Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Date search results

Results for date: 22 Mar 2023

Records of purely cultivated species are displayed in a different font and colour.

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Family name Species nameLocationLink to record
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAcacia abyssinica (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAcacia galpinii (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAcacia galpinii (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAcacia polyacantha subsp. campylacantha (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAcacia sieberiana var. woodii (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAcacia xanthophloea (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
AceraceaeAcer buergerianum (cultivated) (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
AgavaceaeAgave attenuata (cultivated) (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
AsteraceaeAgeratum houstonianum St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAlbizia glaberrima var. glabrescens (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAlbizia gummifera (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAlbizia schimperiana var. schimperiana (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAlbizia schimperiana var. schimperiana (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
GentianaceaeAnthocleista grandiflora (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
MetteniusaceaeApodytes dimidiata var. dimidiata (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
ArecaceaeArchontophoenix alexandrae (cultivated) (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
ArecaceaeArchontophoenix cunninghamiana (cultivated) (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeBauhinia tomentosa (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
SalicaceaeBivinia jalbertii (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeBolusanthus speciosus (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeBrachystegia boehmii (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeBrachystegia spiciformis (possibly planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
PoaceaeBromus catharticus St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeCaesalpinia ferrea (cultivated) (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
MyrtaceaeCallistemon viminalis (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
RutaceaeCalodendrum capense (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
RutaceaeCalodendrum capense (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
JuglandaceaeCarya illinoinensis (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
ArecaceaeCaryota urens (cultivated) (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
Malvaceae subfamily BombacoideaeCeiba speciosa (cultivated) (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
CannabaceaeCeltis africana (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
CannabaceaeCeltis africana (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
PoaceaeCenchrus clandestinus (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
VerbenaceaeCitharexylum spinosum (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
RutaceaeClausena anisata (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
AraceaeColocasia esculenta (possibly planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
BoraginaceaeCordia africana (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
AsteraceaeCotula australis St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeCraibia brevicaudata subsp. baptistarum (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
EuphorbiaceaeCroton megalocarpus St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
EuphorbiaceaeCroton megalocarpus (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
EuphorbiaceaeCroton sylvaticus (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
EbenaceaeDiospyros lycioides subsp. sericea (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
EbenaceaeDiospyros mespiliformis (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
EbenaceaeDiospyros whyteana (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
Malvaceae: Byttnerioideae, Helicteroideae & SterculioideaeDombeya burgessiae (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
SalicaceaeDovyalis caffra (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
DracaenaceaeDracaena reflexa (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
ArecaceaeDypsis decaryi (cultivated) (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
ArecaceaeDypsis lutescens (cultivated) (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
RosaceaeEriobotrya japonica (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeErythrina abyssinica (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeErythrina lysistemon (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
MyrtaceaeEucalyptus torelliana (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
MyrtaceaeEucalyptus torelliana (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
MyrtaceaeEugenia uniflora (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
EuphorbiaceaeEuphorbia tirucalli (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
MoraceaeFicus benjamina var. benjamina (cultivated) (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
MoraceaeFicus burkei St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
MoraceaeFicus ingens (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
MoraceaeFicus sur (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
MoraceaeFicus sycomorus (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
PhyllanthaceaeFlueggea virosa subsp. virosa (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
RubiaceaeGardenia jasminoides (cultivated) (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
LamiaceaeGmelina arborea (cultivated) (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
Malvaceae subfamily GrewioideaeGrewia olukondae (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
BignoniaceaeHandroanthus chrysotrichus (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
AraliaceaeHeptapleurum actinophyllum St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
AraliaceaeHeptapleurum actinophyllum (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
AraliaceaeHeptapleurum arboricola (cultivated) (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
Malvaceae subfamily MalvoideaeHibiscus panduriformis St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
BignoniaceaeJacaranda mimosifolia (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeJulbernardia globiflora (possibly planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
MeliaceaeKhaya anthotheca (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
BignoniaceaeKigelia africana subsp. africana (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
BignoniaceaeKigelia africana subsp. africana (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
KirkiaceaeKirkia acuminata (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
LythraceaeLagerstroemia indica (cultivated) (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
OleaceaeLigustrum lucidum (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
MeliaceaeLovoa swynnertonii (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
MagnoliaceaeMagnolia champaca (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
AnacardiaceaeMangifera indica (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
MyrtaceaeMelaleuca bracteata (cultivated) (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
MoraceaeMilicia excelsa (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
MoringaceaeMoringa oleifera (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
MoraceaeMorus alba var. alba (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeNewtonia buchananii (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
SapindaceaePappea capensis (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
PaulowniaceaePaulownia tomentosa (cultivated) (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
LauraceaePersea americana (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
ArecaceaePhoenix reclinata (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
PhytolaccaceaePhytolacca dioica (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
PodocarpaceaePodocarpus latifolius (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
AraliaceaePolyscias fulva (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
RubiaceaePseudomussaenda flava (cultivated) (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
MyrtaceaePsidium cattleianum (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
MyrtaceaePsidium guajava (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
PunicaceaePunica granatum (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
FagaceaeQuercus robur (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and RauvolfioideaeRauvolfia caffra (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
AcanthaceaeRuttya fruticosa (cultivated) (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
CaprifoliaceaeSambucus canadensis (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
AnacardiaceaeSchinus terebinthifolius (cultivated) (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeSchotia brachypetala (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
AnacardiaceaeSearsia lancea (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
AnacardiaceaeSearsia natalensis (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeSenna didymobotrya (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeSenna singueana (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeSenna spectabilis (cultivated) (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
EuphorbiaceaeShirakiopsis elliptica (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
SolanaceaeSolanum chrysotrichum St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
AsteraceaeSpilanthes mauritiana St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
BignoniaceaeStereospermum kunthianum (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
ArecaceaeSyagrus romanzoffiana (cultivated) (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
MyrtaceaeSyzygium australe (cultivated) (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
MyrtaceaeSyzygium cordatum (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
MyrtaceaeSyzygium guineense subsp. guineense (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and RauvolfioideaeTabernaemontana elegans (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
AsteraceaeTaraxacum sp. St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
Malvaceae subfamily MalvoideaeThespesia garckeana (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeTipuana tipu (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
MeliaceaeToona ciliata (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
MeliaceaeTrichilia dregeana (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
RubiaceaeVangueria apiculata (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
LamiaceaeVitex trifolia var. bicolor (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord
SapindaceaeZanha golungensis (planted)St John's Prep School and CollegeRecord

Number of records found: 126

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-24

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2024). Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Date search results.
https://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/utilities/utility-date-query-get.php?year_search=2023&month_search=Mar&day_search=22, retrieved 22 December 2024

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