Perennial herb, sometimes climbing
or scrambling. Tubers L-shaped, the new growth from the tips of one or both lobes. Leaves cauline, ovate, alternate, less often opposite or whorled, sessile; apex attenuate into a recurved tendril. Flowers in upper part of stem on long pedicels. Perianth of 6 free, equal, ovate-acuminate, yellow
to red or variously bicoloured, reflexed segments; margin sinuate or not. Filaments spreading. Ovary 3-locular with numerous ovules; style filiform, bent sharply outwards at base with 3 short arms. Capsule ovoid or cylindric, 3-valved, septicidally dehiscent. Seeds
spherical, bright red. Comment: In a recent thesis the genus Gloriosa was revised (Maroyi, 2012). The species G. superba L. was split up into various species with at least 3 occurring in Zimbabwe. These new concepts, however, do appear to be controversial and are not yet universally accepted. In the forthcoming volume of Colchicaceae for Flore d'Afrique Centrale (Geerinck, in prep.) it is argued that many of the distinguishing characters can be explained by ecological or environmental factors and are not consistent. Most of the newly described taxa, particularly those of relevance for Zimbabwe are not used and placed into synonym. Until more is known we follow this concept and remain to use G. superba as the accepted name for all Zimbabwean material. Worldwide: c. 3 species in tropical Africa and Asia Zimbabwe: 1 taxon. |