Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Date search results

Results for date: 6 Jan 2010

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Family name Species nameLocationLink to record
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAcacia fleckii Near railway line by road to Hwange NP, Main CampRecord (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAcacia nigrescens By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
EuphorbiaceaeAcalypha allenii By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
CucurbitaceaeAcanthosicyos naudinianus Near railway line by road to Hwange NP, Main CampRecord (with image)
AsteraceaeAcanthospermum hispidum Near 'Save the Nation Store' by the main Bulawayo - Vic Falls RdRecord
LamiaceaeAcrotome angustifolia Near railway line by road to Hwange NP, Main CampRecord (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeAfzelia quanzensis By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeAfzelia quanzensis Near 'Save the Nation Store' by the main Bulawayo - Vic Falls RdRecord
AmaranthaceaeAlternanthera nodiflora By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAmblygonocarpus andongensis By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
VitaceaeAmpelocissus africana var. africana Near 'Save the Nation Store' by the main Bulawayo - Vic Falls RdRecord
AcanthaceaeAsystasia intrusa Near railway line by road to Hwange NP, Main CampRecord (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeBaikiaea plurijuga By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeBaikiaea plurijuga By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeBaikiaea plurijuga Near 'Save the Nation Store' by the main Bulawayo - Vic Falls RdRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeBaphia massaiensis subsp. obovata var. obovata Near railway line by road to Hwange NP, Main CampRecord
PassifloraceaeBasananthe hanningtoniana Near railway line by road to Hwange NP, Main CampRecord (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeBauhinia macrantha Near railway line by road to Hwange NP, Main CampRecord
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeBauhinia macrantha By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeBauhinia macrantha Near 'Save the Nation Store' by the main Bulawayo - Vic Falls RdRecord
RhamnaceaeBerchemia discolor By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
AsteraceaeBidens pilosa Near 'Save the Nation Store' by the main Bulawayo - Vic Falls RdRecord
AsteraceaeBidens schimperi By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
NyctaginaceaeBoerhavia diffusa By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
PoaceaeBrachiaria nigropedata Near railway line by road to Hwange NP, Main CampRecord
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeBrachystegia boehmii By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeBrachystegia spiciformis By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeBrachystegia spiciformis By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeBrachystegia spiciformis Near 'Save the Nation Store' by the main Bulawayo - Vic Falls RdRecord
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeBrachystegia spiciformis By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeBrachystegia spiciformis By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeBurkea africana By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeCassia abbreviata Near 'Save the Nation Store' by the main Bulawayo - Vic Falls RdRecord
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeCassia abbreviata By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
RubiaceaeCatunaregam taylorii Near 'Save the Nation Store' by the main Bulawayo - Vic Falls RdRecord
PedaliaceaeCeratotheca sesamoides Near 'Save the Nation Store' by the main Bulawayo - Vic Falls RdRecord
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeChamaecrista absus Near 'Save the Nation Store' by the main Bulawayo - Vic Falls RdRecord
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeChamaecrista absus By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
CucurbitaceaeCitrullus lanatus Near railway line by road to Hwange NP, Main CampRecord (with image)
RanunculaceaeClematis villosa subsp. stanleyi By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
RanunculaceaeClematis villosa subsp. stanleyi By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record (with image)
RanunculaceaeClematis villosa subsp. stanleyi By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
CapparaceaeCleome hirta Near railway line by road to Hwange NP, Main CampRecord
CapparaceaeCleome hirta By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
CapparaceaeCleome hirta Near railway line by road to Hwange NP, Main CampRecord
CapparaceaeCleome monophylla By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
LamiaceaeClerodendrum ternatum By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
LamiaceaeClerodendrum ternatum By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
CombretaceaeCombretum adenogonium By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
CombretaceaeCombretum imberbe By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
CommelinaceaeCommelina africana By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
BurseraceaeCommiphora mossambicensis By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
RubiaceaeCrossopteryx febrifuga By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
RubiaceaeCrossopteryx febrifuga By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
EuphorbiaceaeCroton gratissimus var. gratissimus Near railway line by road to Hwange NP, Main CampRecord
EuphorbiaceaeCroton pseudopulchellus By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
EuphorbiaceaeCroton pseudopulchellus Near railway line by road to Hwange NP, Main CampRecord (with image)
PedaliaceaeDicerocaryum eriocarpum Near railway line by road to Hwange NP, Main CampRecord (with image)
DichapetalaceaeDichapetalum rhodesicum By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
DichapetalaceaeDichapetalum rhodesicum By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record (with image)
DichapetalaceaeDichapetalum rhodesicum By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
DichapetalaceaeDichapetalum rhodesicum By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record (with image)
DichapetalaceaeDichapetalum rhodesicum By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
EbenaceaeDiospyros lycioides subsp. sericea By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and RauvolfioideaeDiplorhynchus condylocarpon By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and RauvolfioideaeDiplorhynchus condylocarpon Near 'Save the Nation Store' by the main Bulawayo - Vic Falls RdRecord
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and RauvolfioideaeDiplorhynchus condylocarpon By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
GentianaceaeEnicostema axillare subsp. axillare By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeErythrophleum africanum By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeErythrophleum africanum By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
ErythroxylaceaeErythroxylum zambesiacum By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
EbenaceaeEuclea divinorum By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
EuphorbiaceaeEuphorbia hirta By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
ConvolvulaceaeEvolvulus alsinoides var. alsinoides By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
ConvolvulaceaeEvolvulus alsinoides var. alsinoides By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
ConvolvulaceaeEvolvulus alsinoides var. alsinoides By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
SalicaceaeFlacourtia indica By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
PhyllanthaceaeFlueggea virosa subsp. virosa By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
AsteraceaeGalinsoga parviflora By the Nyamandhlovu Platform, Hwange NPRecord
RubiaceaeGardenia ternifolia subsp. jovis-tonantis var. goetzei By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
GisekiaceaeGisekia africana Near railway line by road to Hwange NP, Main CampRecord
AmaranthaceaeGomphrena celosioides By the Nyamandhlovu Platform, Hwange NPRecord
AmaranthaceaeGomphrena celosioides By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
Malvaceae subfamily GrewioideaeGrewia monticola By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeGuibourtia coleosperma By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record (with image)
AmaranthaceaeGuilleminea densa By the Nyamandhlovu Platform, Hwange NPRecord
Malvaceae subfamily MalvoideaeHibiscus sidiformis Near 'Save the Nation Store' by the main Bulawayo - Vic Falls RdRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeIndigofera flavicans Near railway line by road to Hwange NP, Main CampRecord (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeIndigofera flavicans By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
ConvolvulaceaeIpomoea verbascoidea By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record (with image)
AcanthaceaeJusticia betonica By the Nyamandhlovu Platform, Hwange NPRecord
AcanthaceaeJusticia kirkiana By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record (with image)
AnacardiaceaeLannea edulis var. edulis By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
VerbenaceaeLantana angolensis By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record (with image)
MolluginaceaeLimeum fenestratum var. fenestratum By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
MolluginaceaeLimeum viscosum subsp. viscosum var. krausii By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record (with image)
BignoniaceaeMarkhamia obtusifolia By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
MarsileaceaeMarsilea macrocarpa Hwange, on turn of road to N.P.Record (with image)
ConvolvulaceaeMerremia tridentata subsp. angustifolia Near railway line by road to Hwange NP, Main CampRecord
EuphorbiaceaeMicrococca mercurialis Near railway line by road to Hwange NP, Main CampRecord (with image)
RubiaceaeOldenlandia corymbosa var. caespitosa By the Nyamandhlovu Platform, Hwange NPRecord (with image)
ChrysobalanaceaeParinari curatellifolia By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
RubiaceaePavetta schumanniana By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
RubiaceaePavetta schumanniana Near 'Save the Nation Store' by the main Bulawayo - Vic Falls RdRecord
PoaceaePerotis patens Near railway line by road to Hwange NP, Main CampRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaePhilenoptera violacea By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
PhyllanthaceaePhyllanthus reticulatus By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaePiliostigma thonningii By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
CaryophyllaceaePollichia campestris Near railway line by road to Hwange NP, Main CampRecord (with image)
PhyllanthaceaePseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
PhyllanthaceaePseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia Near 'Save the Nation Store' by the main Bulawayo - Vic Falls RdRecord
PhyllanthaceaePseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
RubiaceaePsydrax livida By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
RubiaceaePsydrax livida By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
AmaranthaceaePupalia lappacea var. velutina By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
RubiaceaeRichardia scabra By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
LamiaceaeRotheca myricoides By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record (with image)
EuphorbiaceaeSchinziophyton rautanenii Near 'Save the Nation Store' by the main Bulawayo - Vic Falls RdRecord (with image)
AnacardiaceaeSearsia tenuinervis By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
Malvaceae subfamily MalvoideaeSida cordifolia subsp. maculata By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record (with image)
SolanaceaeSolanum campylacanthum 'panduriforme type' By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
SolanaceaeSolanum campylacanthum 'panduriforme type' By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
TurneraceaeStreptopetalum serratum Near railway line by road to Hwange NP, Main CampRecord (with image)
LoganiaceaeStrychnos pungens By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record (with image)
LoganiaceaeStrychnos spinosa By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
LamiaceaeSyncolostemon bracteosus Near railway line by road to Hwange NP, Main CampRecord
AsteraceaeTagetes minuta By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeTephrosia lupinifolia Near railway line by road to Hwange NP, Main CampRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeTephrosia lupinifolia By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeTephrosia lupinifolia By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
CombretaceaeTerminalia brachystemma subsp. brachystemma By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
CombretaceaeTerminalia sericea By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
CombretaceaeTerminalia sericea Near railway line by road to Hwange NP, Main CampRecord
AcanthaceaeThunbergia reticulata Near railway line by road to Hwange NP, Main CampRecord
PoaceaeTragus berteronianus By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
PoaceaeTragus berteronianus Near 'Save the Nation Store' by the main Bulawayo - Vic Falls RdRecord
ZygophyllaceaeTribulus terrestris Near 'Save the Nation Store' by the main Bulawayo - Vic Falls RdRecord
PoaceaeTrichoneura grandiglumis Near railway line by road to Hwange NP, Main CampRecord
TurneraceaeTricliceras glanduliferum Along entrance road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record (with image)
TurneraceaeTricliceras longepedunculatum var. longepedunculatum By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
AsteraceaeTridax procumbens By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
Fabaceae subfamily CaesalpinioideaeTylosema fassoglense By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record (with image)
PoaceaeUrochloa trichopus By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
VahliaceaeVahlia capensis subsp. vulgaris var. vulgaris By the Nyamandhlovu Platform, Hwange NPRecord
RubiaceaeVangueria ferruginea By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record (with image)
RubiaceaeVangueria ferruginea By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
RubiaceaeVangueria infausta subsp. infausta By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
RubiaceaeVangueria infausta subsp. infausta By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
AsteraceaeVernonia glabra var. glabra By the Nyamandhlovu Platform, Hwange NPRecord
AsteraceaeVernonia glabra var. glabra By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
LamiaceaeVitex mombassae By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record (with image)
Malvaceae: Byttnerioideae, Helicteroideae & SterculioideaeWaltheria indica Near railway line by road to Hwange NP, Main CampRecord
OlacaceaeXimenia caffra var. caffra By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
OlacaceaeXimenia caffra var. caffra By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeZornia glochidiata By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeZornia glochidiata Near 'Save the Nation Store' by the main Bulawayo - Vic Falls RdRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeZornia glochidiata By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeZornia milneana By road to Hwange NP, Main Camp.Record
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeZornia milneana Near railway line by road to Hwange NP, Main CampRecord (with image)

Number of records found: 159

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-24

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2024). Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Date search results.
https://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/utilities/utility-date-query-get.php?year_search=2010&month_search=Jan&day_search=6, retrieved 21 December 2024

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