1 | Climbing shrubs; stems dark, densely lenticellate; leaves ovate or elliptic, acute or ± blunt, 1-4.5(-6.3) × 0.6-2.5(-3.3) cm with thickened margins; calyx tube glabrous; corolla an entire or lobed ring | Synaptolepis |
1 | Erect herbs, shrubs or trees | 2 |
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2 | Trees to 15 m, or if sometimes shrubby or subshrubby then leaves wider, 1.5-6 cm wide | 3 |
2 | Herbs, shrubs or subshrubs, often ± ericoid and leaves only rarely up to 2(-3.2) cm wide | 6 |
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3 | Calyx tube glabrous | 4 |
3 | Calyx tube pubescent to woolly | 6 |
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4 | Flowers in terminal pedunculate umbels, the pedicels without bracts or bracteoles; trees or shrubs 3-10 m; calyx tube wider, 1.5-3.5 mm wide | Peddiea |
4 | Flowers in axillary (1-)2-4-flowered fascicles, several-flowered cymes or solitary, or if appearing terminal and subumbellate then calyx tube slender | Synaptolepis |
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5 | Flowers pinkish; leaves up to 6 cm wide | Dais |
5 | Flowers yellow; leaves up to 2(-3.2) cm wide | Gnidia |
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6 | Ericoid shrub with spiciform inflorescences of numerous solitary or paired axillary flowers along upper part of branches; calyx tube glabrous; stamens as many as the calyx lobes | Struthiola |
6 | Inflorescences not as above, often bracteate heads; calyx tube glabrous to woolly; stamens twice as many as the calyx lobes | 7 |
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7 | Calyx tube inflated at the base, 3-5 mm, not articulated; ericoid shrub with crowded leaves c. 4 mm and numerous 4-flowered clusters terminating short apical branchlets | Passerina |
7 | Calyx tube not inflated at the base, usually longer, mostly articulated; ericoid or not; flowers mostly numerous in bracteate heads | Gnidia |
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