Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Date search results

Results for date: 6 Jan 2015

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Family name Species nameLocationLink to record
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeAbrus precatorius subsp. africanus Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAcacia borleae Along Mahenye rdRecord (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAcacia tortilis At stream drift along Mahenye road.Record
PassifloraceaeAdenia digitata Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record (with image)
PassifloraceaeAdenia fruticosa subsp. simplicifolia Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord (with image)
LamiaceaeAeollanthus rehmannii Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
RubiaceaeAfrocanthium lactescens Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL. Record
RubiaceaeAgathisanthemum bojeri Mahenye road at Chipote, Ndowoyo CLRecord
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAlbizia harveyi Along Mahenye road, Ndowoyo CL.Record
EuphorbiaceaeAlchornea laxiflora Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
AsphodelaceaeAloe aculeata Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record (with image)
VitaceaeAmpelocissus obtusata subsp. kirkiana Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
EuphorbiaceaeAndrostachys johnsonii Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
AnnonaceaeArtabotrys brachypetalus Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record (with image)
AnnonaceaeArtabotrys brachypetalus Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record (with image)
AsteraceaeAspilia mossambicensis Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
AcanthaceaeBarleria albostellata Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
PassifloraceaeBasananthe pedata Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record (with image)
AsteraceaeBidens bipinnata Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
CapparaceaeBoscia albitrunca Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeBrachystegia glaucescens Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
PhyllanthaceaeBridelia mollis Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
RubiaceaeCanthium glaucum subsp. frangula var. pubescens Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record (with image)
RubiaceaeCanthium glaucum subsp. frangula var. frangula Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record (with image)
RubiaceaeCanthium glaucum subsp. frangula Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeCassia abbreviata Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
EuphorbiaceaeCephalocroton mollis Along Mahenye rdRecord (with image)
PedaliaceaeCeratotheca sesamoides Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeChamaecrista absus Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeChamaecrista absus Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
RubiaceaeChazaliella abrupta var. abrupta Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
SinopteridaceaeCheilanthes viridis var. glauca Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
VitaceaeCissus cornifolia Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
VitaceaeCissus quadrangularis Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
VitaceaeCissus rotundifolia Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record (with image)
PhyllanthaceaeCleistanthus schlechteri var. schlechteri Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
CapparaceaeCleome macrophylla var. macrophylla Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
LamiaceaeClerodendrum ternatum Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record (with image)
RubiaceaeCoffea racemosa Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
CombretaceaeCombretum adenogonium Along Mahenye road, Ndowoyo CL.Record
CombretaceaeCombretum apiculatum subsp. apiculatum Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
CombretaceaeCombretum hereroense subsp. hereroense Along Mahenye rd, Ndowoyo CL.Record (with image)
CombretaceaeCombretum zeyheri Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord (with image)
BurseraceaeCommiphora mollis Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
AcanthaceaeCrabbea velutina Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
RubiaceaeCrossopteryx febrifuga Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
Apocynaceae subfamilies Asclepiadoideae and SecamonoideaeCynanchum viminale subsp. suberosum Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
CyperaceaeCyperus hemisphaericus Along Mahenye rd, Ndowoyo CL.Record
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeDalbergia arbutifolia subsp. arbutifolia Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeDalbergia melanoxylon Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
EbenaceaeDiospyros loureiriana subsp. loureiriana Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record (with image)
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and RauvolfioideaeDiplorhynchus condylocarpon Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
HyacinthaceaeDrimia altissima Mahenye road, Ndowoyo CL.Record
PutranjivaceaeDrypetes mossambicensis Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
BoraginaceaeEhretia amoena At stream drift along Mahenye road.Record
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeElephantorrhiza goetzei Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeErythrina livingstoniana Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
EuphorbiaceaeEuphorbia hirta Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
EuphorbiaceaeEuphorbia hirta Mahenye road at Chipote, Ndowoyo CLRecord
EuphorbiaceaeEuphorbia malevola Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record (with image)
MoraceaeFicus abutilifolia Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
MoraceaeFicus abutilifolia Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
MoraceaeFicus tettensis Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record (with image)
ColchicaceaeGloriosa superba Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
AraceaeGonatopus boivinii Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
Malvaceae subfamily GrewioideaeGrewia flavescens var. flavescens Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
HernandiaceaeGyrocarpus americanus subsp. africanus Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
RubiaceaeHeinsia crinita subsp. parviflora Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
Malvaceae: Byttnerioideae, Helicteroideae & SterculioideaeHermannia glanduligera Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record (with image)
Malvaceae subfamily MalvoideaeHibiscus allenii Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record (with image)
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and RauvolfioideaeHolarrhena pubescens Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and RauvolfioideaeHolarrhena pubescens Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
LamiaceaeHoslundia opposita Along Mahenye rd, Ndowoyo CL.Record (with image)
LinaceaeHugonia orientalis Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord (with image)
RubiaceaeHymenodictyon parvifolium subsp. parvifolium Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record (with image)
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea pes-tigridis var. pes-tigridis Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
OleaceaeJasminum fluminense At stream drift along Mahenye road.Record (with image)
KirkiaceaeKirkia acuminata Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
KirkiaceaeKirkia acuminata Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
AnacardiaceaeLannea schweinfurthii var. stuhlmannii Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
SapindaceaeLecaniodiscus fraxinifolius Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record (with image)
SapotaceaeManilkara mochisia Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
Apocynaceae subfamilies Asclepiadoideae and SecamonoideaeMarsdenia cynanchoides Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo Comm.LandRecord (with image)
ConvolvulaceaeMerremia pinnata Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
MolluginaceaeMollugo nudicaulis Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
AnnonaceaeMonodora junodii var. junodii Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and RauvolfioideaePachypodium saundersii Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
Malvaceae subfamily MalvoideaePavonia leptocalyx Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord (with image)
SinopteridaceaePellaea calomelanos var. calomelanos Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaePhilenoptera bussei Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaePiliostigma thonningii Along Mahenye road, Ndowoyo CL.Record
PolygalaceaePolygala sphenoptera Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
PortulacaceaePortulaca oleracea Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
PhyllanthaceaePseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record (with image)
AmaranthaceaePsilotrichum scleranthum Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record (with image)
RubiaceaePsydrax livida Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
CombretaceaePteleopsis myrtifolia Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaePterocarpus brenanii Along Mahenye rd, Ndowoyo CL.Record (with image)
VitaceaeRhoicissus revoilii Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
DracaenaceaeSansevieria hallii Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
DracaenaceaeSansevieria hallii Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record (with image)
AmaryllidaceaeScadoxus multiflorus subsp. multiflorus Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
AnacardiaceaeSclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
SelaginellaceaeSelaginella dregei Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
Malvaceae subfamily MalvoideaeSida acuta Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
Malvaceae subfamily MalvoideaeSida cordifolia subsp. maculata Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
SolanaceaeSolanum campylacanthum 'panduriforme type' Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
LinderniaceaeStemodiopsis rivae Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and RauvolfioideaeStrophanthus kombe Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
LoganiaceaeStrychnos madagascariensis Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
LoganiaceaeStrychnos potatorum Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
AraceaeStylochaeton natalensis subsp. natalensis Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record (with image)
ThymelaeaceaeSynaptolepis alternifolia Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
LamiaceaeSyncolostemon canescens Along Mahenye road, Ndowoyo CL.Record
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and RauvolfioideaeTabernaemontana elegans Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
CombretaceaeTerminalia stenostachya Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
CombretaceaeTerminalia stenostachya Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
Malvaceae subfamily MalvoideaeThespesia garckeana Along Mahenye road, Ndowoyo CL.Record
MenispermaceaeTinospora caffra Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
TurneraceaeTricliceras lobatum Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record (with image)
TurneraceaeTricliceras longepedunculatum var. longepedunculatum Chipote, Mahenye, NdowoyoRecord
TurneraceaeTricliceras tanacetifolium Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record (with image)
RutaceaeVepris bremekampii Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CLRecord (with image)
LamiaceaeVitex petersiana Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
Malvaceae: Byttnerioideae, Helicteroideae & SterculioideaeWaltheria indica Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeXeroderris stuhlmannii Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record
OlacaceaeXimenia americana var. microphylla At stream drift along Mahenye road.Record
OlacaceaeXimenia caffra var. caffra Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record (with image)
RhamnaceaeZiziphus mucronata Chipote, Mahenye, Ndowoyo CL.Record

Number of records found: 129

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-24

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2024). Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Date search results.
https://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/utilities/utility-date-query-get.php?year_search=2015&month_search=Jan&day_search=6, retrieved 22 December 2024

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