Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Date search results

Results for date: 14 Aug 2006

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Family name Species nameLocationLink to record
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeAcacia polyacantha subsp. campylacantha John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
AsteraceaeAgeratum conyzoides Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
RubiaceaeAnthospermum herbaceum Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
AsteraceaeArtemisia afra Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
AsteraceaeAthrixia rosmarinifolia var. rosmarinifolia Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
SalviniaceaeAzolla filiculoides Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
AsteraceaeBidens pilosa Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
OxalidaceaeBiophytum umbraculum Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
PhyllanthaceaeBridelia micrantha Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
CyperaceaeCarex spicato-paniculata Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
AmaranthaceaeCentemopsis gracilenta Nr cottage no. 103, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
AsteraceaeCrassocephalum rubens var. rubens Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
Fabaceae subfamily MimosoideaeDichrostachys cinerea Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
ApiaceaeDiplolophium zambesianum Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
MelastomataceaeDissotis princeps var. princeps Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
Malvaceae: Byttnerioideae, Helicteroideae & SterculioideaeDombeya rotundifolia Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
EquisetaceaeEquisetum ramosissimum subsp. ramosissimum Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
EuphorbiaceaeEuphorbia ingens Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
ProteaceaeFaurea saligna Nr cottage no. 103, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
MoraceaeFicus burkei Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
MoraceaeFicus sur Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
SalicaceaeFlacourtia indica Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
Fabaceae subfamily PapilionoideaeFlemingia grahamiana Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
AsteraceaeGalinsoga parviflora Nr cottage no. 103, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
AsteraceaeHelichrysum candolleanum Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
PoaceaeHeteropogon contortus Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
ClusiaceaeHypericum roeperianum Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
ScrophulariaceaeJamesbrittenia albobadia John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
CrassulaceaeKalanchoe lanceolata Nr Marowe Dam, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
MyrsinaceaeMaesa lanceolata Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
AsteraceaeMikania sp. Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
RubiaceaeMussaenda arcuata Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
CactaceaeOpuntia ficus-indica Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
SantalaceaeOsyris lanceolata Nr cottage no. 103, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
PoaceaePhragmites mauritianus Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
ApodanthaceaePilostyles aethiopica Nr Marowe Dam, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
PittosporaceaePittosporum viridiflorum var. viridiflorum Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
CelastraceaePleurostylia africana Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
CaryophyllaceaePolycarpaea corymbosa Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
ProteaceaeProtea welwitschii John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
MyrtaceaePsidium guajava Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
ClusiaceaePsorospermum febrifugum Nr cottage no. 103, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
AnacardiaceaeSearsia tenuinervis Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
SelaginellaceaeSelaginella dregei Nr cottage no. 103, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
ApiaceaeSteganotaenia araliacea var. araliacea Nr Marowe Dam, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
LoganiaceaeStrychnos spinosa Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
MyrtaceaeSyzygium cordatum Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
LamiaceaeTetradenia riparia Nr Marowe Dam, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
Malvaceae subfamily MalvoideaeThespesia garckeana Nr Marowe Dam, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
TyphaceaeTypha capensis Nr Marowe Dam, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
PhyllanthaceaeUapaca kirkiana var. kirkiana Nr cottage no. 103, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
AsteraceaeVernonia poskeana subsp. poskeana Nr cottage no. 103, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord
LamiaceaeVolkameria eriophylla Marowe River, John Galt Village, NyangaRecord

Number of records found: 53

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-24

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2024). Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Date search results.
https://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/utilities/utility-date-query-get.php?year_search=2006&month_search=Aug&day_search=14, retrieved 22 December 2024

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