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Records of purely cultivated species are displayed in a different font and colour.
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Family name | Species name | Location | Link to record |
Caprifoliaceae | Abelia × grandiflora (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Mimosoideae | Acacia sieberiana var. woodii (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Euphorbiaceae | Acalypha amentacea subsp. wilkesiana (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Agavaceae | Agave americana (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Euphorbiaceae | Aleurites moluccana (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Bignoniaceae | Amphilophium crucigerum (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Orchidaceae | Ansellia africana (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Gentianaceae | Anthocleista grandiflora (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Araucariaceae | Araucaria bidwillii (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Araucariaceae | Araucaria cunninghamii (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Bauhinia variegata var. variegata (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Bolusanthus speciosus (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Nyctaginaceae | Bougainvillea sp. cultivar (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Nyctaginaceae | Bougainvillea sp. cultivar (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Phyllanthaceae | Bridelia micrantha (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Myrtaceae | Callistemon viminalis (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Rutaceae | Calodendrum capense (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Arecaceae | Caryota urens (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and Rauvolfioideae | Cascabela thevetia (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and Rauvolfioideae | Cascabela thevetia (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Celastraceae | Catha edulis | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Pinaceae | Cedrus deodara (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Lauraceae | Cinnamomum camphora (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Lauraceae | Cinnamomum camphora (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Verbenaceae | Citharexylum spinosum (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Lamiaceae | Clerodendrum schweinfurthii (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Lamiaceae | Congea tomentosa (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Rosaceae | Cotoneaster pannosus (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Lythraceae | Cuphea ignea (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Cupressaceae | Cupressus lusitanica (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Araliaceae | Cussonia spicata (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Delonix regia (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Cornaceae | Dendrobenthamia capitata (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Desmodium uncinatum (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Asphodelaceae | Dianella bambusifolia (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Iridaceae | Dietes grandiflora (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Bignoniaceae | Dolichandra unguis-cati | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Dracaenaceae | Dracaena steudneri (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Verbenaceae | Duranta erecta (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Rosaceae | Eriobotrya japonica (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Erythrina crista-galli (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Erythrina lysistemon (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Erythrina lysistemon (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Myrtaceae | Eugenia uniflora (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbia pulcherrima (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Moraceae | Ficus lutea (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Moraceae | Ficus sur (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Gleditsia triacanthos (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Rhamnaceae | Gouania longispicata | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Malvaceae subfamily Grewioideae | Grewia occidentalis var. occidentalis (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Bignoniaceae | Handroanthus chrysotrichus (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Malvaceae subfamily Malvoideae | Hibiscus schizopetalus (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Euphorbiaceae | Homalanthus populifolius | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Euphorbiaceae | Homalanthus populifolius | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Convolvulaceae | Ipomoea cairica var. cairica (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Convolvulaceae | Ipomoea indica var. acuminata | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Bignoniaceae | Jacaranda mimosifolia (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Bignoniaceae | Jacaranda mimosifolia (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Bignoniaceae | Jacaranda mimosifolia (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Euphorbiaceae | Jatropha integerrima (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Meliaceae | Khaya anthotheca (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Lythraceae | Lagerstroemia indica (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Lythraceae | Lagerstroemia indica (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Malvaceae subfamily Malvoideae | Lagunaria patersonia (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Altingiaceae | Liquidambar styraciflua (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Magnoliaceae | Liriodendron tulipifera (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Myrtaceae | Lophostemon confertus (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Magnoliaceae | Magnolia champaca (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Magnoliaceae | Magnolia champaca (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Magnoliaceae | Magnolia delavayi (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Magnoliaceae | Magnolia grandiflora (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Magnoliaceae | Magnolia grandiflora (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Malvaceae subfamily Malvoideae | Malvaviscus penduliflorus (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Anacardiaceae | Mangifera indica (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Apocynaceae subfamily Periplocoideae | Mondia whitei | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Asteraceae | Montanoa hibiscifolia (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Acanthaceae | Odontonema callistachyum (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Poaceae | Paspalum urvillei | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Paulowniaceae | Paulownia tomentosa (cultivated) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Paulowniaceae | Paulownia tomentosa (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Verbenaceae | Petrea volubilis (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Arecaceae | Phoenix canariensis (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Pittosporaceae | Pittosporum viridiflorum var. viridiflorum (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Platanaceae | Platanus orientalis (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and Rauvolfioideae | Plumeria rubra (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Myrtaceae | Psidium cattleianum (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Myrtaceae | Psidium guajava (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Pterocarpus angolensis (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Fagaceae | Quercus palustris (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Fagaceae | Quercus suber (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and Rauvolfioideae | Rauvolfia caffra (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Vitaceae | Rhoicissus tomentosa | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Rubiaceae | Rothmannia manganjae (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Rubiaceae | Rothmannia manganjae (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Plantaginaceae | Russelia equisetiformis (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Schizolobium parahyba (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Senna spectabilis (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Euphorbiaceae | Shirakiopsis elliptica (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Solanaceae | Solanum mauritianum | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Bignoniaceae | Spathodea campanulata subsp. nilotica (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Asteraceae | Sphagneticola trilobata (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Strelitziaceae | Strelitzia reginae (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Arecaceae | Syagrus romanzoffiana (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Myrtaceae | Syzygium jambos (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Tamarindus indica (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Taxodiaceae | Taxodium distichum (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Taxodiaceae | Taxodium distichum (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Arecaceae | Trachycarpus fortunei (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Araliaceae | Trevesia palmata (cultivated) (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Ulmaceae | Ulmus parvifolia (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Rutaceae | Vepris nobilis (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Asteraceae | Vernonanthura polyanthes | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Asteraceae | Vernonanthura polyanthes | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Asteraceae | Vernonanthura polyanthes | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Cupressaceae | Widdringtonia nodiflora (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Monimiaceae | Xymalos monospora (planted) | La Rochelle, Penhalonga | Record |
Number of records found: 116
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