Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Date search results

Results for date: 26 Dec 2011

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Family name Species nameLocationLink to record
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAcacia pentagona By path from carpark to Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord
EuphorbiaceaeAcalypha petiolaris By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
PassifloraceaeAdenia gummifera var. gummifera By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord
AdiantaceaeAdiantum raddianum By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord
AsteraceaeAgeratum houstonianum By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAlbizia gummifera By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord
RosaceaeAlchemilla kiwuensis By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
CommelinaceaeAneilema aequinoctiale By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
RubiaceaeAnthospermum herbaceum By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
EuphorbiaceaeArgomuellera macrophylla By path from carpark to Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord
EuphorbiaceaeArgomuellera macrophylla By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord
EuphorbiaceaeArgomuellera macrophylla By path from carpark to Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
AsteraceaeAspilia pluriseta subsp. pluriseta By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
AspleniaceaeAsplenium blastophorum By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord
AspleniaceaeAsplenium ceii By path from carpark to Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord
AspleniaceaeAsplenium ceii By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord
AspleniaceaeAsplenium christii By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
AspleniaceaeAsplenium erectum By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
AspleniaceaeAsplenium inaequilaterale Near Swynnerton's memorial, Chirinda forestRecord
AspleniaceaeAsplenium lobatum At the Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord
AspleniaceaeAsplenium mannii By path from carpark to Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord
AspleniaceaeAsplenium mossambicense Chirinda forestRecord
AspleniaceaeAsplenium mossambicense By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
AspleniaceaeAsplenium obscurum By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
AspleniaceaeAsplenium preussii By path from carpark to Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
AspleniaceaeAsplenium preussii Chirinda forestRecord (with image)
AspleniaceaeAsplenium rutifolium By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
AspleniaceaeAsplenium unilaterale Chirinda forestRecord
BehniaceaeBehnia reticulata By path from carpark to Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord
PhyllanthaceaeBridelia micrantha By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord
AcanthaceaeBrillantaisia cicatricosa By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord
RubiaceaeCanthium inerme By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda Forest Record (with image)
BrassicaceaeCardamine africana Carpark for Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord
BrassicaceaeCardamine africana By path from carpark to Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord
CannabaceaeCeltis gomphophylla By path from carpark to Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord
ApiaceaeCentella asiatica By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord
SinopteridaceaeCheilanthes viridis var. viridis By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord
AnthericaceaeChlorophytum comosum By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
ThelypteridaceaeChristella dentata By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
SapotaceaeChrysophyllum gorungosanum By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord
LauraceaeCinnamomum camphora By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord
MenispermaceaeCissampelos torulosa By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
CucurbitaceaeCoccinia barteri By path from carpark to Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
OrchidaceaeCorymborkis corymbis By path from carpark to Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeCraibia brevicaudata subsp. baptistarum By path from carpark to Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeCraibia brevicaudata subsp. baptistarum By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord
RubiaceaeCremaspora triflora subsp. triflora By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
IridaceaeCrocosmia aurea subsp. aurea By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord
AraceaeCulcasia falcifolia Carpark for Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
AraceaeCulcasia falcifolia By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord
CyperaceaeCyperus hemisphaericus By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord
MenispermaceaeDioscoreophyllum cumminsii var. leptotrichos By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord
MenispermaceaeDioscoreophyllum cumminsii var. leptotrichos By path from carpark to Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
MoraceaeDorstenia psilurus var. psilurus By path from carpark to Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
MoraceaeDorstenia psilurus var. psilurus By path from carpark to Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord
MoraceaeDorstenia psilurus var. psilurus By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
DracaenaceaeDracaena fragrans By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord
MoraceaeFicus chirindensis Near the Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord
AsteraceaeGalinsoga parviflora By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord
RubiaceaeGeophila repens Carpark for Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord
RubiaceaeHeinsenia diervilleoides subsp. diervilleoides Carpark for Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord
RubiaceaeHeinsenia diervilleoides subsp. diervilleoides By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord
RubiaceaeHeinsenia diervilleoides subsp. diervilleoides By path from carpark to Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord
AsteraceaeHelichrysum panduratum var. panduratum By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
AsteraceaeHelichrysum stenopterum By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea cairica var. cairica By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord
BignoniaceaeJacaranda mimosifolia By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord
MeliaceaeKhaya anthotheca The Big Tree itself, Chirinda ForestRecord
VerbenaceaeLantana camara By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord
UrticaceaeLaportea peduncularis subsp. peduncularis By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
PoaceaeLeptaspis zeylanica By path from carpark to Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord
PoaceaeLeptaspis zeylanica By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord
LygodiaceaeLygodium kerstenii By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord
LygodiaceaeLygodium kerstenii By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord
EuphorbiaceaeMacaranga capensis By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord
PoaceaeMelinis repens subsp. repens By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord
Apocynaceae subfamily PeriplocoideaeMondia whitei By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord
CommelinaceaeMurdannia simplex By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord
UrticaceaeMyrianthus holstii By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord
UrticaceaeMyrianthus holstii By path from carpark to Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeNewtonia buchananii By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
OxalidaceaeOxalis latifolia By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord
RubiaceaeOxyanthus goetzei subsp. goetzei By path from carpark to Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
ThymelaeaceaePeddiea africana By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
PiperaceaePeperomia bangroana Carpark for Big Tree, Chirinda Forest.Record (with image)
PiperaceaePeperomia tetraphylla By path from carpark to Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
PoaceaePerotis patens By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord
SolanaceaePhysalis peruviana By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
PiperaceaePiper capense var. capense By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
LamiaceaePlectranthus swynnertonii By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord
PolypodiaceaePleopeltis polypodioides subsp. ecklonii By path from carpark to Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord
AraliaceaePolyscias fulva By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord
AcanthaceaePseudocalyx saccatus By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord
AsteraceaePseudognaphalium oligandrum By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
MyrtaceaePsidium guajava By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
RubiaceaePsychotria peduncularis var. angustibracteata By path from carpark to Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord
RubiaceaePsychotria peduncularis var. angustibracteata By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord
PteridaceaePteris catoptera By path from carpark to Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord
MarattiaceaePtisana salicifolia Chirinda forest, near Swynnertons memorialRecord (with image)
PolypodiaceaePyrrosia rhodesiana By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and RauvolfioideaeRauvolfia caffra By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
AchariaceaeRawsonia lucida By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
VitaceaeRhoicissus tomentosa By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord
RubiaceaeRichardia brasiliensis By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord
RubiaceaeRothmannia urcelliformis By path from carpark to Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
RubiaceaeRutidea fuscescens subsp. fuscescens By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord
RubiaceaeRytigynia uhligii By path from carpark to Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
RubiaceaeRytigynia uhligii By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord
ApiaceaeSanicula elata By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
EuphorbiaceaeShirakiopsis elliptica By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord
SmilacaceaeSmilax anceps By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord
AsteraceaeSpilanthes mauritiana By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord
VerbenaceaeStachytarpheta cayennensis By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and RauvolfioideaeTabernaemontana ventricosa By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord
EuphorbiaceaeTannodia swynnertonii By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
TectariaceaeTectaria gemmifera Carpark for Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord
TectariaceaeTectaria gemmifera By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord
RanunculaceaeThalictrum rhynchocarpum By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
AcanthaceaeThunbergia alata By road from Swynnerton Memorial to main road, Chirinda ForestRecord
AcanthaceaeThunbergia usambarica By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)
AcanthaceaeThunbergia usambarica Carpark for Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord
MenispermaceaeTiliacora funifera By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord
MoraceaeTrilepisium madagascariense By path from carpark to Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord
UrticaceaeUrera trinervis By the Swynnerton Memorial, Chirinda ForestRecord
UrticaceaeUrera trinervis By path from carpark to Big Tree, Chirinda ForestRecord (with image)

Number of records found: 125

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-24

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2024). Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Date search results.
https://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/utilities/utility-date-query-get.php?year_search=2011&month_search=Dec&day_search=26, retrieved 22 December 2024

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