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Records of this taxon from all countries are shown in the table below. Cases where the taxon is native, naturalised, possibly planted or definitely planted are all listed.
Record number | No of images | Record date | Recorder(s) | Coll. | Det. | Conf. | Herbaria | Habitat | Location | Loc code(s) | Outing code | Planted code | Country | QDS | Grid ref. | FZ Div | Alt. (m) | Notes | Lat | Long | Loc Acc Code |
70963 | 0 | No date | Mount Mulanje | 179 | 0 | Malawi | 1535D3 | S | 0 | Checklist 6 | 0 | ||||||||||
74009 | 0 | 16 Nov 2015 | A Banze | A Banze 361 | J Osborne | K LMA | Near waterfall. | Chimanimani, Maronga, Madzireni, Mudzira forest, Murere river. | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 338 | Herb 30 to 50 cm tall, serrated leaves, purple inflorescence. | -19.948667 | 33.094500 | 6 | ||||
24874 | 3 | 19 Aug 2007 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten P Ballings PB841 | BT Wursten | LMU | Rocky forest margin at waterfall | Morumbodzi Falls, Mt Gorongosa | 4,71 | 0 | Mozambique | 1834A3 | MS | 815 | -18.483517 | 34.042733 | 7 | ||||
122135 | 0 | 8 Jun 2023 | MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave L Weber | MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave L Weber | Edge of river | By golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge | 73 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1832B4 | E | 821 | -18.293320 | 32.967627 | 7 | ||||||
32849 | 0 | 19 Sep 2010 | WR Clarke | Close to Aberfoyle Lodge | 73 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1832B4 | E | 830 | -18.294550 | 32.968360 | 6 | ||||||||
115519 | 0 | 9 Aug 2021 | BT Wursten P Ballings F Andicene MA Rodrigues | BT Wursten P Ballings PB3189 | BT Wursten | BR LMA EOWBL | On rocks in spray of waterfall | Morumbodze Falls. lower slopes Mt Gorongosa | 4,71 | 0 | Mozambique | 1834A3 | MS | 858 | -18.483370 | 34.043190 | 7 | ||||
107176 | 0 | 29 Nov 2019 | BT Wursten P Ballings JM Machinga | BT Wursten | Open rocky miombo woodland on quartzite sandstone | Along road from Nhabawa to Chikukwa, Chimanimani National Reserve | 168 | 0 | Mozambique | 1932D2 | MS | 976 | -19.714970 | 32.983040 | 7 | ||||||
72396 | 4 | 25 Dec 2010 | BT Wursten P Ballings | Scrambling over rocks near pool by waterfall waterfall | Tessa's Pool, Chimanimani | 66 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1932D4 | E | 1106 | -19.767060 | 32.984420 | 7 | |||||||
65017 | 1 | 25 Oct 2014 | BT Wursten A Mapaura | BT Wursten | In shelter of wet rocks on vertical river bank by waterfall. | At waterfall in Muvumodzi River close to junction with Mucandue River, eastern Chimanimani Mts. | 168 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C3 | MS | 1116 | -19.816413 | 33.153164 | 7 | ||||||
23845 | 0 | 14 Aug 1999 | MA Hyde | Wet valley alongside stream | Up hill opposite turnoff to Cascades, Vumba | 63,156 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1932B2 | VP763919 | E | 1200 | 0 | ||||||||
41631 | 1 | 30 Apr 2007 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten P Ballings PB1052 | BT Wursten | BR | On a streambank with Cyathea dregei | Small stream in upper Jizira Valley, Mt Gorongosa | 4 | 0 | Mozambique | 1834A3 | MS | 1440 | Very narrow-leaved form | -18.425208 | 34.068319 | 7 | |||
52954 | 1 | 14 May 2011 | BT Wursten S Dondeyne | BT Wursten | In small patch of riverine forest by stream | Along path to Mt Pheza, Chimanimani Mts | 168 | 0 | Mozambique | 1933C1 | MS | 1450 | -19.744256 | 33.018719 | 7 | ||||||
4022 | 0 | 22 Oct 2005 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Forest edge | Vumba Botanic Garden, upper rd | 27,63,156 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1932B2 | VP767867 | E | 1570 | 0 | ||||||||
3568 | 0 | 17 Oct 2005 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Roadside (forest edge) | Cloudlands | 29,63,156 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1932B1 | VP713914 | E | 1600 | 0 | ||||||||
35470 | 0 | 1 Aug 2004 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten P Ballings PB247 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BR | At forest margin | Gwasha, Chinyakwaremba | 20,63,156 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1932B2 | E | 1600 | -19.124420 | 32.788600 | 6 | ||||
34498 | 0 | 5 Jan 2011 | BT Wursten P Ballings | Roadside margin in montane evergreen forest | John Meikle Forestry Estate, Stapleford | 156,210 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1832D2 | E | 1612 | -18.724810 | 32.835920 | 7 | |||||||
7457 | 0 | 24 Sep 2006 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | In clearing near small dam | Small dam in forest off the Woodland Rd, Vumba | 63,156 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1932B2 | VP757864 | E | 1640 | 0 | ||||||||
119410 | 0 | 13 Dec 2018 | BT Wursten P Ballings | BT Wursten | Along track in montane evergreen forest on steep slope. | Track to John Meikle Forestry Research Station. | 210 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1832D2 | E | 1655 | -18.729520 | 32.830770 | 7 | ||||||
7374 | 0 | 23 Sep 2006 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Primary submontane evergreen forest | Ndundu Lodge: on trail 1 | 10,63,156 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1932B2 | VP763866 | E | 1660 | 0 | ||||||||
482 | 2 | 14 Aug 2003 | BT Wursten | Edge of secondary forest under large Gum tree (Eucalyptus grandis), half shade | Ndundu Lodge, Vumba | 10,63,156 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1932B2 | VP764864 | E | 1660 | -19.118310 | 32.775310 | 6 | ||||||
7552 | 0 | 25 Sep 2006 | MA Hyde BT Wursten | Forest understorey | Forest, 'The Gwasha', Chinyakwaremba, Vumba | 20,63,156 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1932B2 | VP774855 | E | 1670 | 0 | ||||||||
80007 | 0 | 16 Nov 2013 | MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave TM Müller | MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave TM Müller | Forest | Bunga Forest | 39,63 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1932B2 | E | 1700 | -19.113990 | 32.763730 | 7 | ||||||
108890 | 0 | 7 Mar 2007 | JE Burrows SM Burrows | JE Burrows SM Burrows 9957 | JE Burrows | BNRH | Summit (below Gogogo Peak), Mount Gorongosa. | 0 | Mozambique | 1834A3 | MS | 1700 | Shrub to 2.5 m tall in montane grassland. | 2 | |||||||
47530 | 0 | 17 Apr 2012 | MA Hyde M Coates Palgrave J Meikle | Scrub in forest clearing and forest edge | On Mozambique side of border near Penhalonga | 0 | Mozambique | 1832D3 | MS | 1730 | -18.824990 | 32.724240 | 7 | ||||||||
57168 | 0 | 16 Jan 2014 | BT Wursten P Ballings T Thomsen F Thomsen | Rocky riverine vegetation | Mt Chinaka, Juliasdale | 163 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1832B3 | E | 1892 | -18.367610 | 32.647487 | 7 | |||||||
6792 | 0 | 13 Aug 2006 | MA Hyde | By a stream, in shade | N slopes of Chinaka, nr Juliasdale | 163 | 0 | Zimbabwe | 1832B3 | VQ627694 | E | 1900 | 0 |
Total records found: 26
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