Dioecious unarmed tree with stellate hairs. Leaves simple, petiolate. Flowers unisexual. Male flowers in axillary inflorescences; female flowers usually solitary in axils. Sepals 5, ± free to base. Petals 5, free with a fleshy scale on the inside. Male flowers: stamens 8-10. Female flowers: ovary 1-locular; ovules numerous; styles 2-5. Fruit a 2-5-valved spherical capsule. Comment: The placing of this genus in Achariaceae is highly provisional. It was formerly part of the now defunct family Flacourtiaceae but its true relationships with other genera from that family are still unclear. It has, at times, even been tentatively put in its own monogeneric family (Kiggelariaceae). Worldwide: 1 species in tropical and South Africa Zimbabwe: 1 taxon. |