Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: All images of Moraceae

Images for each species

The purpose of this page is to display all images (whether of herbarium specimens or of living plants) for each species within a particular family.

Note that all images are shown, including any that are 'hidden' and any on the Mozambican site.

Separate pages exist which display images of living plants only and of herbarium specimens only for this family.

Dorstenia benguellensis N,C
Dorstenia benguellensis

Photo: Mike Bingham

Dorstenia benguellensis

Photo: Mike Bingham
Lusaka SE, Lazy-J Private Nature Reserve.

Dorstenia benguellensis

Photo: Mike Bingham

Dorstenia benguellensis

Photo: Mike Bingham
Solwezi District, Kalumbila

Dorstenia benguellensis

Photo: Mike Bingham

Dorstenia buchananii var. buchananii E
Dorstenia buchananii var. buchananii

Photo: Mike Bingham
Lusaka, Protea Hill Farm, cultivated.

Dorstenia buchananii var. buchananii

Photo: Mike Bingham
Lusaka, Protea Hill Farm, cultivated.

Dorstenia buchananii var. buchananii

Photo: Mike Bingham
Lusaka, Protea Hill Farm, cultivated.

Dorstenia cuspidata var. cuspidata N
Dorstenia cuspidata var. cuspidata

Photo: Mike Bingham
Lusaka, Cultivated at Protea Hill Farm.

Dorstenia cuspidata var. cuspidata

Photo: Mike Bingham
Lusaka, Cultivated at Protea Hill Farm.

Dorstenia cuspidata var. cuspidata

Photo: Mike Bingham
Lusaka, Cultivated at Protea Hill Farm.

Dorstenia cuspidata var. cuspidata

Photo: Ton Rulkens
Hill close to Montepuez town, Cabo Delgado

Dorstenia psilurus var. psilurus E
Dorstenia psilurus var. psilurus

Photo: Bart Wursten
Chirinda Forest

Dorstenia psilurus var. psilurus

Photo: Bart Wursten
Chirinda Forest

Dorstenia psilurus var. psilurus

Photo: Bart Wursten
By road to Chirinda Forest camp site

Dorstenia psilurus var. psilurus

Photo: Bart Wursten
By path from carpark to Big Tree, Chirinda Forest

Dorstenia psilurus var. psilurus

Photo: Bart Wursten
By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda Forest

Dorstenia psilurus var. psilurus

Photo: Mike Bingham

Dorstenia psilurus var. psilurus

Photo: Mark Hyde
Mphingue, Catapu

Dorstenia psilurus var. psilurus

Photo: Mark Hyde
Mphingue, Catapu

Dorstenia psilurus var. psilurus

Photo: Mark Hyde
Mphingue, Catapu

Dorstenia psilurus var. psilurus

Photo: Mark Hyde
Mphingue, Catapu

Dorstenia psilurus var. psilurus

Photo: Nicholas Wightman
Lumangwe-Kabwelume Falls, Mporokoso Distr., Northern Prov.

Dorstenia psilurus var. psilurus

Photo: Nicholas Wightman
Lumangwe-Kabwelume Falls, Mporokoso Distr., Northern Prov.

Dorstenia psilurus var. psilurus

Photo: Nicholas Wightman
Lumangwe-Kabwelume Falls, Mporokoso Distr., Northern Prov.

Ficus abutilifolia N,W,C,E,S
Ficus abutilifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Lake Chivero, nr Bushman's Point

Ficus abutilifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Lake Chivero, nr Bushman's Point

Ficus abutilifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Lake Chivero, nr Bushman's Point

Ficus abutilifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Bue Maria, Nhambita near Gorongosa National Park.

Ficus abutilifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Bue Maria, Nhambita near Gorongosa National Park.

Ficus abutilifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Bue Maria, Nhambita near Gorongosa National Park.

Ficus abutilifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Bue Maria, Nhambita near Gorongosa National Park.

Ficus abutilifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Bue Maria, Nhambita near Gorongosa National Park.

Ficus abutilifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
By dam at Nduna Lodge, Malilangwe Wildlif Reserve.

Ficus abutilifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mandavu Dam picnic area, Hwange NP

Ficus abutilifolia

Photo: Mike Bingham
Nchendeni Hills

Ficus abutilifolia

Photo: Mike Bingham
Victoria Falls, 5th Gorge.

Ficus abutilifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Bunga Inselberg, northwestern Gorongosa National Park.

Ficus abutilifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Bunga Inselberg, northwestern Gorongosa National Park.

Ficus bubu E
Ficus bubu

Photo: Mark Hyde
Road 213 from Inhamitanga to Chupanga

Ficus bubu

Photo: Mark Hyde
Inhamitanga Forest, Mozambique

Ficus bubu

Photo: Bart Wursten
Khodzue Caves, Cheringoma

Ficus bubu

Photo: Bart Wursten
Khodzue caves and gorges sytem, Cheringoma.

Ficus bubu

Photo: Bart Wursten
Khodzue River Gorge, Cheringoma

Ficus bubu

Photo: Bart Wursten
Khodzue River Gorge, Cheringoma

Ficus burkei N,W,C,E,S
Ficus burkei

Photo: Petra Ballings
Val D'Or

Ficus burkei

Photo: Petra Ballings
Val D'Or

Ficus burkei

Photo: Bart Wursten
Cleveland Dam, Harare

Ficus burkei

Photo: Bart Wursten
Island 2, Katombora: near boat landing point

Ficus burkei

Photo: Bart Wursten
Small Bridge Dam

Ficus burkei

Photo: Doreen Bolnick

Ficus burkei

Photo: Mike Bingham

Ficus burkei

Photo: Bart Wursten
Calderwood Park, Peterhouse School

Ficus bussei N,E
Ficus bussei

Photo: Bart Wursten
Long Pool Viewing Point, Mana Pools

Ficus bussei

Photo: Bart Wursten
Long Pool Viewing Point, Mana Pools

Ficus bussei

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mana Pools

Ficus bussei

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mana Pools, by main road to camp

Ficus bussei

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mana Pools, by main road to camp

Ficus bussei

Photo: Mike Bingham
Lower Zambezi National Park.

Ficus bussei

Photo: Mike Bingham
Lusaka, grown from seed collected in Malawi, Shire Valley.

Ficus bussei

Photo: Mike Bingham
Lusaka, grown from seed collected in Malawi, Shire Valley.

Ficus bussei

Photo: Mike Bingham
Lusaka, grown from seed collected in Malawi, Shire Valley.

Ficus bussei

Photo: Bart Wursten
Road 2, Gorongosa National Park

Ficus bussei

Photo: Bart Wursten
Road 2, Gorongosa National Park

Ficus bussei

Photo: Bart Wursten
Road 2, Gorongosa National Park

Ficus bussei

Photo: Mark Hyde
On Suni North trail, Catapu, Mozambique

Ficus bussei

Photo: Bart Wursten
Shupanga Mission, Chupanga

Ficus bussei

Photo: Bart Wursten
Shupanga Mission, Chupanga

Ficus bussei

Photo: Bart Wursten
Shupanga Mission, Chupanga

Ficus bussei

Photo: Bart Wursten
Shupanga Mission, Chupanga

Ficus bussei

Photo: Bart Wursten
Shupanga Mission, Chupanga

Ficus capreifolia N,W,C,E,S
Ficus capreifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Path from Chitengo near Pungwe River, Gorongosa National Park.

Ficus capreifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Path from Chitengo near Pungwe River, Gorongosa National Park.

Ficus capreifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Path from Chitengo near Pungwe River, Gorongosa National Park.

Ficus capreifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Path from Chitengo near Pungwe River, Gorongosa National Park.

Ficus capreifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Path from Chitengo near Pungwe River, Gorongosa National Park.

Ficus capreifolia

Photo: Mike Bingham
Mwinilunga District, Kabompo Gorge, Kanyikezhi Dambo

Ficus capreifolia

Photo: Mike Bingham
Mwinilunga District, Kabompo Gorge, Kanyikezhi Dambo

Ficus capreifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
By Mazowe River, between camp and weir, Hippo Pools

Ficus capreifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
By Mazowe River, between camp and weir, Hippo Pools

Ficus capreifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
By Mazowe River, between camp and weir, Hippo Pools

Ficus capreifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
By Mazowe River, between camp and weir, Hippo Pools

Ficus capreifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
By Mazowe River, between camp and weir, Hippo Pools

Ficus capreifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Zambezi River ar Zambezi Sands River Camp, Zambezi National Park.

Ficus capreifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Zambezi River ar Zambezi Sands River Camp, Zambezi National Park.

Ficus capreifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Zambezi River ar Zambezi Sands River Camp, Zambezi National Park.

Ficus capreifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Zambezi River ar Zambezi Sands River Camp, Zambezi National Park.

Ficus chirindensis E
Ficus chirindensis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Chirinda Forest

Ficus chirindensis

Photo: Bart Wursten
National Botanic Gardens, Harare

Ficus chirindensis

Photo: Bart Wursten
National Botanic Gardens, Harare

Ficus chirindensis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Chirinda Forest

Ficus craterostoma E
Ficus craterostoma

Photo: Bart Wursten
Entrance road Ndundu Lodge, Vumba

Ficus craterostoma

Photo: Bart Wursten
Bridal Veil Falls, Chimanimani

Ficus craterostoma

Photo: Bart Wursten
Path to Hadange Gorge, Chimanimani National Park

Ficus craterostoma

Photo: Mike Bingham
Lusaka, grown from seed collected from Lake Mweru, Nchelenge.

Ficus craterostoma

Photo: Bart Wursten
Northern slopes below Mt Dombe, Chimanimani Mts

Ficus craterostoma

Photo: Bart Wursten
Northern slopes below Mt Dombe, Chimanimani Mts

Ficus exasperata E
Ficus exasperata

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mpunga Community Forest Camp, Moribane Forest, Mozambique

Ficus exasperata

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mpunga Community Forest Camp, Moribane Forest, Mozambique

Ficus exasperata

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mpunga Community Forest Camp, Moribane Forest, Mozambique

Ficus exasperata

Photo: Mike Bingham

Ficus fischeri E
Ficus fischeri

Photo: Bart Wursten
National Botanic Garden, Harare

Ficus fischeri

Photo: Bart Wursten
National Botanic Garden, Harare

Ficus fischeri

Photo: Bart Wursten
National Botanic Garden, Harare

Ficus fischeri

Photo: Bart Wursten
National Botanic Garden, Harare

Ficus fischeri

Photo: Patricia Bingham

Ficus fischeri

Photo: Mike Bingham

Ficus fischeri

Photo: Mike Bingham
Lusaka, Protea Hill Farm.

Ficus fischeri

Photo: Mike Bingham
Lusaka, Protea Hill Farm.

Ficus fischeri

Photo: Mike Bingham
Bell Cross Camp Lunga-Luswishi GMA, Eclips Hill. Mufapanda.

Ficus fischeri

Photo: Patricia Bingham

Ficus fischeri

Photo: Patricia Bingham

Ficus fischeri

Photo: Patricia Bingham

Ficus glumosa N,W,C,S
Ficus glumosa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Maleme Dam, Matobo National Park

Ficus glumosa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Maleme Dam, Matobo National Park

Ficus glumosa

Photo: Rob Burrett
Road to Nswatugi Cave, Matobo National Park

Ficus glumosa

Photo: Mike Bingham
Lunga-Luswishi GMA, Mufapanda.

Ficus glumosa

Photo: Mike Bingham
Lunga-Luswishi GMA, Mufapanda.

Ficus glumosa

Photo: Mike Bingham
Lusaka, grown from seed collected at Kafue town.

Ficus glumosa

Photo: Mike Bingham
Lusaka, Protea Hill Farm.

Ficus glumosa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Slopes of Mt Mberengwa.

Ficus glumosa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Besna Kobila farm, Matobo

Ficus glumosa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Besna Kobila farm, Matobo

Ficus glumosa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Besna Kobila farm, Matobo

Ficus glumosa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Besna Kobila farm, Matobo

Ficus ingens N,W,C,E,S
Ficus ingens

Photo: Petra Ballings
Nduna Lodge, Malilangwe

Ficus ingens

Photo: Petra Ballings
Nduna Lodge, Malilangwe

Ficus ingens

Photo: Petra Ballings
Nduna Lodge, Malilangwe

Ficus ingens

Photo: Patricia Bingham

Ficus ingens

Photo: Patricia Bingham

Ficus ingens

Photo: Mike Bingham

Ficus ingens

Photo: Mike Bingham

Ficus ingens

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along stream below Mussambizi Pool, Gorongosa National Park, Muanza

Ficus ingens

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along stream below Mussambizi Pool, Gorongosa National Park, Muanza

Ficus ingens

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along stream below Mussambizi Pool, Gorongosa National Park, Muanza

Ficus ingens

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along stream below Mussambizi Pool, Gorongosa National Park, Muanza

Ficus ingens

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along stream below Mussambizi Pool, Gorongosa National Park, Muanza

Ficus ingens

Photo: Sune Holt
Catembe, Maputo Bay, Mozambique

Ficus ingens

Photo: Sune Holt
Catembe, Maputo Bay, Mozambique

Ficus ingens

Photo: Sune Holt
Catembe, Maputo Bay, Mozambique

Ficus ingens

Photo: Sune Holt
Catembe, Maputo Bay, Mozambique

Ficus lutea N,C,E,S
Ficus lutea

Photo: Bart Wursten
Canda, lower slopes Mt Gorongosa

Ficus lutea

Photo: Bart Wursten
Canda, lower slopes Mt Gorongosa

Ficus lutea

Photo: Bart Wursten
Canda, lower slopes Mt Gorongosa

Ficus lutea

Photo: Bart Wursten
Nhancuco, lower slopes Mt Gorongosa

Ficus lutea

Photo: Bart Wursten
Nhancuco, lower slopes Mt Gorongosa

Ficus lutea

Photo: Bart Wursten
Morumbodzi River crossing, road to waterfalls, lower slopes Mt Gorongosa

Ficus lutea

Photo: Bart Wursten
Morumbodzi River crossing, road to waterfalls, lower slopes Mt Gorongosa

Ficus lutea

Photo: Bart Wursten
Morumbodzi River crossing, road to waterfalls, lower slopes Mt Gorongosa

Ficus lutea

Photo: Bart Wursten
In car park, Great Zimbabwe

Ficus lutea

Photo: Mike Bingham
Lusaka, Protea Hill Farm, grown from seed collected at Tjolo, Malawi.

Ficus lutea

Photo: Mike Bingham
Lusaka, Protea Hill Farm, grown from seed collected at Tjolo, Malawi.

Ficus lutea

Photo: Mike Bingham
Lusaka, Protea Hill Farm, grown from seed collected in Malawi.

Ficus lutea

Photo: Mark Hyde
La Rochelle

Ficus lutea

Photo: Mark Hyde
La Rochelle

Ficus lutea

Photo: Mark Hyde
La Rochelle

Ficus lutea

Photo: Mark Hyde
Harare Gardens

Ficus lutea

Photo: Mark Hyde
Harare Gardens

Ficus modesta E No images found
Ficus natalensis subsp. natalensis E
Ficus natalensis subsp. natalensis

Photo: Mike Bingham
Lusaka, grown from seed collected from Kitwe.

Ficus natalensis subsp. natalensis

Photo: Mike Bingham
Lusaka, grown from seed collected from Kitwe.

Ficus natalensis subsp. graniticola N,W,C,E,S
Ficus natalensis subsp. graniticola

Photo: Mark Hyde
Gosho Park

Ficus natalensis subsp. graniticola

Photo: Rob Burrett

Ficus natalensis subsp. graniticola

Photo: Bart Wursten
Pokoteke Gorge, near Masvingo

Ficus nigropunctata N,W,C
Ficus nigropunctata

Photo: Mike Bingham
Lusaka, grown from seed collected in Lusaka

Ficus nigropunctata

Photo: Patricia Bingham

Ficus ottoniifolia subsp. ulugurensis E No images found
Ficus petersii N,W No images found
Ficus pygmaea W
Ficus pygmaea

Photo: Mike Bingham
Masese, Loanja Dambo.

Ficus pygmaea

Photo: Mike Bingham
Masese, Loanja Dambo.

Ficus pygmaea

Photo: Bart Wursten
Ngepi Camp, Kavango River

Ficus pygmaea

Photo: Bart Wursten
Ngepi Camp, Kavango River

Ficus pygmaea

Photo: Bart Wursten
Ngepi Camp, Kavango River

Ficus pygmaea

Photo: Bart Wursten
Ngepi Camp, Kavango River

Ficus pygmaea

Photo: Bart Wursten
Ngepi Camp, Kavango River

Ficus religiosa C
Ficus religiosa

Photo: Mike Bingham

Ficus religiosa

Photo: Linda Hyde
Tamba-tamba, Princess Drive, Highlands, Harare

Ficus religiosa

Photo: Mark Hyde
University of Zimbabwe grounds

Ficus religiosa

Photo: Mark Hyde
University of Zimbabwe grounds

Ficus religiosa

Photo: Mark Hyde
University of Zimbabwe grounds

Ficus religiosa

Photo: Mark Hyde
University of Zimbabwe grounds

Ficus religiosa

Photo: Mark Hyde
University of Zimbabwe grounds

Ficus religiosa

Photo: Mark Hyde
University of Zimbabwe grounds

Ficus religiosa

Photo: Mark Hyde
Park Lane alongside Monomatapa carpark

Ficus religiosa

Photo: Mark Hyde
Park Lane alongside Monomatapa carpark

Ficus religiosa

Photo: Mark Hyde
Park Lane alongside Monomatapa carpark

Ficus religiosa

Photo: Mark Hyde
Pegasus House, Samora Machel Avenue

Ficus religiosa

Photo: Mark Hyde
Harare Gardens

Ficus religiosa

Photo: Mark Hyde
Park Lane, Harare

Ficus rokko E
Ficus rokko

Photo: Bart Wursten
Eastern slopes above upper Nhandar River valley, Mt Gorongosa

Ficus rokko

Photo: Bart Wursten
Eastern slopes above upper Nhandar River valley, Mt Gorongosa

Ficus rokko

Photo: Bart Wursten
Eastern slopes above upper Nhandar River valley, Mt Gorongosa

Ficus rokko

Photo: Bart Wursten
Eastern slopes above upper Nhandar River valley, Mt Gorongosa

Ficus rokko

Photo: Bart Wursten
Near Eden Lodge, Vumba

Ficus salicifolia N,W,C,E,S No images found
Ficus sansibarica subsp. sansibarica N,W,C,E,S
Ficus sansibarica subsp. sansibarica

Photo: Mark Hyde
50, Borrowdale Road, Harare

Ficus sansibarica subsp. sansibarica

Photo: Mark Hyde
50, Borrowdale Road, Harare

Ficus sansibarica subsp. sansibarica

Photo: Mark Hyde
50, Borrowdale Road, Harare

Ficus sansibarica subsp. sansibarica

Photo: Mark Hyde
Gumani Hill, Humani Ranch

Ficus sansibarica subsp. sansibarica

Photo: Mark Hyde
Gumani Hill, Humani Ranch

Ficus sansibarica subsp. sansibarica

Photo: Mark Hyde
Gumani Hill, Humani Ranch

Ficus scassellatii subsp. scassellatii E
Ficus scassellatii subsp. scassellatii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Forest off the Woodland Rd, Vumba (Rochester forest)

Ficus scassellatii subsp. scassellatii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Forest off the Woodland Rd, Vumba (Rochester forest)

Ficus scassellatii subsp. scassellatii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Forest off the Woodland Rd, Vumba (Rochester forest)

Ficus scassellatii subsp. scassellatii

Photo: Mike Bingham
Lusaka, grown from seed collected in Malawi, Musuku Mountains.

Ficus scassellatii subsp. scassellatii

Photo: Mike Bingham
Lusaka, grown from seed collected in Malawi, Musuku Mountains.

Ficus scassellatii subsp. scassellatii

Photo: Mike Bingham
Lusaka, Protea Hill Farm.

Ficus stuhlmannii N,C,E,S
Ficus stuhlmannii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Chitengo Camp, Gorongosa National Park

Ficus stuhlmannii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Chitengo Camp, Gorongosa National Park.

Ficus stuhlmannii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Chitengo Camp, Gorongosa National Park.

Ficus stuhlmannii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Chitengo Camp, Gorongosa National Park.

Ficus stuhlmannii

Photo: Bart Wursten
Chitengo Camp, Gorongosa National Park.

Ficus stuhlmannii

Photo: Mike Bingham
Lusaka, Protea Hill Farm.

Ficus stuhlmannii

Photo: Mike Bingham

Ficus stuhlmannii

Photo: Mark Hyde
Humani Ranch, area close to the west bank of the Save River

Ficus stuhlmannii

Photo: Mark Hyde
Humani Ranch, area close to the west bank of the Save River

Ficus stuhlmannii

Photo: Mark Hyde
Humani Ranch, area close to the west bank of the Save River

Ficus sur N,W,C,E,S
Ficus sur

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mukuvisi Woodland, office area

Ficus sur

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mukuvisi Woodland, office area

Ficus sur

Photo: Bart Wursten
Nyamaropa Falls, Wattle Co Estate

Ficus sur

Photo: Bill Clarke
In Seven Acres in forest near drive, Val D'Or

Ficus sur

Photo: Stefaan Dondeyne
Moribane forest

Ficus sur

Photo: Stefaan Dondeyne
Road up to Mt Tsetsera

Ficus sur

Photo: Stefaan Dondeyne
Along road in Moribane Forest

Ficus sur

Photo: Stefaan Dondeyne
Along road in Moribane Forest

Ficus sur

Photo: Stefaan Dondeyne
Along road in Moribane Forest

Ficus sur

Photo: Stefaan Dondeyne
Along road in Moribane Forest

Ficus sur

Photo: Patricia Bingham

Ficus sur

Photo: Patricia Bingham

Ficus sur

Photo: Patricia Bingham

Ficus sur

Photo: Mike Bingham
D.R. Congo, Katanga, Mofye River; Tinke Fungurume

Ficus sur

Photo: Mike Bingham

Ficus sur

Photo: Mike Bingham

Ficus sur

Photo: Rob Burrett
Along path to Nanke Cave, Matopos.

Ficus sycomorus subsp. sycomorus N,W,E,S
Ficus sycomorus subsp. sycomorus

Photo: Bart Wursten
Shashi Wilderness Camp, by Shashi River opposite Tuli Circle

Ficus sycomorus subsp. sycomorus

Photo: Bart Wursten
Shashi Wilderness Camp, by Shashi River opposite Tuli Circle

Ficus sycomorus subsp. sycomorus

Photo: Bart Wursten
Shashi Wilderness Camp, by Shashi River opposite Tuli Circle

Ficus sycomorus subsp. sycomorus

Photo: Bart Wursten
Shashi Wilderness Camp, by Shashi River opposite Tuli Circle

Ficus sycomorus subsp. sycomorus

Photo: Petra Ballings
Entrance road to Nkasa Lupale N.P.

Ficus sycomorus subsp. sycomorus

Photo: Bart Wursten
Entrance road to Nkasa Lupale N.P.

Ficus sycomorus subsp. sycomorus

Photo: Bart Wursten
Entrance road to Nkasa Lupale N.P.

Ficus sycomorus subsp. sycomorus

Photo: Bart Wursten
Entrance road to Nkasa Lupale N.P.

Ficus sycomorus subsp. sycomorus

Photo: Bart Wursten
Entrance road to Nkasa Lupale N.P.

Ficus sycomorus subsp. sycomorus

Photo: Bart Wursten
Entrance road to Nkasa Lupale N.P.

Ficus sycomorus subsp. sycomorus

Photo: Bart Wursten
Entrance road to Nkasa Lupale N.P.

Ficus sycomorus subsp. sycomorus

Photo: Bart Wursten
Entrance road to Nkasa Lupale N.P.

Ficus sycomorus subsp. sycomorus

Photo: Mark Hyde
Near Celebration Centre, Borrowdale Road, Harare

Ficus sycomorus N,W,C,E,S
Ficus sycomorus

Photo: Patricia Bingham

Ficus sycomorus

Photo: Patricia Bingham

Ficus sycomorus

Photo: Mike Bingham

Ficus sycomorus

Photo: Mike Bingham
Namwala, Mbeza

Ficus sycomorus

Photo: Mike Bingham

Ficus sycomorus

Photo: Mike Bingham

Ficus sycomorus

Photo: Mike Bingham

Ficus sycomorus

Photo: Mike Bingham

Ficus sycomorus

Photo: Jos Stevens
Ferme Randu, southwest Katanga Province, DRC

Ficus sycomorus

Photo: Jos Stevens
Ferme Randu, southwest Katanga Province, DRC

Ficus sycomorus

Photo: Jos Stevens
Ferme Randu, southwest Katanga Province, DRC

Ficus sycomorus

Photo: Jos Stevens
Ferme Randu, southwest Katanga Province, DRC

Ficus sycomorus

Photo: Jos Stevens
Ferme Randu, southwest Katanga Province, DRC

Ficus sycomorus

Photo: Jos Stevens
Ferme Randu, southwest Katanga Province, DRC

Ficus sycomorus subsp. gnaphalocarpa N,C,E
Ficus sycomorus subsp. gnaphalocarpa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Osborne Dam Recreational Park

Ficus sycomorus subsp. gnaphalocarpa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Osborne Dam Recreational Park

Ficus tettensis N,W,C,E,S
Ficus tettensis

Photo: Rob Burrett
Mapungubwe Park, Limpopo Valley, S Africa

Ficus tettensis

Photo: Rob Burrett
Mapungubwe Park, Limpopo Valley, S Africa

Ficus tettensis

Photo: Rob Burrett
Mapungubwe Park, Limpopo Valley, S Africa

Ficus tettensis

Photo: Rob Burrett
Mapungubwe Park, Limpopo Valley, S Africa

Ficus tettensis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Near Old Runde Bridge, Mwenedzi

Ficus tettensis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Near Old Runde Bridge, Mwenedzi

Ficus tettensis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Near Old Runde Bridge, Mwenedzi

Ficus tettensis

Photo: Petra Ballings
Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.

Ficus tettensis

Photo: Petra Ballings
Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.

Ficus vallis-choudae E
Ficus vallis-choudae

Photo: Bart Wursten
National Botanic Garden, Harare

Ficus vallis-choudae

Photo: Bart Wursten
National Botanic Garden, Harare

Ficus vallis-choudae

Photo: Bart Wursten
Morumbodzi river crossing, road to Morumbodzi Falls, lower slopes Mt Gorongosa.

Ficus vallis-choudae

Photo: Bart Wursten
Morumbodzi river crossing, road to Morumbodzi Falls, lower slopes Mt Gorongosa.

Ficus vallis-choudae

Photo: Bart Wursten
Nhandar River below Nhancuco, lower slopes Mt Gorongosa

Ficus vallis-choudae

Photo: Bart Wursten
Nhandar River below Nhancuco, lower slopes Mt Gorongosa

Ficus vallis-choudae

Photo: Bart Wursten
Nhandar River below Nhancuco, lower slopes Mt Gorongosa

Ficus vallis-choudae

Photo: Mike Bingham
Lusaka, Protea Hill Farm, grown from seed collected at Chipata, Katopola.

Ficus vallis-choudae

Photo: Mike Bingham
Lusaka, grown from seed collected at Chipata, Katopola.

Ficus vallis-choudae

Photo: Mike Bingham
Lusaka, grown from seed collected at Chipata, Katopola.

Ficus verruculosa N,W,C,E,S
Ficus verruculosa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Cleveland Dam, Harare

Ficus verruculosa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Cleveland Dam, Harare

Ficus verruculosa

Photo: Mark Hyde
S of Mukuvisi R.

Ficus verruculosa

Photo: Bill Clarke
By secret dam in water course, Val D'Or

Ficus verruculosa

Photo: Rob Burrett
Silveira House, Chisawasha

Maclura africana N,E,S
Maclura africana

Photo: Bart Wursten
Nr Umvumvumvu R Br. by Mutare to Birchenough Br. rd

Maclura africana

Photo: Bart Wursten
Nr Umvumvumvu R Br. by Mutare to Birchenough Br. rd

Maclura africana

Photo: Bart Wursten
Nr Umvumvumvu R Br. by Mutare to Birchenough Br. rd

Maclura africana

Photo: Petra Ballings
Chitengo Camp, Gorongosa NAtional Park.

Maclura africana

Photo: Petra Ballings
Chitengo Camp, Gorongosa NAtional Park.

Maclura africana

Photo: Bart Wursten
Forested slope of Nhagutua Gorge, Gorongosa National Park, Cheringoma

Maclura africana

Photo: Bart Wursten
Forested slope of Nhagutua Gorge, Gorongosa National Park, Cheringoma

Maclura africana

Photo: Bart Wursten
Forested slope of Nhagutua Gorge, Gorongosa National Park, Cheringoma

Maclura africana

Photo: Bart Wursten
Chitengo Camp, workshop area, Gorongosa National Park

Maclura africana

Photo: Bart Wursten
Chitengo Camp, workshop area, Gorongosa National Park

Maclura africana

Photo: Bart Wursten
Chitengo Camp, workshop area, Gorongosa National Park

Maclura africana

Photo: Bart Wursten
Chitengo Camp, workshop area, Gorongosa National Park

Maclura africana

Photo: Bart Wursten
Chitengo Camp, workshop area, Gorongosa National Park

Maclura africana

Photo: Bart Wursten
Chitengo Camp, workshop area, Gorongosa National Park

Maclura africana

Photo: Bart Wursten
Chitengo Camp, workshop area, Gorongosa National Park

Maclura africana

Photo: Sune Holt
Vilankulo, Inhambane, Mozambique

Maclura africana

Photo: Sune Holt
Vilankulo, Inhambane, Mozambique

Maclura africana

Photo: Sune Holt
Vilankulo, Inhambane, Mozambique

Maclura africana

Photo: Sune Holt
Vilankulo, Inhambane, Mozambique

Maclura africana

Photo: Sune Holt
Vilankulo, Inhambane, Mozambique

Maclura africana

Photo: Sune Holt
Vilankulo, Inhambane, Mozambique

Maclura africana

Photo: Sune Holt
Vilankulo, Inhambane, Mozambique

Maclura africana

Photo: Sune Holt
Vilankulo, Inhambane, Mozambique

Maclura africana

Photo: Bart Wursten
Streambank at base of Mt Bunga, northwestern Gorongosa National Park.

Maclura africana

Photo: Mike Hackston
At the foot of Chongwe Falls, Lower Zambezi NP

Maclura africana

Photo: Mike Hackston
At the foot of Chongwe Falls, Lower Zambezi NP

Maclura africana

Photo: Mike Hackston
At the foot of Chongwe Falls, Lower Zambezi NP

Maclura africana

Photo: Mike Hackston
At the foot of Chongwe Falls, Lower Zambezi NP

Maclura africana

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along road West from Khodzue Gorge

Maclura africana

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along road West from Khodzue Gorge

Maclura africana

Photo: Mark Hyde
North of Turgwe River, Humani Ranch

Milicia excelsa E,S
Milicia excelsa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along path from Madzundzu to Zomba.

Milicia excelsa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Muwawa village along road to Dombe

Milicia excelsa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Muwawa village along road to Dombe

Milicia excelsa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Muwawa village along road to Dombe

Milicia excelsa

Photo: Bart Wursten
Muwawa village along road to Dombe

Milicia excelsa

Photo: Bart Wursten
National Botanic Garden, Harare.

Milicia excelsa

Photo: Bart Wursten
National Botanic Garden, Harare.

Milicia excelsa

Photo: Bart Wursten
National Botanic Garden, Harare.

Milicia excelsa

Photo: Bart Wursten
National Botanic Garden, Harare.

Morus alba var. alba C
Morus alba var. alba

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mukuvisi Woodland

Morus alba var. alba

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mukuvisi Woodland

Morus alba var. alba

Photo: Bart Wursten
24, Athlone Avenue Greendale

Morus alba var. alba

Photo: Bart Wursten
24, Athlone Avenue Greendale

Morus mesozygia E
Morus mesozygia

Photo: Stefaan Dondeyne
Moribane Forest, Mozambique

Morus mesozygia

Photo: Stefaan Dondeyne
Moribane Forest, Mozambique

Morus mesozygia

Photo: Stefaan Dondeyne
Moribane Forest, Mozambique

Morus mesozygia

Photo: Stefaan Dondeyne
Moribane Forest, Mozambique

Morus mesozygia

Photo: Stefaan Dondeyne
Moribane forest

Morus mesozygia

Photo: Stefaan Dondeyne
On footslope of Mt Chinhaunguri, Moribane forest

Morus mesozygia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Ndzou camp area, Moribane Forest

Streblus usambarensis E
Streblus usambarensis

Photo: Mark Hyde
Road 213 from Inhamitanga to Chupanga

Streblus usambarensis

Photo: Mark Hyde
Road 213 from Inhamitanga to Chupanga

Streblus usambarensis

Photo: Mark Hyde
Road 213 from Inhamitanga to Chupanga

Streblus usambarensis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Inhamitanga Forest Reserve, Cheringoma

Streblus usambarensis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Inhamitanga Forest Reserve, Cheringoma

Streblus usambarensis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Inhamitanga Forest Reserve, Cheringoma

Streblus usambarensis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Inhamitanga Forest Reserve, Cheringoma

Streblus usambarensis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Inhamitanga Forest Reserve, Cheringoma

Streblus usambarensis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Inhamitanga Forest Reserve, Cheringoma

Streblus usambarensis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Inhamitanga Forest Reserve, Cheringoma

Streblus usambarensis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Inhamitanga Forest, Cheringoma

Streblus usambarensis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Inhamitanga Forest, Cheringoma

Streblus usambarensis

Photo: Bart Wursten
Inhamitanga Forest, Cheringoma

Trilepisium madagascariense C,E,S
Trilepisium madagascariense

Photo: Mark Hyde
Nyawamba River, near Canaan village, Aberfoyle

Trilepisium madagascariense

Photo: Mark Hyde
Nyawamba River, near Canaan village, Aberfoyle

Trilepisium madagascariense

Photo: Mark Hyde
Nyawamba River, near Canaan village, Aberfoyle

Trilepisium madagascariense

Photo: Mark Hyde
Nyawamba River, near Canaan village, Aberfoyle

Trilepisium madagascariense

Photo: Mark Hyde
Nyawamba River, near Canaan village, Aberfoyle

Trilepisium madagascariense

Photo: Mark Hyde
Nyawamba River, near Canaan village, Aberfoyle

42 species found

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: All images of Moraceae.
https://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/utilities/utility-display-all-images-by-family.php?family_id=142, retrieved 15 January 2025

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