Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Cultivated Plants: Living plant images of Bignoniaceae

Images for each species

The purpose of this page is to display images of living plants for each species within a particular family.

Note that all living plant images are shown, including any that are 'hidden' and any on the Mozambican site.

Separate pages exist which display herbarium specimen images only and all images for this family.

Adenocalymma comosum No living plant images found
Adenocalymma marginatum No living plant images found
Amphilophium buccinatorium
Amphilophium buccinatorium

Photo: Mark Hyde
Alexandra Park, Harare

Amphilophium buccinatorium

Photo: Mark Hyde
Alexandra Park, Harare

Amphilophium buccinatorium

Photo: Mark Hyde
Alexandra Park, Harare

Amphilophium buccinatorium

Photo: Mark Hyde
Princess Drive, Harare

Amphilophium buccinatorium

Photo: Mark Hyde
Princess Drive, Harare

Amphilophium buccinatorium

Photo: Mark Hyde
Princess Drive, Harare

Amphilophium crucigerum C,E
Amphilophium crucigerum

Photo: Mark Hyde
Val D'Or, below dam wall

Amphilophium crucigerum

Photo: Mark Hyde
Val D'Or, below dam wall

Amphilophium crucigerum

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along roadside on hill behind La Rochelle Hotel

Amphilophium crucigerum

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along roadside on hill behind La Rochelle Hotel

Amphilophium crucigerum

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along roadside on hill behind La Rochelle Hotel

Amphilophium crucigerum

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along roadside on hill behind La Rochelle Hotel

Amphilophium crucigerum

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along roadside on hill behind La Rochelle Hotel

Amphilophium crucigerum

Photo: Bart Wursten
Edge of camp site, Chirinda Forest

Amphilophium crucigerum

Photo: Bart Wursten
Edge of camp site, Chirinda Forest

Amphilophium cynanchoides No living plant images found
Anemopaegma chamberlaynii No living plant images found
Bignonia callistegioides No living plant images found
Bignonia capreolata No living plant images found
Bignonia magnifica
Bignonia magnifica

Photo: Mark Hyde
48, Borrowdale Road, Harare

Bignonia magnifica

Photo: Mark Hyde
48, Borrowdale Road, Harare

Bignonia magnifica

Photo: Mark Hyde
48, Borrowdale Road, Harare

Bignonia magnifica

Photo: Mark Hyde
48, Borrowdale Road, Harare

Campsis grandiflora No living plant images found
Campsis radicans No living plant images found
Catalpa bignonioides No living plant images found
Cybistax antisyphilitica No living plant images found
Delostoma integrifolium No living plant images found
Dolichandra cynanchoides No living plant images found
Dolichandra unguis-cati C,E
Dolichandra unguis-cati

Photo: Mark Hyde
Reps Theatre, Harare

Dolichandra unguis-cati

Photo: Mark Hyde
Reps Theatre, Harare

Dolichandra unguis-cati

Photo: Mark Hyde
Reps Theatre, Harare

Dolichandra unguis-cati

Photo: Mark Hyde

Dolichandra unguis-cati

Photo: Mark Hyde

Dolichandra unguis-cati

Photo: Bart Wursten
At ISPN campus

Dolichandra unguis-cati

Photo: Bart Wursten
At ISPN campus

Dolichandra unguis-cati

Photo: Bart Wursten
At ISPN campus

Dolichandra unguis-cati

Photo: Bart Wursten
At ISPN campus

Dolichandra unguis-cati

Photo: Mark Hyde
Epping Road, Mount Pleasant, Harare

Dolichandra unguis-cati

Photo: Mark Hyde
Blue Kerry, Harare

Dolichandra unguis-cati

Photo: Mark Hyde
Blue Kerry, Harare

Dolichandra unguis-cati

Photo: Mark Hyde
Blue Kerry, Harare

Fernandoa abbreviata
Fernandoa abbreviata

Photo: Bart Wursten
National Botanic Garden, Harare

Fernandoa abbreviata

Photo: Bart Wursten
National Botanic Garden, Harare

Fernandoa abbreviata

Photo: Bart Wursten
National Botanic Garden, Harare

Fernandoa abbreviata

Photo: Bart Wursten
National Botanic Garden, Harare

Fernandoa abbreviata

Photo: Colin Campbell-Smith
Cleveland Road, Athlone, Harare

Fernandoa abbreviata

Photo: Colin Campbell-Smith
Cleveland Road, Athlone, Harare

Fernandoa abbreviata

Photo: Mark Hyde
Outside Dandaro by the Borrowdale Road

Fernandoa abbreviata

Photo: Mark Hyde
Outside Dandaro by the Borrowdale Road

Fernandoa coccinea No living plant images found
Handroanthus chrysanthus No living plant images found
Handroanthus chrysotrichus C
Handroanthus chrysotrichus

Photo: Meg Coates Palgrave
Sunridge Road, near Blue Kerry, Harare

Handroanthus chrysotrichus

Photo: Meg Coates Palgrave
Sunridge Road, near Blue Kerry, Harare

Handroanthus chrysotrichus

Photo: Meg Coates Palgrave
Sunridge Road, near Blue Kerry, Harare

Handroanthus chrysotrichus

Photo: Meg Coates Palgrave
Sunridge Road, near Blue Kerry, Harare

Handroanthus chrysotrichus

Photo: Mark Hyde
34, Kent Road, Highlands, Harare

Handroanthus chrysotrichus

Photo: Mark Hyde
34, Kent Road, Highlands, Harare

Handroanthus chrysotrichus

Photo: Mark Hyde
Outside National Herbarium, Harare

Handroanthus chrysotrichus

Photo: Mark Hyde
Outside National Herbarium, Harare

Handroanthus chrysotrichus

Photo: Mark Hyde
Outside National Herbarium, Harare

Handroanthus chrysotrichus

Photo: Mark Hyde
Outside National Herbarium, Harare

Handroanthus chrysotrichus

Photo: Mark Hyde
Harare Gardens

Handroanthus chrysotrichus

Photo: Mark Hyde
Gardens at front of the Celebration Centre, Harare

Handroanthus heptaphyllus No living plant images found
Handroanthus impetiginosus No living plant images found
Handroanthus sp. near impetiginosus No living plant images found
Handroanthus speciosus No living plant images found
Jacaranda mimosifolia N,W,C,E,S
Jacaranda mimosifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten

Jacaranda mimosifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Avenues, Mutare

Jacaranda mimosifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Fairhaven Rd, Nyanga

Jacaranda mimosifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten

Jacaranda mimosifolia

Photo: Mark Hyde
St George's College, Harare

Jacaranda mimosifolia

Photo: Mark Hyde
St George's College, Harare

Jacaranda mimosifolia

Photo: Mark Hyde
St George's College, Harare

Jacaranda mimosifolia

Photo: Mark Hyde
Piers Road, Borrowdale

Jacaranda mimosifolia

Photo: Mark Hyde
Piers Road, Borrowdale

Jacaranda mimosifolia

Photo: Mark Hyde
Piers Road, Borrowdale

Jacaranda mimosifolia

Photo: Mark Hyde
Piers Road, Borrowdale

Kigelia africana subsp. africana N,W,C,E,S
Kigelia africana subsp. africana

Photo: Bart Wursten
Fern Valley Dam, Mutare

Kigelia africana subsp. africana

Photo: Bart Wursten
Fern Valley Dam, Mutare

Kigelia africana subsp. africana

Photo: Bart Wursten
Fern Valley Dam, Mutare

Kigelia africana subsp. africana

Photo: Bart Wursten
Shenstone, Mt Hampden

Kigelia africana subsp. africana

Photo: Rawdon Goodier
Zambezi Valley

Kigelia africana subsp. africana

Photo: Bart Wursten
Chitengo Camp, Gorongosa National Park

Kigelia africana subsp. africana

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along road no. 2, Gorongosa National Park

Kigelia africana subsp. africana

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along road no. 2, Gorongosa National Park.

Kigelia africana subsp. africana

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along road from entrance gate to Chitengo, Gorongosa National Park

Kigelia africana subsp. africana

Photo: Bart Wursten
By road from Sinamatella to Robins Camp, Hwange NP

Kigelia africana subsp. africana

Photo: Bill Clarke
In Seven Acres, north of Arboretum

Kigelia africana subsp. africana

Photo: Bart Wursten
By Mazowe River, between camp and weir, Hippo Pools

Kigelia africana subsp. africana

Photo: Patricia Bingham

Kigelia africana subsp. africana

Photo: Patricia Bingham

Kigelia africana subsp. africana

Photo: Patricia Bingham

Kigelia africana subsp. africana

Photo: Alain-Pierre Derennes
Susuwe Triangle near Viewing Platform

Kigelia africana subsp. africana

Photo: Alain-Pierre Derennes
Susuwe Triangle near Viewing Platform

Mansoa alliacea No living plant images found
Mansoa difficilis No living plant images found
Markhamia lutea
Markhamia lutea

Photo: Mark Hyde
Lyndhurst Road, Harare

Markhamia lutea

Photo: Mark Hyde
Lyndhurst Road, Harare

Markhamia lutea

Photo: Mark Hyde
Lyndhurst Road, Harare

Markhamia lutea

Photo: Mark Hyde
Lyndhurst Road, Harare

Markhamia lutea

Photo: Mark Hyde
Lyndhurst Road, Harare

Markhamia lutea

Photo: Mark Hyde
Lyndhurst Road, Harare

Markhamia lutea

Photo: Mark Hyde
Lyndhurst Road, Harare

Markhamia obtusifolia N,W,C,E
Markhamia obtusifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Maforga Mission, Gondola

Markhamia obtusifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Maforga Mission, Gondola

Markhamia obtusifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Burma Valley

Markhamia obtusifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Burma Valley

Markhamia obtusifolia

Photo: Stefaan Dondeyne
At ISPM, Chimoio

Markhamia obtusifolia

Photo: Stefaan Dondeyne
At ISPM, Chimoio

Markhamia obtusifolia

Photo: Stefaan Dondeyne
At ISPM, Chimoio

Markhamia obtusifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Whaleback near Zembe along Sussundenga road

Markhamia obtusifolia

Photo: Jos Stevens
Ferme Randu, southwest Katanga Province, DRC

Markhamia obtusifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Between Bunga Camp, Gorongosa National Park and EN1

Markhamia obtusifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
B8 West of Katima Mulilo

Markhamia obtusifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Zambezi Private School area, 3 km from Katima Mulilo

Markhamia obtusifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Zambezi Private School area, 3 km from Katima Mulilo

Markhamia obtusifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
Zambezi Private School area, 3 km from Katima Mulilo

Markhamia obtusifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
B8 West of Katima Mulilo

Markhamia obtusifolia

Photo: Bart Wursten
B8 West of Katima Mulilo

Markhamia tomentosa No living plant images found
Oroxylum indicum No living plant images found
Pandorea jasminoides
Pandorea jasminoides

Photo: Bart Wursten
La Rochelle

Pandorea jasminoides

Photo: Bart Wursten
La Rochelle

Pandorea jasminoides

Photo: Bart Wursten
La Rochelle

Pandorea jasminoides

Photo: Bart Wursten
La Rochelle

Pandorea pandorana
Pandorea pandorana

Photo: David Hartung
5, Maxwell Road, Harare

Pandorea pandorana

Photo: Mark Hyde
10, Sims Road, Mt Pleasant, Harare

Pandorea pandorana

Photo: Mark Hyde
10, Sims Road, Mt Pleasant, Harare

Parmentiera cereifera
Parmentiera cereifera

Photo: Mark Hyde
Near the curator's office, Ewanrigg Botanic Garden

Parmentiera cereifera

Photo: Mark Hyde
Near the curator's office, Ewanrigg Botanic Garden

Parmentiera cereifera

Photo: David Hartung
Near the curator's office, Ewanrigg Botanic Garden

Parmentiera cereifera

Photo: David Hartung
Near the curator's office, Ewanrigg Botanic Garden

Podranea brycei N,W,C,E,S
Podranea brycei

Photo: Bart Wursten
Mukuvisi Woodland, office area

Podranea brycei

Photo: Mark Hyde
Blue Kerry, Harare

Podranea brycei

Photo: Mark Hyde
Blue Kerry, Harare

Podranea brycei

Photo: Mark Hyde
Blue Kerry, Harare

Podranea brycei

Photo: Mark Hyde
Blue Kerry, Harare

Pyrostegia venusta
Pyrostegia venusta

Photo: Mark Hyde
29, Harry Pichanick Drive, Alexandra Park, Harare

Pyrostegia venusta

Photo: Mark Hyde
29, Harry Pichanick Drive, Alexandra Park, Harare

Pyrostegia venusta

Photo: Mark Hyde
29, Harry Pichanick Drive, Alexandra Park, Harare

Pyrostegia venusta

Photo: Mark Hyde
29, Harry Pichanick Drive, Alexandra Park, Harare

Pyrostegia venusta

Photo: Mark Hyde
29, Harry Pichanick Drive, Alexandra Park, Harare

Pyrostegia venusta

Photo: Mark Hyde
29, Harry Pichanick Drive, Alexandra Park, Harare

Radermachera sinica
Radermachera sinica

Photo: Mark Hyde
Ewanrigg Botanic Garden

Radermachera sinica

Photo: Mark Hyde
Ewanrigg Botanic Garden

Radermachera xylocarpa No living plant images found
Spathodea campanulata subsp. nilotica E
Spathodea campanulata subsp. nilotica

Photo: Bart Wursten
National Botanic Garden, Harare

Spathodea campanulata subsp. nilotica

Photo: Bart Wursten
National Botanic Garden, Harare

Spathodea campanulata subsp. nilotica

Photo: Bart Wursten
National Botanic Garden, Harare

Spathodea campanulata subsp. nilotica

Photo: Petra Ballings
Gardiner Farm, Arcturus

Spathodea campanulata subsp. nilotica

Photo: Bart Wursten
In disturbed forest above the SDH CHA Sarl Tea Estates, Gurue, Mozambique

Spathodea campanulata subsp. nilotica

Photo: Bart Wursten
In disturbed forest above the SDH CHA Sarl Tea Estates, Gurue, Mozambique

Stereospermum kunthianum N,W,C,E
Stereospermum kunthianum

Photo: Mark Hyde
Nr Chikupo Cave, Masembura CL

Stereospermum kunthianum

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along road from entrance gate to Chitengo, Gorongosa National Park.

Stereospermum kunthianum

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along road from entrance gate to Chitengo, Gorongosa National Park.

Stereospermum kunthianum

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along road from entrance gate to Chitengo, Gorongosa National Park.

Stereospermum kunthianum

Photo: Bart Wursten
Along road from entrance gate Gorongosa National Park to Bue Maria, Nhambita

Stereospermum kunthianum

Photo: Mark Hyde
By Mazowe River, Hippo Pools

Stereospermum kunthianum

Photo: Mark Hyde
By Mazowe River, Hippo Pools

Stereospermum kunthianum

Photo: Jos Stevens
Ferme Randu, southwest Katanga Province, DRC

Stereospermum kunthianum

Photo: Jos Stevens
Ferme Randu, southwest Katanga Province, DRC

Stereospermum kunthianum

Photo: Jos Stevens
Ferme Randu, southwest Katanga Province, DRC

Stereospermum kunthianum

Photo: Meg Coates Palgrave

Tabebuia aurea
Tabebuia aurea

Photo: Jenny Holman
Rest Camp, Victoria Falls

Tabebuia rosea No living plant images found
Tanaecium selloi No living plant images found
Tecoma castanifolia No living plant images found
Tecoma fulva subsp. guarume No living plant images found
Tecoma fulva subsp. garrocha No living plant images found
Tecoma stans C
Tecoma stans

Photo: Bart Wursten
Cleveland Dam

Tecoma stans

Photo: Bart Wursten
Cleveland Dam

Tecoma stans

Photo: Bart Wursten
Cleveland Dam, Harare

Tecoma stans

Photo: Mark Hyde
Natal Road, Harare

Tecoma stans

Photo: Mark Hyde
Natal Road, Harare

Tecoma weberbauriana No living plant images found
Tecomanthe dendrophila No living plant images found
Tecomaria capensis
Tecomaria capensis

Photo: Petra Ballings
Ndundu Lodge, Vumba

Tecomaria capensis

Photo: Petra Ballings
Ndundu Lodge, Vumba

Tecomaria capensis

Photo: Petra Ballings
Ndundu Lodge, Vumba

Tecomaria capensis

Photo: Petra Ballings
Ndundu Lodge, Vumba

Tecomaria capensis

Photo: Theo van der Merwe
Farm Bokplaas, Inhassoro, on the Temane gasfield

Tecomaria capensis

Photo: Theo van der Merwe
Farm Bokplaas, Inhassoro, on the Temane gasfield

Tecomaria capensis

Photo: Doreen Bolnick

Tecomaria nyassae
Tecomaria nyassae

Photo: Bart Wursten
At the base of Mt Namuli peak

Tecomaria nyassae

Photo: Bart Wursten
At the base of Mt Namuli peak

Tecomaria nyassae

Photo: Bart Wursten
At the base of Mt Namuli peak

Tecomaria nyassae

Photo: Bart Wursten
At the base of Mt Namuli peak

Tecomaria nyassae

Photo: David Gwynne-Evans
Slopes of Mt Mabu.

Tecomaria nyassae

Photo: David Gwynne-Evans
Slopes of Mt Mabu.

Tecomaria nyassae

Photo: Bart Wursten
At junction of Thazima-Kaperekezi rd and Chelinda rd, Nyika National Park

Tecomaria nyassae

Photo: Bart Wursten
At junction of Thazima-Kaperekezi rd and Chelinda rd, Nyika National Park

Tecomaria nyassae

Photo: Bart Wursten
At junction of Thazima-Kaperekezi rd and Chelinda rd, Nyika National Park

Tecomaria nyassae

Photo: Bart Wursten
At junction of Thazima-Kaperekezi rd and Chelinda rd, Nyika National Park

Tecomaria nyassae

Photo: Bart Wursten
At junction of Thazima-Kaperekezi rd and Chelinda rd, Nyika National Park

52 species found

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Cultivated Plants: Living plant images of Bignoniaceae.
https://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/utilities/utility-display-living-images-by-cult-family.php?family_id=33, retrieved 15 January 2025

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