Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Date search results

Results for date: 8 Apr 1990

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Family name Species nameLocationLink to record
PoaceaeAndropogon chinensis Whitwell Rd, Borrowdale RdRecord
PoaceaeAndropogon chinensis Helvetia Drive, BorrowdaleRecord
PoaceaeAndropogon eucomus subsp. eucomus In valley of Umwinsi River, nr Leamington RdRecord
PoaceaeAndropogon gayanus Nr Leamington RdRecord
PoaceaeAristida adscensionis Off Helvetia Rd, Borrowdale RdRecord
PoaceaeAristida barbicollis Near Leamington RdRecord
PoaceaeArundinella nepalensis Umwinsi River valley, nr Wooton RdRecord
PoaceaeCenchrus geniculatus Stream running into Umwinsi River, by Harare DriveRecord
PoaceaeChloris virgata By Leamington RdRecord
PoaceaeCleistachne sorghoides Umwinsi River, below Leamington RdRecord
PoaceaeCleistachne sorghoides By Whitwell Rd, BorrowdaleRecord
BoraginaceaeCynoglossum lanceolatum Umwinsi RiverRecord
PoaceaeDiheteropogon amplectens var. catangensis Nr Leamington RdRecord
PoaceaeEchinochloa pyramidalis Perpendicular to the Umwinsi RiverRecord
PoaceaeEleusine coracana Ridgeway North, HarareRecord
PoaceaeEragrostis japonica By Helvetia Drive, Borrowdale RdRecord
PoaceaeEragrostis patens Helvetia Drive, BorrowdaleRecord
AsteraceaeGuizotia scabra Stream at right-angles to the Umwinsi River, Greystone Park.Record
PoaceaeHyparrhenia newtonii var. macra Whitwell RdRecord
PoaceaeHyparrhenia rudis By Umwinsi River, by Wooton RdRecord
PoaceaeHyparrhenia rudis By Harare DriveRecord
PoaceaeHyparrhenia rudis Whitwell RdRecord
PoaceaeLoudetia simplex Helvetia DriveRecord
PoaceaePanicum novemnerve Nr Leamington RdRecord
PoaceaePhragmites mauritianus Umwinsi River, by Wooton RdRecord
SalicaceaePopulus × canescens Umwinsi River, Wooton Road, HarareRecord
RanunculaceaeRanunculus multifidus Road by Ballantyne ParkRecord
PoaceaeSchizachyrium jeffreysii By Helvetia DriveRecord
PoaceaeSetaria verticillata Whitwell RdRecord
PoaceaeStereochlaena cameronii Rolf Avenue, BorrowdaleRecord
PoaceaeTrachypogon spicatus Nr Leamington RdRecord
PoaceaeTrachypogon spicatus Nr Helvetia Drive, BorrowdaleRecord

Number of records found: 32

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-24

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2024). Flora of Zimbabwe: Utilities: Date search results.
https://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/utilities/utility-date-query-get.php?year_search=1990&month_search=Apr&day_search=8, retrieved 22 December 2024

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