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Family name | Species name | Location | Link to record |
Fabaceae subfamily Mimosoideae | Acacia dealbata | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record (with image) |
Fabaceae subfamily Mimosoideae | Acacia mearnsii | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Mimosoideae | Acacia melanoxylon | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Euphorbiaceae | Acalypha caperonioides | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record (with image) |
Acanthaceae | Acanthus polystachyus | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Adiantaceae | Adiantum poiretii | Stream below Silvermist cottage, Troutbeck | Record |
Rosaceae | Agrimonia bracteata | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Rosaceae | Agrimonia bracteata | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Rosaceae | Alchemilla kiwuensis | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Rubiaceae | Anthospermum ammannioides | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Rubiaceae | Anthospermum herbaceum | Circular Drive, Nyanga NP | Record (with image) |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Argyrolobium rupestre subsp. rupestre | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Woodsiaceae | Athyrium schimperi | Stream below Silvermist cottage, Troutback | Record (with image) |
Scrophulariaceae | Buddleja salviifolia | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Vitaceae | Cayratia gracilis | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Lamiaceae | Coleus sessilifolius | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record (with image) |
Commelinaceae | Commelina africana | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Rosaceae | Cotoneaster pannosus | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Araliaceae | Cussonia spicata | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Cyatheaceae | Cyathea dregei | Stream below Silvermist cottage, Troutbeck | Record (with image) |
Cyatheaceae | Cyathea dregei | Silvermist cottage, Troutback | Record |
Amaranthaceae | Cyathula cylindrica | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Campanulaceae | Cyphia alba | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record (with image) |
Vitaceae | Cyphostemma montanum | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record (with image) |
Convolvulaceae | Dichondra micrantha | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Orchidaceae | Disperis lindleyana | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record (with image) |
Caryophyllaceae | Drymaria cordata var. cordata | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Dryopteridaceae | Dryopteris athamantica | Silvermist cottage, Troutback | Record (with image) |
Equisetaceae | Equisetum ramosissimum subsp. ramosissimum | Stream below Silvermist cottage, Troutback | Record |
Asteraceae | Erigeron bonariensis | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Eriosema chrysadenium var. chrysadenium | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record (with image) |
Hyacinthaceae | Eucomis autumnalis | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Asteraceae | Galinsoga quadriradiata | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Rubiaceae | Galium thunbergianum var. hirsutum | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record (with image) |
Geraniaceae | Geranium arabicum subsp. arabicum | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record (with image) |
Haloragaceae | Gunnera perpensa | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Asteraceae | Helichrysum forskahlii | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Asteraceae | Helichrysum odoratissimum | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Clusiaceae | Hypericum revolutum | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Asteraceae | Inulanthera nuda | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record (with image) |
Hyacinthaceae | Ledebouria sandersonii | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record (with image) |
Polypodiaceae | Lepisorus excavatus | Stream below Silvermist cottage, Troutback | Record (with image) |
Rosaceae | Leucosidea sericea | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Lycopodiaceae | Lycopodium clavatum | Stream below Silvermist cottage, Troutback | Record (with image) |
Primulaceae | Lysimachia africana | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record (with image) |
Lamiaceae | Micromeria imbricata var. rhodesiaca | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record (with image) |
Anemiaceae | Mohria nudiuscula | Silvermist cottage, Troutbeck | Record (with image) |
Cucurbitaceae | Momordica foetida | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Myricaceae | Myrica pilulifera | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Asteraceae | Nidorella auriculata subsp. auriculata | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Asteraceae | Nidorella pinnata | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Ophioglossaceae | Ophioglossum reticulatum | Stream below Silvermist cottage, Troutback | Record (with image) |
Osmundaceae | Osmunda regalis | Stream below Silvermist cottage, Troutback | Record |
Oxalidaceae | Oxalis corniculata | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Oxalidaceae | Oxalis latifolia | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Oxalidaceae | Oxalis semiloba subsp. semiloba | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Thymelaeaceae | Passerina montana | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record (with image) |
Rubiaceae | Pentas purpurea subsp. purpurea | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Polygonaceae | Persicaria capitata | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Solanaceae | Physalis peruviana | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Pinaceae | Pinus patula | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Polypodiaceae | Pleopeltis macrocarpa | Stream below Silvermist cottage, Troutback | Record (with image) |
Rosaceae | Prunus cerasoides | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Thelypteridaceae | Pseudocyclosorus pulcher | Stream below Silvermist cottage, Troutbeck | Record (with image) |
Pteridaceae | Pteris cretica | Stream below Silvermist cottage, Troutback | Record (with image) |
Rosaceae | Rubus niveus | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Polygonaceae | Rumex sagittatus | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Lamiaceae | Salvia nilotica | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record (with image) |
Asteraceae | Schistostephium heptalobum | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record (with image) |
Selaginellaceae | Selaginella goudotiana var. abyssinica | Stream below Silvermist cottage, Troutback | Record (with image) |
Asteraceae | Senecio oxyriifolius | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Caryophyllaceae | Silene undulata | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record (with image) |
Malvaceae subfamily Grewioideae | Sparrmannia ricinocarpa | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Lamiaceae | Stachys aethiopica | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record (with image) |
Menispermaceae | Stephania abyssinica var. abyssinica | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Gleicheniaceae | Sticherus umbraculifer | Silvermist cottage, Troutback | Record |
Asteraceae | Stoebe vulgaris | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Asteraceae | Tagetes minuta | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Ranunculaceae | Thalictrum rhynchocarpum | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Thelypteridaceae | Thelypteris confluens | Stream below Silvermist cottage, Troutback | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Trifolium repens | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Verbenaceae | Verbena brasiliensis | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Solanaceae | Withania somnifera | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Apocynaceae subfamilies Asclepiadoideae and Secamonoideae | Xysmalobium undulatum | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record (with image) |
Araceae | Zantedeschia albomaculata subsp. albomaculata | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Araceae | Zantedeschia albomaculata subsp. albomaculata | Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck | Record |
Number of records found: 86
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