Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Date search results

Results for date: 5 Jan 2013

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Family name Species nameLocationLink to record
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAcacia dealbata Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAcacia mearnsii Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAcacia melanoxylon Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
EuphorbiaceaeAcalypha caperonioides Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord (with image)
AcanthaceaeAcanthus polystachyus Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
AdiantaceaeAdiantum poiretii Stream below Silvermist cottage, TroutbeckRecord
RosaceaeAgrimonia bracteata Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
RosaceaeAgrimonia bracteata Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
RosaceaeAlchemilla kiwuensis Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
RubiaceaeAnthospermum ammannioides Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
RubiaceaeAnthospermum herbaceum Circular Drive, Nyanga NPRecord (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeArgyrolobium rupestre subsp. rupestre Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
WoodsiaceaeAthyrium schimperi Stream below Silvermist cottage, TroutbackRecord (with image)
ScrophulariaceaeBuddleja salviifolia Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
VitaceaeCayratia gracilis Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
LamiaceaeColeus sessilifolius Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord (with image)
CommelinaceaeCommelina africana Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
RosaceaeCotoneaster pannosus Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
AraliaceaeCussonia spicata Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
CyatheaceaeCyathea dregei Stream below Silvermist cottage, TroutbeckRecord (with image)
CyatheaceaeCyathea dregei Silvermist cottage, TroutbackRecord
AmaranthaceaeCyathula cylindrica Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
CampanulaceaeCyphia alba Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord (with image)
VitaceaeCyphostemma montanum Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord (with image)
ConvolvulaceaeDichondra micrantha Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
OrchidaceaeDisperis lindleyana Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord (with image)
CaryophyllaceaeDrymaria cordata var. cordata Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
DryopteridaceaeDryopteris athamantica Silvermist cottage, TroutbackRecord (with image)
EquisetaceaeEquisetum ramosissimum subsp. ramosissimum Stream below Silvermist cottage, TroutbackRecord
AsteraceaeErigeron bonariensis Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeEriosema chrysadenium var. chrysadenium Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord (with image)
HyacinthaceaeEucomis autumnalis Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
AsteraceaeGalinsoga quadriradiata Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
RubiaceaeGalium thunbergianum var. hirsutum Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord (with image)
GeraniaceaeGeranium arabicum subsp. arabicum Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord (with image)
HaloragaceaeGunnera perpensa Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
AsteraceaeHelichrysum forskahlii Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
AsteraceaeHelichrysum odoratissimum Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
ClusiaceaeHypericum revolutum Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
AsteraceaeInulanthera nuda Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck Record (with image)
HyacinthaceaeLedebouria sandersonii Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck Record (with image)
PolypodiaceaeLepisorus excavatus Stream below Silvermist cottage, TroutbackRecord (with image)
RosaceaeLeucosidea sericea Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
LycopodiaceaeLycopodium clavatum Stream below Silvermist cottage, TroutbackRecord (with image)
PrimulaceaeLysimachia africana Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord (with image)
LamiaceaeMicromeria imbricata var. rhodesiaca Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck Record (with image)
AnemiaceaeMohria nudiuscula Silvermist cottage, Troutbeck Record (with image)
CucurbitaceaeMomordica foetida Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
MyricaceaeMyrica pilulifera Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
AsteraceaeNidorella auriculata subsp. auriculata Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
AsteraceaeNidorella pinnata Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
OphioglossaceaeOphioglossum reticulatum Stream below Silvermist cottage, TroutbackRecord (with image)
OsmundaceaeOsmunda regalis Stream below Silvermist cottage, TroutbackRecord
OxalidaceaeOxalis corniculata Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
OxalidaceaeOxalis latifolia Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
OxalidaceaeOxalis semiloba subsp. semiloba Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
ThymelaeaceaePasserina montana Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord (with image)
RubiaceaePentas purpurea subsp. purpurea Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck Record
PolygonaceaePersicaria capitata Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
SolanaceaePhysalis peruviana Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
PinaceaePinus patula Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
PolypodiaceaePleopeltis macrocarpa Stream below Silvermist cottage, TroutbackRecord (with image)
RosaceaePrunus cerasoides Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
ThelypteridaceaePseudocyclosorus pulcher Stream below Silvermist cottage, TroutbeckRecord (with image)
PteridaceaePteris cretica Stream below Silvermist cottage, TroutbackRecord (with image)
RosaceaeRubus niveus Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
PolygonaceaeRumex sagittatus Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
LamiaceaeSalvia nilotica Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck Record (with image)
AsteraceaeSchistostephium heptalobum Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck Record (with image)
SelaginellaceaeSelaginella goudotiana var. abyssinica Stream below Silvermist cottage, TroutbackRecord (with image)
AsteraceaeSenecio oxyriifolius Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
CaryophyllaceaeSilene undulata Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord (with image)
Malvaceae subfamily GrewioideaeSparrmannia ricinocarpa Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
LamiaceaeStachys aethiopica Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck Record (with image)
MenispermaceaeStephania abyssinica var. abyssinica Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
GleicheniaceaeSticherus umbraculifer Silvermist cottage, TroutbackRecord
AsteraceaeStoebe vulgaris Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
AsteraceaeTagetes minuta Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
RanunculaceaeThalictrum rhynchocarpum Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
ThelypteridaceaeThelypteris confluens Stream below Silvermist cottage, TroutbackRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeTrifolium repens Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
VerbenaceaeVerbena brasiliensis Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
SolanaceaeWithania somnifera Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
Apocynaceae subfamilies Asclepiadoideae and SecamonoideaeXysmalobium undulatum Silver Mist cottage, near Troutbeck Record (with image)
AraceaeZantedeschia albomaculata subsp. albomaculata Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord
AraceaeZantedeschia albomaculata subsp. albomaculata Silver Mist cottage, near TroutbeckRecord

Number of records found: 86

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-24

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2024). Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Date search results.
https://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/utilities/utility-date-query-get.php?year_search=2013&month_search=Jan&day_search=5, retrieved 22 December 2024

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