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Records of purely cultivated species are displayed in a different font and colour.
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Family name | Species name | Location | Link to record |
Fabaceae subfamily Mimosoideae | Acacia karroo | Cecil Kop, Mutare | Record (with image) |
Asteraceae | Aspilia pluriseta subsp. pluriseta | Globe Rock, Vumba | Record |
Anthericaceae | Chlorophytum bowkeri | Bunga Views, Vumba | Record (with image) |
Ranunculaceae | Clematis villosa subsp. kirkii | Cecil Kop nature reserve | Record (with image) |
Crassulaceae | Crassula capitella subsp. nodulosa | Bunga Views, Vumba | Record (with image) |
Crassulaceae | Crassula lanceolata subsp. transvaalensis | Bunga Views, Vumba | Record (with image) |
Orchidaceae | Eulophia acutilabra | Cecil Kop Nature Reserve, Mutare | Record (with image) |
Convolvulaceae | Ipomoea obscura var. obscura | Cecil Kop Nature Reserve, Mutare. | Record (with image) |
Apocynaceae subfamilies Asclepiadoideae and Secamonoideae | Margaretta rosea subsp. whytei | Cecil Kop Nature Reserve, Mutare | Record (with image) |
Polygalaceae | Polygala rehmannii | Cecil Kop Nature Reserve, Mutare | Record (with image) |
Proteaceae | Protea welwitschii | Bunga Views, Vumba | Record (with image) |
Asteraceae | Stomatanthes africanus | Cecil Kop NR, Mutare | Record (with image) |
Orobanchaceae | Striga bilabiata | Cecil Kop nature Reserve, Mutare | Record (with image) |
Lamiaceae | Syncolostemon canescens | Cecil Kop Nature Reserve, Mutare | Record (with image) |
Number of records found: 14
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