Records made by Kubirske

Records: 6

The following is a list of the records made by Kubirske in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
95134 Dicerocaryum eriocarpum 17 May 1993 MAN Müller
R Kubirske
HH Kolberg 613 H-D Ihlenfeldt WIND
Caprivi: Just West of Shadikongoro. At pump station on Okavango River bank. 0 Namibia (Caprivi Strip) 1821A2 975

Herb; Notes: Procumbent-prostrate perennial herb. Branches up to 1 m long. Corolla pink with darker spots in throat. Very common locally. In grey, dry sand on riverbank.

-18.125000 21.375000 2
94505 Ficus pygmaea 6 May 1995 C Mannheimer
R Kubirske
MM Strohbach-Fricke
R Kubirske 225 WIND
Caprivi: Bukalo on way from Bukalo to Schuckmansburg, on outskirts of big vlei. 0 Namibia (Caprivi Strip) 1724D1 0

Notes: Growing in black/dark grey loamy soil together with Sesbania sp. and a creeping Cucurbitaceae. Up to 50 cm high shoots above soil surface, sprouting frequently, but localized. Single reddish fruit in axils.

-17.625000 24.625000 4
95192 Hermannia glanduligera 16 May 1993 MAN Müller
R Kubirske
HH Kolberg 607 S Bartsch WIND
Okavango, Rundu District: Roads Camp at start of canal to Andara, Okavango River banks. Island on east side of canal. 0 Namibia (Caprivi Strip) 1821A2 950

75 cm high; Shrub; Notes: Perennial shrub, 75 cm high, procumbent branches. Petals pale red. Vegetative parts glandular. Fairly common.

-18.125000 21.375000 2
94525 Kosteletzkya buettneri 6 May 1995 C Mannheimer
R Kubirske
MM Strohbach-Fricke
R Kubirske 227 WIND
Caprivi: Bukalo on way from Bukalo to Schuckmansburg. 0 Namibia (Caprivi Strip) 1724D1 0

1 m high; Notes: 1 m High single-stemmed plants in high grasses, mainly Vetiveria species. Pure white flower with white recurved stigmas over yellow anthers. Single flowers on long petiole. Fruit capsule covered by yellow bristles.

-17.625000 24.625000 4
94536 Sesamum alatum 6 May 1995 C Mannheimer
R Kubirske
MM Strohbach-Fricke
C Mannheimer 130 WIND
Caprivi: Road between Bukalo and Schuckmansburg. 0 Namibia (Caprivi Strip) 1724D1 0

Notes: In sandy shallow depression next to seasonal pan.

0.000000 0.000000 4
94537 Sesbania microphylla 6 May 1995 C Mannheimer
R Kubirske
MM Strohbach-Fricke
R Kubirske 132 WIND
Caprivi: Road between Bukalo and Schuckmansburg. 0 Namibia (Caprivi Strip) 1724D1 0

Notes: In dark grey clay on plain.

-17.625000 24.625000 4

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-24

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2024). Flora of Zimbabwe: Records made by Kubirske., retrieved 26 December 2024

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