Perennial herbs arising from a
subterranean tuber. Stems usually twining rarely erect. Leaves alternate. Flowers in racemes, zygomorphic. Calyx 5-lobed. Corolla either split to the base into 2 lips, the upper 3-lobed, the lower with 2 free petals
or all petals united into a tube with a 5-lobed limb. Stamens 5;
anthers free. Ovary 2-locular. Style shorter than
stamens, obliquely clavate, crowned by hairs. Capsule 2-locular,
dehiscing by 2 apical, usually 2-fid, valves. Seeds numerous. Derivation of name: Kyphos (Gr.) = bent, referring to the shape of the style and stigma. (Clarke, Charters & Moll-Ed., 91, 2016). Worldwide: 50 species in Africa (mainly southern) and Cape Verde Islands Zimbabwe: 3 taxa. |