Eriocaulon abyssinicum Hochst.

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All records: View Zimbabwe records only

Records of this taxon from all countries are shown in the table below. Cases where the taxon is native, naturalised, possibly planted or definitely planted are all listed.

Click on a column heading to sort the entries in that column or re-sort results by: record number, altitude, date, QDS

Record number    No of images    Record date    Recorder(s)    Coll.    Det.    Conf.    Herbaria    Habitat    Location    Loc code(s)    Outing code    Planted code    Country    QDS    Grid ref.    FZ Div    Alt. (m)    Notes    Lat    Long    Loc Acc Code   
278012No dateBT Wursten
Danger Point, Victoria Falls National Park240Zimbabwe1725D4 W9800
779130 Jun 2010MP Kennedy
S Varandas Martins
J Tapia Grimaldo
MP Kennedy
S Varandas Martins
J Tapia Grimaldo
luon0110 - S112
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
River channelLuongo (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)0Zambia1028D2 N1155Species present in 20% of sample points.-10.70964028.8509406
779140 Jun 2011MP Kennedy
MP Kennedy
mash0111 - S187
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
River channelMansha (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)0Zambia1131B1 N1430Species present in 40% of sample points.-11.16944031.6002506
779150 May 2012MP Kennedy
MP Kennedy
unna0112 - S226
MP Kennedy
KJ Murphy
River channelUnnamed (FEOW: Bangweulu-Mweru)0Zambia1028D3 N1195Species present in 20% of sample points.-10.93022028.7357806
79567120 Jan 2008MG Bingham
MG Bingham
Lusaka National Park 0Zambia C00
7956819 May 1993MG Bingham
MG Bingham
SM Phillips


Silt over limestone. Kafue District, Lusaka WNW 14km, Yieldingtree Farm. 0Zambia1528A3 C1200-15.36666628.1166674
97946024 Apr 1948H Wild
H Wild


Mukuvisi River, Harare1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C0Cited in FZ 13(4)0

Total records found: 7

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-25

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2025). Flora of Zimbabwe: Species information: Records of: Eriocaulon abyssinicum., retrieved 14 March 2025

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