Details of record no: 40082

Huernia levyi Oberm.

Three blocks of information are displayed on this page, namely: (a) details of the record; (b) the record point plotted using Google Maps and (c) any images attached to the record. Please scroll down to see the various items.

Record details:

Date: 1 Dec 2004
Recorder(s):BT Wursten
TM Müller
P Ballings
Determiner(s):BT Wursten
Habitat: In rock garden.
Location: Elephant Hills Hotel, Victoria Falls.
Location code(s):
Outing code:
Planted code: Not planted
Country: Zimbabwe
Quarter Degree Square: 1725D4
Grid reference:
FZ Division: W
Altitude (metres): 930
Notes: Although the photographed specimen was planted, the record is shown on the distribution map since the specimen was originally collected less than 200m away, at the time bush was cleared to establish the hotel golfcourse.
Latitude, Longitude:
Location Accuracy Code: 6

Map of species record

Records not available for display


Image: 1

Huernia levyi
Species id:146810
Image id:1
Image number:11618
Photographer: BT Wursten
Code 1 if image of a herbarium specimen:0
Herbarium in which image taken:
Code 1 if image not to be displayed:0
Image notes:Although the photographed specimen was planted, the record is shown on the distribution map since the specimen was originally collected less than 200m away, at the time bush was cleared to establish the hotel golfcourse.

Image: 2

Huernia levyi
Species id:146810
Image id:2
Image number:11619
Photographer: BT Wursten
Code 1 if image of a herbarium specimen:0
Herbarium in which image taken:
Code 1 if image not to be displayed:0
Image notes:Although the photographed specimen was planted, the record is shown on the distribution map since the specimen was originally collected less than 200m away, at the time bush was cleared to establish the hotel golfcourse.

Image: 3

Huernia levyi
Species id:146810
Image id:3
Image number:11620
Photographer: BT Wursten
Code 1 if image of a herbarium specimen:0
Herbarium in which image taken:
Code 1 if image not to be displayed:0
Image notes:Although the photographed specimen was planted, the record is shown on the distribution map since the specimen was originally collected less than 200m away, at the time bush was cleared to establish the hotel golfcourse.

Image: 4

Huernia levyi
Species id:146810
Image id:4
Image number:11621
Photographer: BT Wursten
Code 1 if image of a herbarium specimen:0
Herbarium in which image taken:
Code 1 if image not to be displayed:0
Image notes:Although the photographed specimen was planted, the record is shown on the distribution map since the specimen was originally collected less than 200m away, at the time bush was cleared to establish the hotel golfcourse.

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Zimbabwe: Individual record no: 40082: Huernia levyi., retrieved 11 March 2025

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