Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Date search results

Results for date: 23 Aug 2004

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Family name Species nameLocationLink to record
AsphodelaceaeAloe excelsa var. excelsa (possibly planted)Vumba Botanic GardensRecord (with image)
RubiaceaeAnthospermum herbaceum Vumba Botanic GardensRecord (with image)
AsparagaceaeAsparagus falcatus var. falcatus Path towards Bot GdnsRecord
PoaceaeBriza minor Vumba Botanic GardenRecord (with image)
BrassicaceaeCardamine flexuosa Vumba Botanic gardenRecord (with image)
CaryophyllaceaeCerastium glomeratum Vumba Botanic GardenRecord
CombretaceaeCombretum platypetalum subsp. oatesii By Mutare - Harare rd nr HeadlandsRecord
AsteraceaeCrassocephalum crepidioides Vumba Botanic GardenRecord
AsteraceaeErigeron sumatrensis By rd to Vumba Botanic gardenRecord
AsteraceaeEschenbachia gouanii Car park, Vumba Botanic GardenRecord (with image)
AsteraceaeFelicia muricata subsp. muricata Mutare to Harare rd, nr HeadlandsRecord
ZingiberaceaeHedychium gardnerianum Vumba Botanic GardenRecord (with image)
AsteraceaeHelichrysum asperum Vumba Botanic GardensRecord (with image)
ApiaceaeHydrocotyle mannii Vumba Botanic GardenRecord
RubiaceaeOldenlandia affinis var. fugax Carpark, Vumba Botanic GardensRecord (with image)
RubiaceaeOldenlandia goreensis var. goreensis Vumba Botanic GardenRecord (with image)
AsteraceaeOsteospermum monocephalum Headlands by Harare / Mutare RdRecord (with image)
SantalaceaeOsyridicarpos schimperianus Vumba Botanic GardenRecord (with image)
Malvaceae subfamily MalvoideaePavonia urens By road within Vumba Botanic GardenRecord (with image)
RubiaceaePsychotria mahonii By road in Vumba Botanic GardensRecord (with image)
PlantaginaceaeVeronica javanica Vumba Botanic GardensRecord (with image)
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeVigna antunesii By Mutare - Harare rd nr HeadlandsRecord

Number of records found: 22

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-24

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2024). Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Date search results.
https://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/utilities/utility-date-query-get.php?year_search=2004&month_search=Aug&day_search=23, retrieved 4 December 2024

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