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Family name | Species name | Location | Link to record |
Poaceae | Bothriochloa radicans | Drummond Chaplin Street, Milton Park | Record |
Poaceae | Brachiaria brizantha | Cnr Harvey Brown Ave, Drummond Chaplin Street | Record |
Poaceae | Echinochloa pyramidalis | Nr Harry Margolis Hall | Record |
Poaceae | Eulalia aurea | Nr Drummond Chaplin St | Record |
Poaceae | Hemarthria altissima | Nr Harry Margolis Hall | Record |
Poaceae | Ischaemum afrum | Nr Harry Margolis Hall | Record |
Poaceae | Melinis nerviglumis | Drummond Chaplin St | Record |
Poaceae | Panicum trichonode | Drummond Chaplin Street | Record |
Poaceae | Paspalum dilatatum | Drummond Chaplin Street | Record |
Poaceae | Paspalum scrobiculatum | By Drummond Chaplin Street, nr Harry Margolis Hall | Record |
Poaceae | Paspalum urvillei | Nr Harry Margolis Hall | Record |
Poaceae | Pogonarthria squarrosa | Cnr Drummond Chaplin/ Harvey Brown | Record |
Poaceae | Setaria incrassata | Cnr Harvey Brown Avenue/ Drummond Chaplin Street | Record |
Poaceae | Sorghum arundinaceum | Nr Harry Margolis Hall by Drummond Chaplin Street | Record |
Poaceae | Sporobolus pyramidalis | Drummond Chaplin St | Record |
Poaceae | Sporobolus stapfianus | Drummond Chaplin St | Record |
Poaceae | Themeda triandra | Drummond Chaplin St | Record |
Number of records found: 17
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