Records determined by Hines

Determinations: 1

The following is a list of the records determined by Hines in species name order.

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NoSpeciesRecord dateRecorder(s)Coll.Det.Conf.HerbariaHabitatLocationLoc code(s) Outing codePlanted code Country QDSGrid ref.FZ DivAlt. (m)NotesLatLongLoc Acc Code
94052Xylopia odoratissima22 Jan 2002CJH Hines
CJH Hines 1123 CJH Hines WIND
Caprivi: Area of Kalahari sand, along side of Mpacha powerline, about 8 km north-west of Katima Mulilo, Caprivi. 1732.171'S 2415.035'E.0Namibia (Caprivi Strip)1724C2 0

4 m high; Tree; Notes: Tree, 4 m high. Fruit green when young; all fruit in plant infested with insects rendering the infested part black. Open fruit with orange red fleshy aril around the seed. Grey, pale smoothish bark with some blacky flakes. Leaves soft and hairless; lower surface slightly paler than upper surface. Uncommon in mixed Burkea-Baikiaea woodland on sandy soils.


Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Zimbabwe: Records determined by Hines., retrieved 4 February 2025

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