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Family name | Species name | Location | Link to record |
Lamiaceae | Aeollanthus rehmannii | Val D'Or | Record (with image) |
Rubiaceae | Anthospermum ternatum subsp. randii | Val D'Or | Record (with image) |
Iridaceae | Babiana bainesii | Val D'Or | Record (with image) |
Fabaceae subfamily Caesalpinioideae | Brachystegia spiciformis | Val D'Or | Record |
Asteraceae | Crassocephalum rubens var. rubens | Val D'Or | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Crotalaria alexandri | Val D'Or | Record (with image) |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Crotalaria anthyllopsis | Val D'Or | Record (with image) |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Crotalaria cephalotes | Val D'Or | Record |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Crotalaria filicaulis var. filicaulis | Val D'Or | Record (with image) |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Crotalaria ochroleuca | Val D'Or | Record (with image) |
Ebenaceae | Diospyros lycioides subsp. sericea | Val D'Or | Record (with image) |
Asteraceae | Emilia abyssinica var. abyssinica | Val D'Or | Record (with image) |
Poaceae | Eragrostis patens | Val D'Or | Record (with image) |
Moraceae | Ficus burkei | Val D'Or | Record (with image) |
Asteraceae | Geigeria schinzii subsp. rhodesiana | Val D'Or, Arcturus, Goromonzi | Record (with image) |
Amaranthaceae | Guilleminea densa | Val D'Or | Record |
Celastraceae | Gymnosporia senegalensis | Val D'Or | Record (with image) |
Asteraceae | Helianthus annuus | Val D'Or | Record |
Asteraceae | Helichrysum cephaloideum | Val D'Or | Record |
Asteraceae | Hirpicium gracile | Val D'Or | Record |
Poaceae | Melinis repens subsp. repens | Val D'Or | Record (with image) |
Commelinaceae | Murdannia simplex | Val D'Or | Record |
Orobanchaceae | Orobanche minor | Val D'Or, Goromozi | Record (with image) |
Cactaceae | Pereskia aculeata (possibly planted) | Val D'Or | Record (with image) |
Apiaceae | Pimpinella huillensis | Val D'Or | Record (with image) |
Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae | Pseudarthria hookeri var. hookeri | Val D'Or | Record (with image) |
Lamiaceae | Pycnostachys de-wildemaniana | Val D'Or | Record (with image) |
Polygalaceae | Securidaca longepedunculata | Val D'Or | Record |
Rubiaceae | Spermacoce pusilla | Val D'Or | Record (with image) |
Rubiaceae | Spermacoce subvulgata var. subvulgata | Val D'Or | Record (with image) |
Poaceae | Sporobolus molleri | Val D'Or | Record (with image) |
Combretaceae | Terminalia stenostachya | Val D'Or | Record |
Asteraceae | Vernonia petersii | Val D'Or, Goromonzi. | Record (with image) |
Campanulaceae | Wahlenbergia erecta | Val D'Or | Record (with image) |
Number of records found: 34
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