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Records of purely cultivated species are displayed in a different font and colour.
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Family name | Species name | Location | Link to record |
Euphorbiaceae | Acalypha caperonioides | Near Stratford Drive | Record |
Passifloraceae | Basananthe apetala | Near Stratford Drive | Record |
Poaceae | Brachiaria bovonei | By Harare Drive | Record |
Poaceae | Brachiaria nigropedata | Stratford Drive, Greystone Park | Record |
Poaceae | Brachiaria serrata | Near Stratford Drive | Record |
Combretaceae | Combretum platypetalum subsp. oatesii | Stratford Drive | Record |
Convolvulaceae | Convolvulus sagittatus var. aschersonii | Stratford Drive, Harare | Record |
Vitaceae | Cyphostemma rhodesiae | By Harare Drive | Record |
Poaceae | Eragrostis aspera | Stratford Drive | Record |
Poaceae | Eragrostis capensis | Harare Drive | Record |
Thymelaeaceae | Gnidia kraussiana var. kraussiana | Stratford Drive | Record |
Amaranthaceae | Gomphrena celosioides | Stratford Drive | Record |
Scrophulariaceae | Jamesbrittenia micrantha | Harare Drive | Record |
Acanthaceae | Justicia elegantula | Stratford Drive, Harare | Record |
Brassicaceae | Lepidium bonariense | Stratford Drive, Harare | Record |
Malvaceae: Byttnerioideae, Helicteroideae & Sterculioideae | Melhania randii | Stratford Drive, Harare | Record |
Meliaceae | Melia azedarach | Small tree by Harare Drive | Record |
Phrymaceae | Mimulus gracilis | Stratford Drive, Harare | Record |
Onagraceae | Oenothera rosea | Stratford Drive | Record |
Onagraceae | Oenothera tetraptera | Stratford Drive | Record |
Cactaceae | Opuntia ficus-indica | Harare Drive | Record |
Solanaceae | Petunia × hybrida | Harare Drive | Record |
Poaceae | Schizachyrium thollonii | Harare Drive | Record |
Acanthaceae | Thunbergia oblongifolia | Stratford Drive, Harare | Record |
Verbenaceae | Verbena bonariensis | Stratford Drive | Record |
Rhamnaceae | Ziziphus zeyheriana | Stratford Drive, Harare | Record |
Number of records found: 26
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