Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Date search results

Results for date: 10 Dec 2018

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Family name Species nameLocationLink to record
PassifloraceaeAdenia gummifera var. gummifera La Rochelle Botanic Garden.Record
AdiantaceaeAdiantum capillus-veneris La Rochelle Botanic Garden, PenhalongaRecord
AdiantaceaeAdiantum raddianum La Rochelle Botanic Garden, PenhalongaRecord
RosaceaeAlchemilla kiwuensis La Rochelle Botanic Garden.Record
AlstroemeriaceaeAlstroemeria psittacina (cultivated) (possibly planted)La Rochelle Botanic Garden.Record (with image)
GentianaceaeAnthocleista grandiflora (possibly planted)La Rochelle Botanic Garden, PenhalongaRecord (with image)
ApiaceaeApium leptophyllum La Rochelle Botanic Garden.Record
AsteraceaeBidens pilosa La Rochelle Botanic Garden.Record
CrassulaceaeBryophyllum tubiflorum La Rochelle Botanic Garden.Record
CannabaceaeCeltis africana La Rochelle Botanic Garden.Record
ApiaceaeCentella asiatica La Rochelle Botanic Garden.Record
SolanaceaeCestrum aurantiacum La Rochelle Botanic Garden.Record
ThelypteridaceaeChristella gueinziana La Rochelle Botanic Garden, PenhalongaRecord (with image)
CycadaceaeCycas thouarsii (cultivated) (planted)Leeds Close, Newlands, HarareRecord (with image)
BoraginaceaeCynoglossum lanceolatum La Rochelle Botanic Garden.Record
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeDesmodium uncinatum La Rochelle Botanic Garden.Record
ConvolvulaceaeDichondra micrantha La Rochelle Botanic Garden.Record
AcanthaceaeDyschoriste nagchana La Rochelle Botanic Garden.Record
RosaceaeEriobotrya japonica La Rochelle Botanic Garden.Record
AsteraceaeGalinsoga quadriradiata La Rochelle Botanic Garden.Record
CommelinaceaeGibasis pellucida La Rochelle Botanic Garden.Record
Malvaceae subfamily GrewioideaeGrewia occidentalis var. occidentalis La Rochelle Botanic Garden.Record
EuphorbiaceaeHomalanthus populifolius La Rochelle Botanic Garden.Record
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeHylodesmum repandum La Rochelle Botanic Garden.Record
AcanthaceaeHypoestes phyllostachya La Rochelle Botanic Garden.Record
BalsaminaceaeImpatiens wallerana La Rochelle Botanic Garden.Record
Malvaceae subfamily MalvoideaeMalvastrum coromandelianum La Rochelle Botanic Garden.Record
OxalidaceaeOxalis corniculata La Rochelle Botanic Garden.Record
OxalidaceaeOxalis latifolia La Rochelle Botanic Garden.Record
PolygonaceaePersicaria decipiens La Rochelle Botanic Garden, PenhalongaRecord (with image)
PolypodiaceaePleopeltis macrocarpa La Rochelle Botanic Garden, PenhalongaRecord
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and RauvolfioideaePlumeria rubra (planted)La Rochelle Botanic Garden, Penhalonga Record (with image)
OrchidaceaePolystachya albescens subsp. imbricata La Rochelle Botanic Garden, PenhalongaRecord (with image)
AsteraceaePseudognaphalium luteo-album La Rochelle Botanic Garden.Record
RanunculaceaeRanunculus multifidus La Rochelle Botanic Garden.Record
VitaceaeRhoicissus tomentosa La Rochelle Botanic Garden.Record
RubiaceaeRubia cordifolia subsp. conotricha La Rochelle Botanic Garden.Record
SmilacaceaeSmilax anceps La Rochelle Botanic Garden, PenhalongaRecord (with image)
SolanaceaeSolanum mauritianum La Rochelle Botanic Garden.Record
AsteraceaeSpilanthes mauritiana La Rochelle Botanic Garden.Record
StrelitziaceaeStrelitzia reginae (cultivated) (planted)La Rochelle Botanic Garden, PenhalongaRecord (with image)
LoganiaceaeStrychnos lucens La Rochelle Botanic Garden, PenhalongaRecord
AsteraceaeTridax procumbens La Rochelle Botanic Garden.Record
TyphaceaeTypha capensis La Rochelle Botanic Garden.Record

Number of records found: 44

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-24

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2024). Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Date search results.
https://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/utilities/utility-date-query-get.php?year_search=2018&month_search=Dec&day_search=10, retrieved 22 December 2024

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