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1 | Tepals very dissimilar in form | 2 |
1 | Tepals all similar in form, subequal or the inner two slightly shorter | 3 |
2 | Abaxial tepals very long-awned (the awn c.1/3 of the total tepal length), with tufts of minutely barbed hairs near the basal angles; adaxial tepal strongly minutely dentate | Alternanthera pungens |
2 | Abaxial tepals only shortly awned (the awn less than 1/4 of the total tepal length), with minutely barbed hairs in the basal half or more; adaxial tepal almost entire | Alternanthera caracasana |
3 | Ripe fruit yellowish with swollen margins on each side of the seed, only about half the length of the usually 3-4 mm tepals | Alternanthera nodiflora |
3 | Ripe fruit dark, thin-margined with only a narrow yellowish rim, almost as long to sometimes exceeding the 1.5-2.5 mm tepals | Alternanthera sessilis |
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