Dyschoriste nagchana (Nees) Bennet

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Zimbabwe records: View all records (30)

Records of this taxon from Zimbabwe are shown in the table below. Cases where the taxon is native, naturalised, possibly planted or definitely planted are all listed.

Click on a column heading to sort the entries in that column or re-sort results by: record number, altitude, date, QDS

Record number No of images Record date Recorder(s) Coll. Det. Conf. Herbaria Habitat Location Loc code(s) Outing code Planted code Country QDS Grid ref. FZ Div Alt. (m) Notes Lat Long Loc Acc Code
31993326 Aug 2005BT Wursten
Along the path inside the Victoria Falls rainforest240Zimbabwe1725D4 W885-17.92411125.8499750
101398019 Apr 2019MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
MA Hyde
Roadside vergeNear the dam wall, Mazowe Dam0Zimbabwe1730D2 N1243-17.52171330.9877897
57028014 Jan 2014BT Wursten
P Ballings
Disturbed roadside vergeKomani Aeronautical Club, Harare0Zimbabwe1730D2 C1478-17.69969030.9870307
50059025 Dec 2012MA Hyde
BT Wursten
P Ballings
Weed near chalets in riverine forestHippo Pools, by Mazowe River680Zimbabwe1731B2 N750-17.07076031.8698707
100639017 Mar 2019MA Hyde
MA Hyde
Roadside vergeBetween Dandaro and Borrowdale Road1,8,2290Zimbabwe1731C3 C1532-17.78304231.0783787
22825012 Aug 1988MA Hyde
RB Drummond
Roadside vergeQuendon Road, Mabelreign10Zimbabwe1731C3 TR894312C0Flowers blue -17.79962031.0129106
84783023 Sep 2017MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
MA Hyde
Disturbed bare groundBlue Kerry, Harare1,2340Zimbabwe1731C3 C1526-17.77897731.1040327
10195501 May 2019MA Hyde
MA Hyde
LawnSmall park opposite Gateway School, Harare10Zimbabwe1731C3 C1503-17.76905931.0275557
12500207 Apr 2024MA Hyde
M Toet
MA Hyde
Disturbed ground in and near lawnFairways Homes, Eastlea, Harare10Zimbabwe1731C3 C1481Hedge extending for 70 m to the SE of this point.-17.82743731.0658447
9766301 Sep 2018MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
T Alegria
MA Hyde
Weedy area where pipe is leakingNational Botanic Gardens1,210Zimbabwe1731C3 C1518-17.79981931.0529927
112519014 Jun 2020MA Hyde
MA Hyde
Damp disturbed groundCorner Falmouth and Churchill Avenue, Old Alexandra Park10Zimbabwe1731C3 C1518-17.79060631.0592257
118920031 Dec 2022MA Hyde
IC Riddell
MA Hyde
Shady riverine woodlandChiraura River, Mukuvisi Woodland1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 C1482-17.84547731.0814617
107683018 Jan 2020MA Hyde
MA Hyde
Disturbed ground in gardenMustard Seed, 27, Ridgeway South, Harare10Zimbabwe1731C3 C1534-17.79772531.1064316
119471018 Feb 2023MA Hyde
MA Hyde
Roadside vergeOutside Dandaro1,8,2290Zimbabwe1731C3 C1533-17.78162531.0805206
57007014 Jan 2014BT Wursten
P Ballings
Weed in lawnNorthern Gardens, Shaneragh rd, Mandara, Harare10Zimbabwe1731C3 C1544-17.79623031.1435507
98999025 Nov 2018MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
MA Hyde
Open partially disturbed groundBallantyne Park, Harare1,2280Zimbabwe1731C3 C1520-17.77210931.1004447
97218023 Jun 2018MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
T Alegria
A Sinclair
MA Hyde
In gardenBridgeways Complex, Harare10Zimbabwe1731C3 C1489-17.79314131.0397467
97478025 Aug 2018MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
T Alegria
MA Hyde
In shade of casuarinasHarare Gardens10Zimbabwe1731C3 C1483-17.82409831.0476107
216112 May 2004MA Hyde
BT Wursten
In shade of treesMukuvisi Woodland1,20Zimbabwe1731C3 TR975272C1490-17.83652031.0889106
73459025 Jun 2016MA Hyde
DB Hartung
T Alegria
MA Hyde
RoadsideUniversity of Zimbabwe grounds10Zimbabwe1731C3 C1501-17.78671931.0499937
12517607 May 2024MA Hyde
T Alegria
J Van Bel
MA Hyde
Roadside vergeWillowmead Lane, Rolf Valley, Harare10Zimbabwe1731C3 C1500-17.76730331.1108997
120060024 Mar 2023MA Hyde
J Francis
MA Hyde
In garden2, Kudu Close, Colne Valley, Harare10Zimbabwe1731C3 C1515-17.78583331.1028836
33935030 Dec 2010BT Wursten
P Ballings
GardenAberfoyle, Honde Valley730Zimbabwe1832B4 E840-18.29415032.9690407
12210408 Jun 2023MA Hyde
M Coates Palgrave
L Weber
MA Hyde
In lawn of golf courseBy golf course, Aberfoyle Lodge730Zimbabwe1832B4 E825-18.29326332.9666787
33058321 Dec 2010BT Wursten
P Ballings
Weed in lawnHotel La Rochelle74,1560Zimbabwe1832D3 E1206Forming extensive prostrate carpets-18.90655032.6911607
3751105 Jan 2012MA Hyde
BT Wursten
P Ballings
Weed in lawnaCassiobury Park, Mutare0Zimbabwe1832D3 E1160-18.95846032.6724207
119217010 Dec 2018BT Wursten
P Ballings
BT Wursten
In shaded disturbed groundLa Rochelle Botanic Garden.740Zimbabwe1832D3 E1204iNaturalist record-18.90642032.6923406
123030022 Sep 2023MA Hyde
T Alegria
MA Hyde
In garden (open exotic woodland)Vumba Botanic Gardens27,632Zimbabwe1932B2 E1543-19.11495632.7815027
37539125 Dec 2011MA Hyde
BT Wursten
P Ballings
In disturbed forest clearingNear Chalet 2, Chirinda Forest60Zimbabwe2032B3 E1150In flower-20.40959032.6997307

Total records found: 29

Copyright: Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten, Petra Ballings and Meg Coates Palgrave, 2002-24

Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T., Ballings, P. & Coates Palgrave, M. (2024). Flora of Zimbabwe: Species information: Records of: Dyschoriste nagchana.
https://www.zimbabweflora.co.zw/speciesdata/species-display.php?species_id=153270, retrieved 27 December 2024

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