamp Park, Matobo National Park | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1244 | -20.571010 | 28.439710 | 7 | ||||||
Asteraceae | Galinsoga parviflora | 20057 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Woodland at base of rocky hill | Maleme Dam camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH566281 | W | 1260 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Urticaceae | Girardinia diversifolia | 19993 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH570272 | W | 1310 | Leaves highly heterophyllous; upper leaves 3-lobed; lower simple. | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | |||||
Urticaceae | Girardinia diversifolia | 22384 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp. | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH570272 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Amaranthaceae | Gomphrena celosioides | 76958 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Along roadside in mixed woodland | Along Impala Loop, Whove Gamp Park, Matobo National Park | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1244 | -20.571010 | 28.439710 | 7 | ||||||
Malvaceae subfamily Grewioideae | Grewia flavescens var. flavescens | 20045 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam nr entrance | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572271 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Malvaceae subfamily Grewioideae | Grewia flavescens var. flavescens | 76901 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Rocky deciduous woodland | Entrance parking White Rhino Cave, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028B3 | W | 1349 | -20.475860 | 28.523830 | 7 | ||||||
Malvaceae subfamily Grewioideae | Grewia flavescens var. flavescens | 76942 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In open rocky mixed deciduous woodland. | Near "Mother-and-Child"balancing rocks, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1225 | -20.563300 | 28.432700 | 7 | ||||||
Malvaceae subfamily Grewioideae | Grewia monticola | 19949 | 22 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571272 | W | 1320 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Malvaceae subfamily Grewioideae | Grewia monticola | 76940 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In open rocky mixed deciduous woodland. | Near "Mother-and-Child"balancing rocks, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1225 | -20.563300 | 28.432700 | 7 | ||||||
Amaranthaceae | Guilleminea densa | 19945 | 22 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Disturbed ground amongst chalets | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571272 | W | 1320 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Amaranthaceae | Guilleminea densa | 62294 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Remnant tree in open camping area | Picnic site Mshelele Dam | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1202 | -20.584770 | 28.601230 | 7 | ||||||
Celastraceae | Gymnosporia matoboensis | 19962 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1310 | 6 | |||||||||
Celastraceae | Gymnosporia matoboensis | 76964 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In mixed woodland | Along Impala Loop, Whove Gamp Park, Matobo National Park | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1244 | 7 | ||||||||
Asteraceae | Helichrysum nudifolium var. nudifolium | 76986 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Open grassland on gravelly soils. | Along road near turn-off to Rhodes's Grave, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1383 | -20.503450 | 28.520440 | 7 | ||||||
Rhamnaceae | Helinus integrifolius | 20029 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | In woodland | Maleme Dam, nr main rd | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572273 | W | 1290 | Tendrils hairy; leaves glabrous | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | |||||
Rhamnaceae | Helinus integrifolius | 20067 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Woodland at base of rocky hill | Maleme Dam camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH566281 | W | 1260 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Rhamnaceae | Helinus integrifolius | 62311 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Margin of rocky woodland | Mshelele Dam | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1200 | -20.587105 | 28.609701 | 7 | ||||||
Poaceae | Heteropogon contortus | 20031 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten P Ballings PB1301 | MA Hyde P Ballings | MSM Sosef | BR | In woodland | Maleme Dam, nr main rd, Matobo National Park | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572272 | W | 1290 | -20.550550 | 28.507630 | 7 | ||
Heteropyxidaceae | Heteropyxis dehniae | 19990 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH570272 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Heteropyxidaceae | Heteropyxis dehniae | 20035 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Sandy soils on roadside verge | Maleme Dam, nr main rd | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572273 | W | 1300 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Heteropyxidaceae | Heteropyxis dehniae | 20055 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Woodland at base of rocky hill | Maleme Dam camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH566281 | W | 1260 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Malvaceae subfamily Malvoideae | Hibiscus lunarifolius | 24548 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH570272 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Malvaceae subfamily Malvoideae | Hibiscus schinzii | 19954 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Crack on bare rocky slope | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH569272 | W | 1310 | -20.550570 | 28.504750 | 6 | ||||||
Lamiaceae | Hoslundia opposita | 76898 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Rocky deciduous woodland | Entrance parking White Rhino Cave, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028B3 | W | 1349 | -20.475860 | 28.523830 | 7 | ||||||
Lamiaceae | Hoslundia opposita | 76923 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In deciduous woodland. | Along main drive between "Mother and Child" and Chitampa Dam, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1220 | -20.561020 | 28.431680 | 7 | ||||||
Lamiaceae | Hoslundia opposita | 76944 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In open rocky mixed deciduous woodland. | Near "Mother-and-Child"balancing rocks, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1225 | -20.563300 | 28.432700 | 7 | ||||||
Lamiaceae | Hoslundia opposita | 76961 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In mixed woodland | Along Impala Loop, Whove Gamp Park, Matobo National Park | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1244 | iNaturalist record | -20.571010 | 28.439710 | 7 | |||||
Apocynaceae subfamilies Asclepiadoideae and Secamonoideae | Huernia hislopii subsp. hislopii | 76917 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In deciduous woodland. | Along main drive between "Mother and Child" and Chitampa Dam, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1220 | -20.561020 | 28.431680 | 7 | ||||||
Clusiaceae | Hypericum lalandii | 20017 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | In a (weedy) vlei outside main entrance to Maleme | Maleme Dam area | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572272 | W | 1300 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Oleaceae | Jasminum stenolobum | 76929 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In deciduous woodland. | Along main drive between "Mother and Child" and Chitampa Dam, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1220 | -20.561020 | 28.431680 | 7 | ||||||
Acanthaceae | Justicia matammensis | 41101 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | BT Wursten | Roadside verge | Near main road, Maleme Dam, Matobo National Park | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH573273 | W | 1300 | Leaves small but ovate-lanceolate and distinctly hairy near the base. | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 6 | ||||
Kirkiaceae | Kirkia acuminata | 62293 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Remnant tree in open camping area | Picnic site Mshelele Dam | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1202 | -20.584770 | 28.601230 | 7 | ||||||
Asteraceae | Kleinia fulgens | 73904 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Margin of rocky woodland | Whove Gamp Park, Matobo National Park | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1188 | -20.558110 | 28.419140 | 7 | ||||||
Asteraceae | Kleinia longiflora | 76928 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In deciduous woodland. | Along main drive between "Mother and Child" and Chitampa Dam, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1220 | -20.561020 | 28.431680 | 7 | ||||||
Anacardiaceae | Lannea discolor | 19982 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571271 | W | 1310 | Image showing the discolorous leaves. | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | |||||
Hyacinthaceae | Ledebouria Unidentified sp. no6. | 41533 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten P Ballings | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp, Matobo National Park | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH570272 | W | 1310 | Leaves black-spotted, more or less prostrate; flowers pink. | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 6 | |||||
Linderniaceae | Linderniella nana | 19964 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | In depression on rocky slope | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH570271 | W | 1310 | Corollas flattened dorsally; leaves opposite, very serrate; upper lip 2-fid; lower with 3 broad lobes; calyx 5-lobed | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | |||||
Verbenaceae | Lippia javanica | 20032 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | In woodland | Maleme Dam, nr main rd | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572273 | W | 1290 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Verbenaceae | Lippia javanica | 76931 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In deciduous woodland. | Along main drive between "Mother and Child" and Chitampa Dam, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1220 | iNaturalist record | -20.561020 | 28.431680 | 7 | |||||
Asteraceae | Lopholaena coriifolia | 20041 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Roadside woodland | Maleme Dam, nr main rd | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572273 | W | 1300 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Onagraceae | Ludwigia adscendens subsp. diffusa | 62299 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In moist areas close to receding waterlevel of the dam | Mshelele Dam | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1200 | -20.587105 | 28.609701 | 7 | ||||||
Malvaceae subfamily Malvoideae | Malvastrum coromandelianum | 20050 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Weedy grassland in camp site | Maleme Dam camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH565281 | W | 1260 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Phyllanthaceae | Margaritaria discoidea var. nitida | 19987 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571271 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Bignoniaceae | Markhamia zanzibarica | 62317 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Margin of rocky woodland | Mshelele Dam | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1200 | With young fruit | -20.587105 | 28.609701 | 7 | |||||
Malvaceae: Byttnerioideae, Helicteroideae & Sterculioideae | Melhania acuminata var. agnosta | 76916 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Rocky deciduous woodland | Entrance parking White Rhino Cave, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028B3 | W | 1349 | Epicalyx bracts long acuminate but with brown hairs; leaves narrow. | -20.475860 | 28.523830 | 7 | |||||
Meliaceae | Melia azedarach | 20078 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Grassland | Maleme Dam, near camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH568276 | W | 1260 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Molluginaceae | Mollugo cerviana var. cerviana | 19994 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571271 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Molluginaceae | Mollugo nudicaulis | 19981 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571271 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Mundulea sericea | 19921 | 22 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571272 | W | 1320 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Haloragaceae | Myriophyllum aquaticum | 62302 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In moist areas close to receding waterlevel of the dam | Mshelele Dam | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1200 | -20.587105 | 28.609701 | 7 | ||||||
Asteraceae | Nidorella aegyptiaca | 20100 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Weedy roadside verge | Maleme Dam, by road to camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571275 | W | 1300 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Asteraceae | Nidorella auriculata subsp. auriculata | 20011 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | In a (weedy) vlei outside main entrance to Maleme | Maleme Dam area | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572272 | W | 1300 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Stilbaceae | Nuxia congesta | 19988 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH570272 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Nymphaeaceae | Nymphaea nouchali var. caerulea | 62310 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Aquatic in dam | Mshelele Dam | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1200 | -20.587105 | 28.609701 | 7 | ||||||
Urticaceae | Obetia tenax | 20001 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572271 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Ochnaceae | Ochna glauca | 19934 | 22 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1320 | 0 | |||||||||
Ochnaceae | Ochna glauca | 19952 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1310 | 0 | |||||||||
Ochnaceae | Ochna glauca | 62318 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Margin of rocky woodland | Mshelele Dam | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1200 | 7 | ||||||||
Lamiaceae | Ocimum labiatum | 73521 | 23 Jan 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Under overhanging rocks in woodland at the base of rocky hill. | Maleme Dam Campsite, Matobo National Park. | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH566281 | W | 1260 | -20.542470 | 28.501800 | 6 | |||||
Onagraceae | Oenothera rosea | 20018 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | In a (weedy) vlei outside main entrance to Maleme | Maleme Dam area | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572272 | W | 1300 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Rubiaceae | Oldenlandia capensis var. capensis | 62297 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings T Thomsen F Thomsen | BT Wursten P Ballings PB2333 | BT Wursten | BR | In crack on rocks | Mshelele Dam, Matobo National Park | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1200 | -20.587105 | 28.609701 | 7 | ||||
Oleaceae | Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata | 20082 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Riverine forest nearer to Dam wall | Maleme Dam, near camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH568276 | W | 1260 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Cactaceae | Opuntia fulgida | 19999 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | In seepage zone amongst large rocky boulders | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572271 | W | 1310 | Short shrub; unbelievably densely spiny; escaping; pieces of stem fall off and propagate where they land. | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | |||||
Cactaceae | Opuntia imbricata (cultivated) (planted) | 43402 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | BT Wursten | Stony area along road in camp. | Maleme Restcamp, Matobo National Park. | 19,170 | 2 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1310 | -20.551233 | 28.507712 | 7 | ||||||
Apocynaceae subfamilies Asclepiadoideae and Secamonoideae | Orbea caudata subsp. rhodesiaca | 20085 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Open grassy area nr woodland edge | Maleme Dam, near camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH568276 | W | 1260 | In flower; very striking | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | |||||
Apocynaceae subfamilies Asclepiadoideae and Secamonoideae | Orbea caudata subsp. rhodesiaca | 62321 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In gravelly soil in mixed woodland | Mshelele Dam | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1198 | -20.579220 | 28.597220 | 7 | ||||||
Apocynaceae subfamilies Asclepiadoideae and Secamonoideae | Orbea caudata subsp. rhodesiaca | 76922 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In deciduous woodland. | Along main drive between "Mother and Child" and Chitampa Dam, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1220 | -20.561020 | 28.431680 | 7 | ||||||
Asteraceae | Osteospermum muricatum subsp. muricatum | 20019 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | On roadside | Maleme Dam area | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572272 | W | 1300 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Polygonaceae | Oxygonum sinuatum | 29339 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | In a (weedy) vlei outside main entrance to Maleme | Maleme Dam area | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572272 | W | 1300 | Annual; flowers pink | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | |||||
Polygonaceae | Oxygonum sinuatum | 76912 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Rocky deciduous woodland | Entrance parking White Rhino Cave, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028B3 | W | 1349 | -20.475860 | 28.523830 | 7 | ||||||
Polygonaceae | Oxygonum sinuatum | 76963 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In mixed woodland | Along Impala Loop, Whove Gamp Park, Matobo National Park | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1244 | -20.571010 | 28.439710 | 7 | ||||||
Anacardiaceae | Ozoroa reticulata | 62315 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Margin of rocky woodland | Mshelele Dam | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1200 | -20.587105 | 28.609701 | 7 | ||||||
Sapindaceae | Pappea capensis | 20062 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Woodland at base of rocky hill | Maleme Dam camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH566281 | W | 1260 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Parkinsonia aculeata | 15421 | 23 Aug 2005 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Edge of dam | Maleme Dam Campsite, Matobo National Park | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH565281 | W | 1260 | One large tree surrounded by smaller naturalised plants. | -20.542480 | 28.500840 | 6 | ||||
Rubiaceae | Pavetta eylesii | 19984 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571271 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Rubiaceae | Pavetta eylesii | 20090 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Dense woodland, almost forest, by steep road down to dam | Maleme Dam, by road to camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH568276 | W | 1260 | iNaturalist record | -20.546970 | 28.503760 | 6 | |||||
Sinopteridaceae | Pellaea calomelanos var. calomelanos | 19974 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten P Ballings PB1291 | P Ballings | BR | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland, shade | Maleme Dam camp, around chalet 17, Matobo | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571271 | W | 1310 | -20.551460 | 28.506680 | 6 | |||
Sinopteridaceae | Pellaea calomelanos var. calomelanos | 76933 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In open rocky mixed deciduous woodland. | Near "Mother-and-Child"balancing rocks, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1225 | -20.563300 | 28.432700 | 7 | ||||||
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Peltophorum africanum | 19923 | 22 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571272 | W | 1320 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Peltophorum africanum | 20042 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Roadside woodland | Maleme Dam, nr main rd | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572273 | W | 1300 | -20.549650 | 28.507620 | 6 | ||||||
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Peltophorum africanum | 76954 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In rocky deciduous woodland. | Near "Mother-and-Child" balancing rocks, Impala loop, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1240 | -20.565620 | 28.431910 | 7 | ||||||
Polygonaceae | Persicaria senegalensis | 62298 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In shallow water of the dam | Mshelele Dam | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1200 | -20.587105 | 28.609701 | 7 | ||||||
Polygonaceae | Persicaria senegalensis f. albotomentosa | 62187 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings T Thomsen F Thomsen | BT Wursten | In and near the water of the dam. | Mshelele Dam, Matobo National Park | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1200 | Large colony of very grey-leaved plants with a few green-leaved specimens present. | -20.587105 | 28.609701 | 7 | |||||
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Philenoptera violacea | 20087 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Open woodland | Maleme Dam, near camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH568276 | W | 1260 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Arecaceae | Phoenix reclinata | 60314 | 12 Aug 2014 | B Orford | B Orford | Among dense vegetation on a river bank. | Approx. 750 metres downstream of Maleme dam, Matobo National Park | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1230 | -20.555256 | 28.504789 | 7 | ||||||
Poaceae | Phragmites mauritianus | 62296 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In shallow water of the dam | Mshelele Dam | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1200 | -20.587105 | 28.609701 | 7 | ||||||
Polygalaceae | Polygala sphenoptera | 62320 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In gravelly soil in mixed woodland | Mshelele Dam | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1198 | -20.579220 | 28.597220 | 7 | ||||||
Portulacaceae | Portulaca oleracea | 19959 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Bare ground amongst the chalets | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH569272 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Portulacaceae | Portulaca rhodesiana | 123901 | 17 Feb 2024 | Dgw30 | BT Wursten | in depression on granite rock. | Matobo | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028B4 | W | 0 | iNaturalist record | 6 | |||||||
Urticaceae | Pouzolzia mixta | 20068 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Woodland at base of rocky hill | Maleme Dam camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH566281 | W | 1260 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Urticaceae | Pouzolzia mixta | 62312 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Margin of rocky woodland | Mshelele Dam | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1200 | -20.587105 | 28.609701 | 7 | ||||||
Urticaceae | Pouzolzia mixta | 76905 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Rocky deciduous woodland | Entrance parking White Rhino Cave, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028B3 | W | 1349 | -20.475860 | 28.523830 | 7 | ||||||
Verbenaceae | Priva flabelliformis | 20072 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Woodland at base of rocky hill | Maleme Dam camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH566281 | W | 1260 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Asteraceae | Pseudognaphalium luteo-album | 20015 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | In a (weedy) vlei outside main entrance to Maleme | Maleme Dam area | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572272 | W | 1300 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Asteraceae | Pseudognaphalium luteo-album | 62301 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In moist areas close to receding waterlevel of the dam | Mshelele Dam | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1200 | -20.587105 | 28.609701 | 7 | ||||||
Asteraceae | Pseudognaphalium oligandrum | 20014 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | In a (weedy) vlei outside main entrance to Maleme | Maleme Dam area | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572272 | W | 1300 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Phyllanthaceae | Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia | 19922 | 22 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571272 | W | 1320 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Ptaeroxylaceae | Ptaeroxylon obliquum | 19951 | 22 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571272 | W | 1320 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Ptaeroxylaceae | Ptaeroxylon obliquum | 20063 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Woodland at base of rocky hill | Maleme Dam camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH566281 | W | 1260 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Ptaeroxylaceae | Ptaeroxylon obliquum | 76543 | Oct 2016 | B Orford | MA Hyde | Woodland amongst rocks | Maleme Dam Camp, Matobo | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1320 | In flower | -20.550560 | 28.506670 | 6 | |||||
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Pterocarpus rotundifolius subsp. rotundifolius | 19956 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH569272 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Pterocarpus rotundifolius subsp. rotundifolius | 62295 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Open woodland near edge of dam | Picnic site Mshelele Dam | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1202 | In full flower | -20.584770 | 28.601230 | 7 | |||||
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Pterocarpus rotundifolius subsp. rotundifolius | 76935 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In open rocky mixed deciduous woodland. | Near "Mother-and-Child"balancing rocks, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1225 | -20.563300 | 28.432700 | 7 | ||||||
Amaranthaceae | Pupalia lappacea var. velutina | 19930 | 22 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571272 | W | 1320 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Euphorbiaceae | Ricinus communis var. communis | 20084 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Open grassy area nr woodland edge | Maleme Dam, near camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH568276 | W | 1260 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Amaryllidaceae | Scadoxus multiflorus subsp. multiflorus | 76934 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In open rocky mixed deciduous woodland. | Near "Mother-and-Child"balancing rocks, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1225 | 7 | ||||||||
Amaryllidaceae | Scadoxus puniceus | 28417 | Sep 1996 | BT Wursten P Ballings | Maleme Dam, Matobo | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1285 | 0 | ||||||||||
Asteraceae | Schkuhria pinnata | 19957 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Bare ground amongst the chalets | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH569272 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Asteraceae | Schkuhria pinnata | 20007 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | In a (weedy) vlei outside main entrance to Maleme | Maleme Dam area | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572272 | W | 1300 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Oleaceae | Schrebera alata | 20037 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Roadside woodland | Maleme Dam, nr main rd | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572273 | W | 1300 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Anacardiaceae | Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra | 19998 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572271 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Anacardiaceae | Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra | 76956 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In rocky deciduous woodland. | Near "Mother-and-Child" balancing rocks, Impala loop, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1240 | -20.565620 | 28.431910 | 7 | ||||||
Anacardiaceae | Searsia lancea | 53768 | Sep 1998 | P Ballings | P Ballings PB1204 | P Ballings | BR | In sandy soil near edge of Dam | Maleme Dam, Matobo National Park | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028B3 | W | 1260 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 2 | ||||
Anacardiaceae | Searsia lancea | 62316 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Margin of rocky woodland | Mshelele Dam | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1200 | -20.587105 | 28.609701 | 7 | ||||||
Anacardiaceae | Searsia lancea | 76921 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In deciduous woodland. | Along main drive between "Mother and Child" and Chitampa Dam, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1220 | -20.561020 | 28.431680 | 7 | ||||||
Asteraceae | Senecio barbertonicus | 102419 | 21 Jul 2019 | J Varden | MA Hyde | Granite rock with Terminalia/ Pterocarpus habitats | Near Toghwana Dam, Matobo National Park | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1360 | One big bush, the only one seen in the area | -20.512789 | 28.587394 | 7 | |||||
Asteraceae | Senecio erubescens var. erubescens | 20013 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | In a (weedy) vlei outside main entrance to Maleme | Maleme Dam area | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572272 | W | 1300 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Asteraceae | Senecio venosus | 76983 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Open grassland on gravelly soils. | Along road near turn-off to Rhodes's Grave, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1383 | -20.503450 | 28.520440 | 7 | ||||||
Poaceae | Setaria pumila | 19950 | 22 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Disturbed ground amongst chalets | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571272 | W | 1320 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Poaceae | Setaria pumila | 19958 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten P Ballings PB1297 | MA Hyde | MSM Sosef | BR | Bare ground amongst the chalets | Maleme Dam Rest Camp, Matobo National Park | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH569272 | W | 1310 | -20.549980 | 28.506740 | 7 | ||
Malvaceae subfamily Malvoideae | Sida cordifolia subsp. maculata | 76909 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Rocky deciduous woodland | Entrance parking White Rhino Cave, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028B3 | W | 1349 | -20.475860 | 28.523830 | 7 | ||||||
Solanaceae | Solanum lycopersicum | 20056 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Woodland at base of rocky hill | Maleme Dam camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH566281 | W | 1260 | Naturalised plants nr a braai site | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | |||||
Orobanchaceae | Sopubia mannii | 20016 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | In a (weedy) vlei outside main entrance to Maleme | Maleme Dam area | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572272 | W | 1300 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Rubiaceae | Spermacoce senensis | 20021 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | On roadside | Maleme Dam area | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572272 | W | 1300 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Rubiaceae | Spermacoce senensis | 76908 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Rocky deciduous woodland | Entrance parking White Rhino Cave, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028B3 | W | 1349 | -20.475860 | 28.523830 | 7 | ||||||
Rubiaceae | Spermacoce senensis | 76938 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In open rocky mixed deciduous woodland. | Near "Mother-and-Child"balancing rocks, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1225 | -20.563300 | 28.432700 | 7 | ||||||
Asteraceae | Spilanthes mauritiana | 20022 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | In a (weedy) vlei outside main entrance to Maleme | Maleme Dam area | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572272 | W | 1300 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Poaceae | Sporobolus pyramidalis | 20010 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | In a (weedy) vlei outside main entrance to Maleme | Maleme Dam area | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572272 | W | 1300 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Apocynaceae subfamilies Asclepiadoideae and Secamonoideae | Stapelia gigantea | 62319 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In gravelly soil in mixed woodland | Mshelele Dam | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1193 | 7 | ||||||||
Linderniaceae | Stemodiopsis rivae | 19970 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571271 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Linderniaceae | Stemodiopsis rivae | 62305 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In crevice on large granite rock | Mshelele Dam | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1200 | -20.587105 | 28.609701 | 7 | ||||||
Linderniaceae | Stemodiopsis rivae | 76989 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Growing from a crack in a vertical granite rock wall. | Maleme Dam, Matobo National Park. | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1256 | -20.547170 | 28.503220 | 7 | ||||||
Orobanchaceae | Striga asiatica | 76930 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In deciduous woodland. | Along main drive between "Mother and Child" and Chitampa Dam, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1220 | iNaturalist record | -20.561020 | 28.431680 | 7 | |||||
Loganiaceae | Strychnos matopensis | 19996 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571271 | W | 1310 | -20.551460 | 28.506680 | 6 | ||||||
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Stylosanthes fruticosa | 20033 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Sandy soils on roadside verge | Maleme Dam, nr main rd | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572273 | W | 1300 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Stylosanthes fruticosa | 76953 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In rocky deciduous woodland. | Near "Mother-and-Child" balancing rocks, Impala loop, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1240 | -20.565620 | 28.431910 | 7 | ||||||
Lamiaceae | Syncolostemon linearis | 62324 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In gravelly soil in mixed woodland | Mshelele Dam | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1198 | -20.579220 | 28.597220 | 7 | ||||||
Asteraceae | Tagetes minuta | 19944 | 22 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Disturbed ground amongst chalets | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571272 | W | 1320 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Asteraceae | Tagetes minuta | 76902 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Rocky deciduous woodland | Entrance parking White Rhino Cave, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028B3 | W | 1349 | -20.475860 | 28.523830 | 7 | ||||||
Asteraceae | Tagetes minuta | 76947 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In rocky deciduous woodland. | Near "Mother-and-Child" balancing rocks, Impala loop, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1240 | -20.565620 | 28.431910 | 7 | ||||||
Combretaceae | Terminalia sericea | 20023 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | In woodland | Maleme Dam, nr main rd | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572273 | W | 1290 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Combretaceae | Terminalia sericea | 76943 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In open rocky mixed deciduous woodland. | Near "Mother-and-Child"balancing rocks, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1225 | -20.563300 | 28.432700 | 7 | ||||||
Malvaceae subfamily Malvoideae | Thespesia garckeana | 62292 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Remnant tree in open camping area | Picnic site Mshelele Dam | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1202 | -20.584770 | 28.601230 | 7 | ||||||
Malvaceae subfamily Malvoideae | Thespesia garckeana | 76906 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Rocky deciduous woodland | Entrance parking White Rhino Cave, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028B3 | W | 1349 | -20.475860 | 28.523830 | 7 | ||||||
Poaceae | Tragus berteronianus | 19942 | 22 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten P Ballings | Disturbed ground amongst chalets | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571272 | W | 1320 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Malpighiaceae | Triaspis dumeticola | 122817 | Feb 2013 | R Burrett | R Burrett | Woodland | Lower slopes of Imadzi Hill, Matobo. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028B3 | W | 1374 | 7 | ||||||||
Zygophyllaceae | Tribulus terrestris | 20071 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Woodland at base of rocky hill | Maleme Dam camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH566281 | W | 1260 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Poaceae | Trichoneura grandiglumis | 20034 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Sandy soils on roadside verge | Maleme Dam, nr main rd | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572273 | W | 1300 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Turneraceae | Tricliceras longepedunculatum var. longepedunculatum | 62323 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In gravelly soil in mixed woodland | Mshelele Dam | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1198 | -20.579220 | 28.597220 | 7 | ||||||
Turneraceae | Tricliceras longepedunculatum var. longepedunculatum | 76927 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In deciduous woodland. | Along main drive between "Mother and Child" and Chitampa Dam, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1220 | -20.561020 | 28.431680 | 7 | ||||||
Meliaceae | Turraea floribunda | 19997 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571270 | W | 1310 | Trees, c. 5 m; leaves large with basal veins clustered; in fruit | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | |||||
Meliaceae | Turraea floribunda | 20095 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Dense woodland, almost forest, by steep road down to dam | By road to camp site, Maleme Dam, Matobo National Park | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH570275 | W | 1280 | Tree, 6-7 m; petals greenish-white; flowers appearing with the leaves. | -20.547860 | 28.505690 | 6 | |||||
Meliaceae | Turraea obtusifolia | 19917 | 22 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp, Matobo National Park | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571272 | W | 1320 | In flower | -20.550560 | 28.506670 | 6 | |||||
Meliaceae | Turraea obtusifolia | 62303 | 20 Dec 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Margin of rocky woodland | Mshelele Dam | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1200 | -20.587105 | 28.609701 | 7 | ||||||
Meliaceae | Turraea obtusifolia | 76915 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Rocky deciduous woodland | Entrance parking White Rhino Cave, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028B3 | W | 1349 | -20.475860 | 28.523830 | 7 | ||||||
Verbenaceae | Verbena officinalis subsp. africana | 20009 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | In a (weedy) vlei outside main entrance to Maleme | Maleme Dam area | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572272 | W | 1300 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Verbenaceae | Verbena officinalis subsp. africana | 20051 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Weedy grassland in camp site | Maleme Dam camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH565281 | W | 1260 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Asteraceae | Vernonia myriantha | 20083 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Riverine forest nearer to Dam wall | Maleme Dam, near camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH568276 | W | 1260 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Lamiaceae | Volkameria eriophylla | 76900 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten P Ballings PB2143 | BT Wursten | BR | Rocky deciduous woodland | Entrance parking White Rhino Cave, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028B3 | W | 1349 | -20.475860 | 28.523830 | 7 | ||||
Lamiaceae | Volkameria eriophylla | 76988 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In mixed woodland | Along Impala Loop, Whove Gamp Park, Matobo National Park | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1244 | -20.571010 | 28.439710 | 6 | ||||||
Lamiaceae | Volkameria eriophylla | 122735 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Wooded rocky slope. | Maleme Rest Camp, Matobo National Park | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH569272 | W | 1310 | iNaturalist record | -20.550570 | 28.504750 | 6 | |||||
Campanulaceae | Wahlenbergia undulata | 20006 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | In a (weedy) vlei outside main entrance to Maleme | Maleme Dam area | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572272 | W | 1300 | Abundant at edge of vlei | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | |||||
Malvaceae: Byttnerioideae, Helicteroideae & Sterculioideae | Waltheria indica | 20025 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | In woodland | Maleme Dam, nr main rd | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572273 | W | 1290 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Malvaceae: Byttnerioideae, Helicteroideae & Sterculioideae | Waltheria indica | 76952 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In rocky deciduous woodland. | Near "Mother-and-Child" balancing rocks, Impala loop, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1240 | -20.565620 | 28.431910 | 7 | ||||||
Malvaceae: Byttnerioideae, Helicteroideae & Sterculioideae | Waltheria indica | 76985 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Open grassland on gravelly soils. | Along road near turn-off to Rhodes's Grave, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1383 | -20.503450 | 28.520440 | 7 | ||||||
Solanaceae | Withania somnifera | 19995 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571271 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Solanaceae | Withania somnifera | 76990 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In gravelly soils along vertical rock face. | Maleme Dam, Matobo National Park. | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | W | 1256 | -20.547170 | 28.503220 | 7 | ||||||
Rutaceae | Zanthoxylum capense | 20058 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Woodland at base of rocky hill | Maleme Dam camp site | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH566281 | W | 1260 | -20.542470 | 28.501800 | 6 | ||||||
Rhamnaceae | Ziziphus mucronata | 19948 | 22 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam camp | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH571272 | W | 1320 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Rhamnaceae | Ziziphus mucronata | 76950 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In rocky deciduous woodland. | Near "Mother-and-Child" balancing rocks, Impala loop, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1240 | -20.565620 | 28.431910 | 7 | ||||||
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Zornia glochidiata | 20047 | 23 Dec 2007 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Amongst large rocky boulders in woodland | Maleme Dam nr entrance | 19,170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028D1 | PH572271 | W | 1310 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0 | ||||||
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Zornia glochidiata | 76939 | 30 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | In open rocky mixed deciduous woodland. | Near "Mother-and-Child"balancing rocks, Hwove Game Park, Matobo National Park. | 170 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 2028C2 | W | 1225 | -20.563300 | 28.432700 | 7 |
Number of records found: 292
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