Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Living plant images of Stathmostelma

Images for each species

This page displays all the living plant images for species of a particular genus.

Note that all living plant images are shown, including any that are 'hidden' and any on our other websites.

Separate pages exist which display herbarium specimen images only and all images for this genus.

Stathmostelma fornicatum subsp. fornicatum W
Stathmostelma fornicatum subsp. fornicatum

Photo: David Chuba
C. 71 km from Tunduma towards Sumbawanga in Tanzania, just North of the Zambian border.

Stathmostelma fornicatum subsp. fornicatum

Photo: David Chuba
C. 71 km from Tunduma towards Sumbawanga in Tanzania, just North of the Zambian border.

Stathmostelma fornicatum subsp. fornicatum

Photo: Ton Rulkens
Close to Pemba town.

Stathmostelma fornicatum subsp. fornicatum

Photo: Ton Rulkens
Close to Pemba town.

Stathmostelma fornicatum subsp. fornicatum

Photo: Ton Rulkens
Close to Pemba town.

Stathmostelma fornicatum subsp. fornicatum

Photo: Ton Rulkens
Close to Pemba town.

Stathmostelma fornicatum subsp. fornicatum

Photo: Sanet Wilson
C. 25 km out of Livingstone, plus minus 3km from Zambezi on the way to Kazangula

Stathmostelma fornicatum subsp. fornicatum

Photo: Sanet Wilson
C. 25 km out of Livingstone, plus minus 3km from Zambezi on the way to Kazangula

Stathmostelma fornicatum subsp. fornicatum

Photo: Sanet Wilson
C. 25 km out of Livingstone, plus minus 3km from Zambezi on the way to Kazangula

Stathmostelma fornicatum subsp. fornicatum

Photo: Grant Reed
Savuti Marsh, Chobe National Park

Stathmostelma fornicatum subsp. fornicatum

Photo: Grant Reed
Savuti Marsh, Chobe National Park

Stathmostelma fornicatum subsp. fornicatum

Photo: Grant Reed
Savuti Marsh, Chobe National Park

Stathmostelma pauciflorum N,C,E
Stathmostelma pauciflorum

Photo: Bart Wursten
Roadside between Odzani Bridge and Osborne Dam

Stathmostelma pauciflorum

Photo: Bart Wursten
Roadside between Odzani Bridge and Osborne Dam

Stathmostelma pauciflorum

Photo: Bart Wursten
Roadside between Odzani Bridge and Osborne Dam

Stathmostelma pauciflorum

Photo: Bart Wursten
Roadside stop, by Harare to Shamva Road, Saratoga Farm

Stathmostelma pauciflorum

Photo: Bart Wursten
Roadside stop, by Harare to Shamva Road, Saratoga Farm

Stathmostelma pauciflorum

Photo: Bart Wursten
Roadside stop, by Harare to Shamva Road, Saratoga Farm

Stathmostelma pauciflorum

Photo: Bart Wursten
Roadside stop, by Harare to Shamva Road, Saratoga Farm

Stathmostelma pauciflorum

Photo: Bart Wursten
Roadside stop, by Harare to Shamva Road, Saratoga Farm

Stathmostelma pauciflorum

Photo: Bart Wursten
Roadside stop, by Harare to Shamva Road, Saratoga Farm

Stathmostelma pauciflorum

Photo: Nicholas Wightman
Ingwe area, Kasempa Distr., North-Western Province

Stathmostelma pauciflorum

Photo: Nicholas Wightman
Ingwe area, Kasempa Distr., North-Western Province

Stathmostelma pauciflorum

Photo: Nicholas Wightman
Ingwe area, Kasempa Distr., North-Western Province

Stathmostelma pauciflorum

Photo: Nicholas Wightman
Ingwe area, Kasempa Distr., North-Western Province

Stathmostelma pauciflorum

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along Mussapa River, Nhabawa area, lower Chimanimani Mts

Stathmostelma pauciflorum

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along Mussapa River, Nhabawa area, lower Chimanimani Mts

Stathmostelma pauciflorum

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along Mussapa River, Nhabawa area, lower Chimanimani Mts

Stathmostelma pauciflorum

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along Mussapa River, Nhabawa area, lower Chimanimani Mts

Stathmostelma pauciflorum

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along Mussapa River, Nhabawa area, lower Chimanimani Mts

Stathmostelma pauciflorum

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along Mussapa River, Nhabawa area, lower Chimanimani Mts

Stathmostelma pauciflorum

Photo: Daniel Rautenbach
A few Kms North of Macheke

Stathmostelma spectabile subsp. spectabile N,C,E,S
Stathmostelma spectabile subsp. spectabile

Photo: Helen Barrett
Ziwa ruins, Nyanga

Stathmostelma spectabile subsp. spectabile

Photo: Helen Barrett
Ziwa ruins, Nyanga

Stathmostelma spectabile subsp. spectabile

Photo: Bart Wursten
Karoi-Chirundu road near Makuti.

Stathmostelma spectabile subsp. spectabile

Photo: Bart Wursten
Karoi-Chirundu road near Makuti.

Stathmostelma spectabile subsp. spectabile

Photo: Bart Wursten
Karoi-Chirundu road near Makuti.

Stathmostelma spectabile subsp. spectabile

Photo: Bart Wursten
Karoi-Chirundu road near Makuti.

Stathmostelma spectabile subsp. spectabile

Photo: Bart Wursten
Karoi-Chirundu road near Makuti.

Stathmostelma spectabile subsp. spectabile

Photo: Bart Wursten
Karoi-Chirundu road near Makuti.

Stathmostelma spectabile subsp. spectabile

Photo: Bart Wursten
C. 4 km east of Madziwa Mine

Stathmostelma spectabile subsp. spectabile

Photo: Anonymous
Lone Cow Loop Road, Canonkopje Farm

Stathmostelma spectabile subsp. spectabile

Photo: Anonymous
Lone Cow Loop Road, Canonkopje Farm

Stathmostelma spectabile subsp. spectabile

Photo: Anonymous
Kildonan Siding on Mapinga Road

Stathmostelma spectabile subsp. spectabile

Photo: Anonymous
Kildonan Siding on Mapinga Road

Stathmostelma spectabile subsp. spectabile

Photo: Bart Wursten
Tingwa Raphia Palm Botanical Reserve

Stathmostelma spectabile subsp. spectabile

Photo: Chantal Grisham
Lower Doma

Stathmostelma spectabile subsp. spectabile

Photo: Chantal Grisham
Lower Doma

3 species found

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Living plant images of Stathmostelma.
https://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/utilities/utility-display-living-images-by-genus.php?genus_id=1142, retrieved 14 March 2025

Site software last modified: 9 February 2025 11:01am (GMT +2)
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