Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Date search results

Results for date: 8 Sep 1995

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Family name Species nameLocationLink to record
AsphodelaceaeAloe arborescens Near summit of Mt RukotsoRecord
RubiaceaeAnthospermum herbaceum By bridge, 2.5 kms down road towards Bende Gap, Nyagui Forest LandRecord
AsteraceaeAthrixia rosmarinifolia var. rosmarinifolia By bridge, 2.5 kms down road towards Bende Gap, Nyagui Forest LandRecord
PhyllanthaceaeBridelia micrantha By road to the Bende GapRecord
ScrophulariaceaeBuddleja salviifolia Near summit of Mt RukotsoRecord
CannabaceaeCeltis africana By bridge, 2.5 kms down road towards Bende Gap, Nyagui Forest LandRecord
AsteraceaeChrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. septentrionale Near summit of Mt RukotsoRecord
RutaceaeClausena anisata By bridge, 2.5 kms down road towards Bende Gap, Nyagui Forest LandRecord
CrassulaceaeCrassula sarcocaulis subsp. sarcocaulis Near summit of Mt RukotsoRecord
AmaranthaceaeCyathula cylindrica Near summit of Mt RukotsoRecord
Malvaceae: Byttnerioideae, Helicteroideae & SterculioideaeDombeya burgessiae By bridge, 2.5 kms down road towards Bende Gap, Nyagui Forest LandRecord
MeliaceaeEkebergia capensis By road to the Bende GapRecord
MoraceaeFicus sur By bridge, 2.5 kms down road towards Bende Gap, Nyagui Forest LandRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeFlemingia grahamiana By bridge, 2.5 kms down road towards Bende Gap, Nyagui Forest LandRecord
ScrophulariaceaeFreylinia tropica By bridge, 2.5 kms down road towards Bende Gap, Nyagui Forest LandRecord
ClusiaceaeHypericum revolutum Near summit of Mt RukotsoRecord
ClusiaceaeHypericum revolutum By bridge, 2.5 kms down road towards Bende Gap, Nyagui Forest LandRecord
ClusiaceaeHypericum roeperianum By bridge, 2.5 kms down road towards Bende Gap, Nyagui Forest LandRecord
RosaceaeLeucosidea sericea Near summit of Mt RukotsoRecord
MyrsinaceaeMaesa lanceolata By bridge, 2.5 kms down road towards Bende Gap, Nyagui Forest LandRecord
RubiaceaeMussaenda arcuata By bridge, 2.5 kms down road towards Bende Gap, Nyagui Forest LandRecord
MyrsinaceaeMyrsine africana Near summit of Mt RukotsoRecord
AsteraceaePhymaspermum bolusii Near summit of Mt RukotsoRecord
PhytolaccaceaePhytolacca octandra By road to the Bende GapRecord
RosaceaePrunus africana By bridge, 2.5 kms down road towards Bende Gap, Nyagui Forest LandRecord
DennstaedtiaceaePteridium aquilinum subsp. capense Near summit of Mt RukotsoRecord
MyrsinaceaeRapanea melanophloeos Near summit of Mt RukotsoRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeRhynchosia monophylla Near summit of Mt RukotsoRecord
AnacardiaceaeSearsia chirindensis Near summit of Mt RukotsoRecord
SmilacaceaeSmilax anceps By bridge, 2.5 kms down road towards Bende Gap, Nyagui Forest LandRecord
Malvaceae subfamily GrewioideaeSparrmannia ricinocarpa Near summit of Mt RukotsoRecord
AsteraceaeStoebe vulgaris Near summit of Mt RukotsoRecord
CannabaceaeTrema orientale By road to the Bende GapRecord
RubiaceaeVangueria apiculata By bridge, 2.5 kms down road towards Bende Gap, Nyagui Forest LandRecord
AsteraceaeVernonia myriantha By road to the Bende GapRecord

Number of records found: 35

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-24

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2024). Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Date search results.
https://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/utilities/utility-date-query-get.php?year_search=1995&month_search=Sep&day_search=8, retrieved 22 December 2024

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