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Records of purely cultivated species are displayed in a different font and colour.
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Family name | Species name | Location | Link to record |
Fabaceae subfamily Mimosoideae | Acacia nigrescens | Among cottages at Triangle Country Club. | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Mimosoideae | Acacia nigrescens | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Mimosoideae | Acacia polyacantha subsp. campylacantha | Along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 13 km east of Ngundu. | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Mimosoideae | Acacia schweinfurthii | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record (with image) |
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Acrocarpus fraxinifolius (planted) | Between cottages and sports fields at Triangle Country Club. | Record |
Malvaceae subfamily Bombacoideae | Adansonia digitata | Sugar Estates, Triangle | Record (with image) |
Asteraceae | Ageratum conyzoides | Outside Duiker Cottage, Rest Camp, Lake Kyle Recreational Park. | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Mimosoideae | Albizia amara subsp. sericocephala | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 20 km before Ngundu. | Record |
Sapindaceae | Allophylus africanus | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record |
Sapindaceae | Allophylus africanus | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 20 km before Ngundu. | Record |
Asphodelaceae | Aloe excelsa var. excelsa | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 20 km before Ngundu. | Record |
Asphodelaceae | Aloe zebrina | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record (with image) |
Amaranthaceae | Alternanthera pungens | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record |
Amaranthaceae | Alternanthera pungens | Outside Duiker Cottage, Rest Camp, Lake Kyle Recreational Park. | Record |
Amaranthaceae | Alternanthera pungens | Among cottages at Triangle Country Club. | Record |
Orchidaceae | Ansellia africana | Along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 13 km east of Ngundu. | Record |
Phyllanthaceae | Antidesma venosum | Along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 13 km east of Ngundu. | Record |
Phyllanthaceae | Antidesma venosum | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record |
Apiaceae | Apium leptophyllum | Outside Duiker Cottage, Rest Camp, Lake Kyle Recreational Park. | Record |
Acanthaceae | Barleria eylesii | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 20 km before Ngundu. | Record (with image) |
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Bauhinia galpinii | Along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 13 km east of Ngundu. | Record |
Asteraceae | Bidens biternata | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record |
Asteraceae | Bidens pilosa | Outside Duiker Cottage, Rest Camp, Lake Kyle Recreational Park. | Record |
Asteraceae | Bidens pilosa | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record |
Nyctaginaceae | Boerhavia coccinea | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record (with image) |
Nyctaginaceae | Boerhavia diffusa | Among cottages at Triangle Country Club. | Record |
Nyctaginaceae | Boerhavia diffusa | Outside Duiker Cottage, Rest Camp, Lake Kyle Recreational Park. | Record |
Nyctaginaceae | Boerhavia erecta | Among cottages at Triangle Country Club. | Record |
Phyllanthaceae | Bridelia mollis | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 20 km before Ngundu. | Record |
Phyllanthaceae | Bridelia mollis | Along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 13 km east of Ngundu. | Record |
Crassulaceae | Bryophyllum tubiflorum | Outside Duiker Cottage, Rest Camp, Lake Kyle Recreational Park. | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Burkea africana | Along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 13 km east of Ngundu. | Record |
Capparaceae | Capparis tomentosa | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record (with image) |
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Cassia sieberiana (cultivated) (planted) | Triangle Country Club. | Record (with image) |
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and Rauvolfioideae | Catharanthus roseus | Outside Duiker Cottage, Rest Camp, Lake Kyle Recreational Park. | Record |
Sinopteridaceae | Cheilanthes hirta | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 20 km before Ngundu. | Record |
Sinopteridaceae | Cheilanthes viridis var. glauca | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 20 km before Ngundu. | Record |
Combretaceae | Combretum adenogonium | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 17 km before Ngundu. | Record |
Combretaceae | Combretum imberbe | By guest cottages, Triangle Country Club. | Record (with image) |
Combretaceae | Combretum imberbe | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record |
Combretaceae | Combretum molle | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 20 km before Ngundu. | Record |
Cucurbitaceae | Corallocarpus bainesii | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 20 km before Ngundu. | Record (with image) |
Malvaceae subfamily Grewioideae | Corchorus asplenifolius | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 20 km before Ngundu. | Record |
Asteraceae | Cotula australis | Outside Duiker Cottage, Rest Camp, Lake Kyle Recreational Park. | Record |
Euphorbiaceae | Croton megalocarpus (planted) | Between cottages and sports fields at Triangle Country Club. | Record |
Apocynaceae subfamily Periplocoideae | Cryptolepis obtusa | Among cottages at Triangle Country Club. | Record |
Apocynaceae subfamily Periplocoideae | Cryptolepis obtusa | Among cottages at Triangle Country Club. | Record |
Apocynaceae subfamily Periplocoideae | Cryptostegia grandiflora (planted) | Between cottages and sports fields at Triangle Country Club. | Record |
Apocynaceae subfamilies Asclepiadoideae and Secamonoideae | Cynanchum viminale subsp. suberosum | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Delonix regia (cultivated) (planted) | Between cottages and sports fields at Triangle Country Club. | Record |
Pedaliaceae | Dicerocaryum senecioides | Along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 13 km east of Ngundu. | Record |
Convolvulaceae | Dichondra micrantha | Among cottages at Triangle Country Club. | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Mimosoideae | Dichrostachys cinerea | Along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 13 km east of Ngundu. | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Mimosoideae | Dichrostachys cinerea | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record |
Hyacinthaceae | Drimia altissima | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 17 km before Ngundu. | Record |
Boraginaceae | Ehretia amoena | Along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 13 km east of Ngundu. | Record |
Boraginaceae | Ehretia amoena | Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 20 km before Ngundu. | Record (with image) |
Lamiaceae | Endostemon tereticaulis | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record (with image) |
Asteraceae | Erigeron bonariensis | Outside Duiker Cottage, Rest Camp, Lake Kyle Recreational Park. | Record |
Asteraceae | Erigeron bonariensis | Among cottages at Triangle Country Club. | Record |
Ebenaceae | Euclea divinorum | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 20 km before Ngundu. | Record |
Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbia hirta | Among cottages at Triangle Country Club. | Record |
Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbia hirta | Outside Duiker Cottage, Rest Camp, Lake Kyle Recreational Park. | Record |
Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbia hirta | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record |
Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbia ingens | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 17 km before Ngundu. | Record |
Euphorbiaceae | Euphorbia prostrata | Among cottages at Triangle Country Club. | Record |
Convolvulaceae | Evolvulus alsinoides var. alsinoides | Along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 13 km east of Ngundu. | Record |
Moraceae | Ficus benjamina var. benjamina (cultivated) | Triangle Country Club | Record |
Moraceae | Ficus sur | Among cottages at Triangle Country Club. | Record |
Salicaceae | Flacourtia indica | Along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 13 km east of Ngundu. | Record |
Salicaceae | Flacourtia indica | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record |
Asteraceae | Galinsoga parviflora | Outside Duiker Cottage, Rest Camp, Lake Kyle Recreational Park. | Record |
Amaranthaceae | Gomphrena celosioides | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record |
Amaranthaceae | Gomphrena celosioides | Among cottages at Triangle Country Club. | Record |
Malvaceae subfamily Grewioideae | Grewia monticola | Along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 13 km east of Ngundu. | Record |
Malvaceae subfamily Grewioideae | Grewia monticola | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 20 km before Ngundu. | Record |
Amaranthaceae | Guilleminea densa | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record |
Amaranthaceae | Guilleminea densa | Outside Duiker Cottage, Rest Camp, Lake Kyle Recreational Park. | Record |
Amaranthaceae | Guilleminea densa | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 20 km before Ngundu. | Record |
Boraginaceae | Heliotropium ciliatum | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record (with image) |
Boraginaceae | Heliotropium zeylanicum | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record (with image) |
Malvaceae subfamily Malvoideae | Hibiscus micranthus | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record (with image) |
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and Rauvolfioideae | Holarrhena pubescens | Along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 13 km east of Ngundu. | Record |
Lamiaceae | Hoslundia opposita | Along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 13 km east of Ngundu. | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Indigofera flavicans | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 20 km before Ngundu. | Record |
Convolvulaceae | Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa | In communal area along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 10 km east of Ngundu. | Record |
Oleaceae | Jasminum streptopus | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 20 km before Ngundu. | Record |
Cucurbitaceae | Kedrostis foetidissima | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 20 km before Ngundu. | Record |
Verbenaceae | Lantana camara | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record |
Brassicaceae | Lepidium bonariense | Among cottages at Triangle Country Club. | Record |
Brassicaceae | Lepidium bonariense | Outside Duiker Cottage, Rest Camp, Lake Kyle Recreational Park. | Record |
Malvaceae subfamily Malvoideae | Malvastrum coromandelianum | Among cottages at Triangle Country Club. | Record |
Anacardiaceae | Mangifera indica (planted) | Between cottages and sports fields at Triangle Country Club. | Record |
Phyllanthaceae | Margaritaria discoidea var. nitida | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 20 km before Ngundu. | Record |
Malvaceae: Byttnerioideae, Helicteroideae & Sterculioideae | Melhania forbesii | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record (with image) |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Mundulea sericea | Along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 13 km east of Ngundu. | Record |
Asteraceae | Nidorella auriculata subsp. auriculata | Along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 13 km east of Ngundu. | Record |
Cactaceae | Opuntia ficus-indica | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record |
Oxalidaceae | Oxalis corniculata | Outside Duiker Cottage, Rest Camp, Lake Kyle Recreational Park. | Record |
Oxalidaceae | Oxalis corniculata | Among cottages at Triangle Country Club. | Record |
Sinopteridaceae | Pellaea calomelanos var. calomelanos | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 20 km before Ngundu. | Record |
Apocynaceae subfamilies Asclepiadoideae and Secamonoideae | Pergularia daemia subsp. daemia | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Philenoptera violacea | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 20 km before Ngundu. | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Philenoptera violacea | Along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 13 km east of Ngundu. | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Philenoptera violacea | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record |
Arecaceae | Phoenix reclinata | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record (with image) |
Poaceae | Phragmites mauritianus | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record |
Phyllanthaceae | Phyllanthus reticulatus var. reticulatus | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Piliostigma thonningii | Among cottages at Triangle Country Club. | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Piliostigma thonningii | Along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 13 km east of Ngundu. | Record |
Asteraceae | Pluchea dioscoridis | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record |
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and Rauvolfioideae | Plumeria rubra (planted) | Between cottages and sports fields at Triangle Country Club. | Record |
Polygalaceae | Polygala sphenoptera | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 20 km before Ngundu. | Record (with image) |
Verbenaceae | Priva flabelliformis | Along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 13 km east of Ngundu. | Record |
Rubiaceae | Psydrax livida | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 20 km before Ngundu. | Record |
Vitaceae | Rhoicissus revoilii | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 20 km before Ngundu. | Record (with image) |
Rubiaceae | Richardia brasiliensis | Along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 13 km east of Ngundu. | Record |
Rubiaceae | Richardia brasiliensis | Outside Duiker Cottage, Rest Camp, Lake Kyle Recreational Park. | Record |
Lamiaceae | Rotheca myricoides | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 20 km before Ngundu. | Record |
Amaryllidaceae | Scadoxus multiflorus subsp. multiflorus | Along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 13 km east of Ngundu. | Record |
Anacardiaceae | Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra | Among cottages at Triangle Country Club. | Record |
Anacardiaceae | Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra | Along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 13 km east of Ngundu. | Record |
Anacardiaceae | Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 20 km before Ngundu. | Record |
Anacardiaceae | Searsia lancea | Along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 13 km east of Ngundu. | Record |
Malvaceae subfamily Malvoideae | Sida acuta | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record |
Malvaceae subfamily Malvoideae | Sida acuta | Outside Duiker Cottage, Rest Camp, Lake Kyle Recreational Park. | Record |
Malvaceae subfamily Malvoideae | Sida cordifolia subsp. maculata | Along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 13 km east of Ngundu. | Record |
Solanaceae | Solanum campylacanthum 'panduriforme type' | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record |
Solanaceae | Solanum campylacanthum 'panduriforme type' | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 20 km before Ngundu. | Record |
Asteraceae | Sonchus oleraceus | Among cottages at Triangle Country Club. | Record |
Araceae | Stylochaeton puberulus | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 20 km before Ngundu. | Record (with image) |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Stylosanthes fruticosa | Along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 13 km east of Ngundu. | Record |
Thymelaeaceae | Synaptolepis alternifolia | Along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 13 km east of Ngundu. | Record |
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and Rauvolfioideae | Tabernaemontana elegans | Along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 13 km east of Ngundu. | Record |
Apocynaceae subfamilies Apocynoideae and Rauvolfioideae | Tabernaemontana elegans | Along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 11 km East of Ngundu. | Record (with image) |
Combretaceae | Terminalia sericea | Along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 13 km east of Ngundu. | Record |
Lamiaceae | Tetradenia riparia | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 20 km before Ngundu. | Record |
Malvaceae subfamily Malvoideae | Thespesia garckeana | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 17 km before Ngundu. | Record |
Acanthaceae | Thunbergia dregeana | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 20 km before Ngundu. | Record (with image) |
Acanthaceae | Thunbergia dregeana | Along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 13 km east of Ngundu. | Record |
Boraginaceae | Trichodesma zeylanicum | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record |
Turneraceae | Tricliceras longepedunculatum var. longepedunculatum | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record (with image) |
Asteraceae | Tridax procumbens | Among cottages at Triangle Country Club. | Record |
Asteraceae | Tridax procumbens | Outside Duiker Cottage, Rest Camp, Lake Kyle Recreational Park. | Record |
Asteraceae | Tridax procumbens | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record |
Malvaceae: Byttnerioideae, Helicteroideae & Sterculioideae | Waltheria indica | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Xeroderris stuhlmannii | Along Ngundu - Triangle rd c. 13 km east of Ngundu. | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Xeroderris stuhlmannii | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 20 km before Ngundu. | Record |
Aizoaceae | Zaleya pentandra | Mutirikwi Bridge near Triangle. | Record (with image) |
Rhamnaceae | Ziziphus mucronata | Along Masvingo - Beitbridge rd c. 20 km before Ngundu. | Record |
Number of records found: 150
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