Home | > | List of families | > | Myrsinaceae | > | Maesa | > | lanceolata |
Synonyms: |
Baeobotrys lanceolata (Forssk.) Vahl Maesa angolensis Gilg Maesa mildbraedii Gilg & Schellenb. Maesa rufescens A. DC. |
Common names: | False assegai (English) Mudovatova (Shona) Musungwa (Shona) Mutendekwani (Shona) |
Frequency: | Common in the higher rainfall areas |
Status: | Native |
Description: |
Evergreen shrub or much-branched small tree, 2-10 m. Leaves: petiole 1.5-3 cm; lamina 6-17 cm, ranging from lanceolate to broadly elliptic, glabrous or pubescent especially on the nerves; margin slightly revolute, very shallowly to distinctly serrate. Inflorescence of axillary panicles, usually shorter than the leaves. Corolla 1.5-1.8 mm, pale yellow or whitish, scented. Anthers 0.4-0.7 mm. Stigma truncate, ± lobed. Fruit 3-4 mm in diameter, greenish to pale pink. Seeds blackish, angular. |
Type location: |
Yemen |
Notes: | The status of this record from the Central Division is discussed in Note 1. |
Derivation of specific name: | lanceolata: lance-shaped; lanceolate |
Habitat: | At the margins of forest, occasionally in montane grassland. |
Altitude range: (metres) | 980 - 2000 m |
Flowering time: | Nov - Aug |
Worldwide distribution: | Widespread in tropical Africa and Southern Africa, extending into Arabia. |
National distribution: | N,C,E,S |
Growth form(s): | Tree, shrub over 2 m. |
Endemic status: | |
Red data list status: | |
Insects associated with this species: | |
Spot characters: | Display spot characters for this species |
Images last updated: | Sunday 25 February 2007 |
Literature: |
Burrows, J.E. & Willis, C.K. (eds) (2005). Plants of the Nyika Plateau Southern African Botanical Diversity Network Report No. 31 SABONET, Pretoria Page 216. (Includes a picture). Burrows, J.E., Burrows, S.M., Lötter, M.C. & Schmidt, E. (2018). Trees and Shrubs Mozambique Publishing Print Matters (Pty), Cape Town. Page 733. (Includes a picture). Chapano, C. & Mamuto, M. (2003). Plants of the Chimanimani District National Herbarium and Botanic Garden, Zimbabwe Page 38. Coates Palgrave, K. (revised and updated by Meg Coates Palgrave) (2002). Trees of Southern Africa 3rd edition. Struik, South Africa Page 866. (Includes a picture). Da Silva, M.C., Izidine, S. & Amude, A.B. (2004). A preliminary checklist of the vascular plants of Mozambique. Southern African Botanical Diversity Network Report No. 30 Sabonet, Pretoria Page 82. in Maesaceae Dowsett-Lemaire, F. (1989). The flora and phytogeography of the evergreen forests of Malawi. I: Afromontane and mid-altitude forests; Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg. 59(1/2) Page 19. As Maesa lanceolata subsp. Lanceolata Drummond, R.B. (1975). A list of trees, shrubs and woody climbers indigenous or naturalised in Rhodesia. Kirkia 10(1) Page 265. Fischer, E. & Killmann, D. (2008). Illustrated Field guide to the Plants of Nyungwe National Park Rwanda. University of Koblenz-Landau. Page 294. (Includes a picture). Kupicha, F.K. (1983). Myrsinaceae Flora Zambesiaca 7(1) Pages 199 - 201. (Includes a picture). Mapaura, A. & Timberlake, J. (eds) (2004). A checklist of Zimbabwean vascular plants Southern African Botanical Diversity Network Report No. 33 Sabonet, Pretoria and Harare Page 64. Phiri, P.S.M. (2005). A Checklist of Zambian Vascular Plants Southern African Botanical Diversity Network Report No. 32 Page 73. In Maesaceae Schmidt, E., Lötter, M. & McCleland, W. (2002). Trees and shrubs of Mpumalanga and Kruger National Park Jacana, Johannesburg, South Africa Pages 498 - 500. (Includes a picture). Steedman, E.C. (1933). Some Trees, Shrubs and Lianes of Southern Rhodesia. Pages 60 - 61. Strugnell, A.M. (2006). A Checklist of the Spermatophytes of Mount Mulanje, Malawi Scripta Botanica Belgica 34 National Botanic Garden of Belgium Page 126. Timberlake, J.R., Bayliss, J., Dowsett-Lemaire, F., Congdon, C., Branch, B., Collins, S., Curran, M., Dowsett, R,J., Fishpool, L., Francisco, J., Harris, Kopp, M. & de Sousa, C. (2012). Mt Mabu, Mozambique: Biodiversity and Conservation Report produced under the Darwin Initiative Award 15/036. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, London Page 74. Van Wyk, B. & Van Wyk, P. (1997). Field Guide to Trees of Southern Africa. Struik, South Africa Pages 146 - 147. (Includes a picture). Van Wyk, B. & Van Wyk, P. (2013). Field Guide to Trees of Southern Africa (Second edition) Struik, South Africa Pages 166 - 167. (Includes a picture). White, F., Dowsett-Lemaire, F. & Chapman, J.D. (2001). Evergreen forest flora of Malawi Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Pages 405 - 406. (Includes a picture). Wursten, B., Timberlake, J. & Darbyshire, I. (2017). The Chimanimani Mountains: an updated checklist. Kirkia 19(1) Page 96. |
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