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Family name | Species name | Location | Link to record |
Aspleniaceae | Asplenium gemmiferum | Below Mtarazi falls, Gatzi, Nyanga N.P. | Record (with image) |
Aspleniaceae | Asplenium protensum | Below Mtarazi falls, Gatzi, Inyanga | Record |
Asteraceae | Berkheya zeyheri | Gatsi Communal Land, Honde Valley. | Record (with image) |
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Chamaecrista mimosoides | Nyamkombe River Bridge, Aberfoyle Country Club | Record |
Araliaceae | Cussonia arborea | Gatsi CL, below Mtarazi Falls | Record (with image) |
Orobanchaceae | Cycnium adonense subsp. adonense | Gatsi Communal Land, Honde Valley. | Record (with image) |
Orobanchaceae | Cycnium adonense subsp. adonense | Rd into Honde Valley | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Mimosoideae | Dichrostachys cinerea | Gatsi Communal Area, Honde Valley | Record (with image) |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Dolichos kilimandscharicus subsp. kilimandscharicus | Gatsi Communal Land, Honde Valley. | Record (with image) |
Fabaceae subfamily Mimosoideae | Entada abyssinica | Honde Valley, nr Odzani turn-off | Record (with image) |
Asteraceae | Helichrysum nudifolium var. pilosellum | Gatsi CL, Honde Valley | Record (with image) |
Asteraceae | Helichrysum nudifolium var. oxyphyllum | Gatsi CL, Honde Valley | Record (with image) |
Convolvulaceae | Hewittia malabarica | Nyamkombe River Bridge, Aberfoyle Country Club | Record |
Convolvulaceae | Ipomoea wightii var. wightii | Nyamkombe River Bridge, Aberfoyle Country Club | Record |
Euphorbiaceae | Macaranga capensis | Pungwe River Bridge, Honde Valley | Record (with image) |
Fabaceae subfamily Mimosoideae | Newtonia buchananii | Aberfoyle Country Club, Honde Valley | Record (with image) |
Orchidaceae | Polystachya albescens subsp. imbricata | Below base of Mtarazi Falls, Gatsi Comm. Area. | Record (with image) |
Myrtaceae | Psidium guajava | Gatsi CL, Honde Valley | Record |
Clusiaceae | Psorospermum febrifugum | Gatsi CL, Honde Valley | Record (with image) |
Dipsacaceae | Scabiosa columbaria | Gatsi CL, Honde Valley | Record (with image) |
Thymelaeaceae | Synaptolepis alternifolia | Gatsi Communal Area, Honde Valley | Record (with image) |
Number of records found: 21
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