Records determined by Barbara Turpin

Determinations: 14

The following is a list of the records determined by Barbara Turpin in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
109432Aneilema aequinoctiale11 Dec 2009JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11571 BC Turpin BNRH
Next to M-Cel tower 10 km from Bilene on road to Macia.0Mozambique2533A1GI67

A 'sticky' herb with trailing stems and erect flowering stems; flowers yellow. Scattered along sandy roadside in dappled shade of evergreen forest on low hill on coastal plain.

109433Aneilema aequinoctiale5 Apr 2010M Lötter
BC Turpin
BC Turpin 292 BC Turpin BNRH
Moribane forest, 'Agalaea' site.0Mozambique1933C2MS555

Climbing herb to 3 m high with yellow flowers. In the foothills of Chimanimani Mountains; at the roadside in dappled shade.

109434Aneilema aequinoctiale10 Mar 2016T Parker
T Parker 4092 BC Turpin LMU
Mount Mabu, along trail down ridge east of Mt Mabu Forest Base Camp. In burn opening.0Mozambique1636A4Z0

Herbaceous plant, ± 1 meter tall, yellow flowers. Will stick to cloth like velcro.

109436Aneilema indehiscens subsp. lilacinum12 Dec 2009JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11577 BC Turpin BNRH
Licuati Thicket, Licuati Forest Reserve, Bela Vista.0Mozambique2632B3M32

A fairly common herb. The lilac flowers have two equal-sized petals and a large, cup-shaped third petal. Leaves are striped with lighter green. On sandy margins of track, on ecotone between Licuati Thicket and coastal woodland.

109444Coleotrype natalensis11 Dec 2009JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11569 BC Turpin BNRH
Next to M-Cel tower 10 km from Bilene on road to Macia.0Mozambique2533A1GI67

A robust herb with erect stems ca. 30 cm tall. The lilac flowers emerge from bracts which pierce through the leaf sheaths. Abundant along sandy roadside in dappled shade of evergreen forest on coastal plain.

109458Commelina erecta4 Mar 2007BC Turpin
BC Turpin 40 BC Turpin BNRH
Layby on EN1 (lunch stop!) before Save River crossing.0Mozambique2134B1GI100

As Commelina erecta erecta in BNRH.Blue flowers. Hairy, lanceolate leaves, 7.5 cm long. In grass, trailing.

109466Commelina forskaolii11 Dec 2009JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11572 BC Turpin BNRH
Ca. 5 km north of Costa do Sol on track to Marracuene, Maputo.0Mozambique2532D3M4

Prostrate herb with a distinctive maroon line edging the spathes. Quite common in full sun on the grassy verges of the road traversing saline tidal flats.

109480Murdannia simplex11 Dec 2009JE Burrows
BC Turpin
JE Burrows BC Turpin 11573 BC Turpin BNRH
Albizia Campsite, Licuati Forest Reserve, Bela Vista.0Mozambique2632A4M53

Erect herb with pale lilac flowers opening in the early evening. Growing in sandy soils on margins of Licuati Thicket.

109482Murdannia simplex5 Jan 2015JE Burrows
SM Burrows
JE Burrows 14500 BC Turpin LMA
Marracuene, on outskirts of town on N side of new carriageway to Maputo.0Mozambique2532D3M10

Locally common monocot with mauve flowers, in short grass meadow on coastal floodplain, on sandy-loam seasonally moist soils.

110824Polygala gazensis7 Mar 2007JE Burrows
SM Burrows
JE Burrows SM Burrows 9954 BC Turpin BNRH
Summit (Gogogo Peak), Mount Gorongosa.0Mozambique1834A3MS1750

Slender shrub to 2 m tall on margins of montane scrub.

110825Polygala gazensis15 Jun 2012P Bester
P Bester 11199 BC Turpin PRE
Chimanimani Mountains, ± 72 km SW of Chimoio.0Mozambique1932B4MS1278

Shrub 0.86 m tall. Flowers purple. Rare.-x000D- Habitat: Forest on a SE-facing mountain slope. In damp loam, in light shade. Biotic effect: roadside.

1048Ursinia montana subsp. montana12 Feb 2005MA Hyde
BT Wursten
BC Turpin Rocky montane grasslandMt Rukotso, Nyanga25,1550Zimbabwe1832B2VQ761992E2320

2930Ursinia montana subsp. montana13 Feb 2005MA Hyde
BT Wursten
BC Turpin Rocky montane grasslandRoad to World's View, Nyanga1550Zimbabwe1832B2VQ787919E2270

109014Waltheria indica20 Jun 2012JE Burrows
SM Burrows
JE Burrows 12909 BC Turpin BNRH
Ibo Island, on the airstrip.0Mozambique1240B3N10

Small weedy shrublet common on mown runway of airstrip on sands over coral rag. Flowers yellow.


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Zimbabwe: Records determined by Barbara Turpin., retrieved 15 January 2025

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